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WAS 14 days AF.....

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    WAS 14 days AF.....

    Then I let a situation get to me. Did not over-imbibe, had a few beers one evening, then the next night had some wine - not alot, but still had some. I have been so stressed for about 2 months... My ex husband died in April of espophageal cancer (he was an alcoholic and crack addict) and left our girls some inheritance. (I am blissfully remarried thank God!) His family is (and always has been) horrible and is now saying terrible things about me and trying to take the girls college money away. They have not even seen the girls in 7 years! People can be so horrible when it comes to money! I will not ever be able to touch it, so it is not like I can hand it over to them (like I would!). That is no excuse to drink though. I know that. I guess I am kind of struggling. I ordered the Kudzu and need to start walking again. Those 14 days I felt so good. Why the hell would I want to put poison back into my bod again? I am so annoyed with myself. I will try again. I actually had no cravings or withdraals or anything during that 14 day period, so at least I know that I was not in dire straights. I just want to feel better. I may moderate, but I am not too sure about that. Sigh. Just wanted to publicly confess.
    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:

    WAS 14 days AF.....

    I was wondering where you went. Hang in there!!! That nasty family can't take your girl's college money away, can they??? Isi it tied into an education fund or something? Oh, how awful!!! Just check to make sure, because it is amazing what some evil lawyers can finaggle!!!! Maybe make sure you have a lawyer on your side to be safe, ok?? And no guilties!!!! (I like to waggle my finger at people). Just set another goal for yourself, even if it is ODAT! Sounds like you didn't get plastered or anything, so you are just fine! Brush yourself off, and carry on!
    xoxox Peanut


      WAS 14 days AF.....

      I think it is awesome that you went 14 days in the first place! I hope you feel proud of that accomplishment and can focus on it rather than a very small slip. Good luck getting back on that big sober horse!


        WAS 14 days AF.....

        Thanks so much for the cool replies. I have a lawyer - had him for 10 years - I had him for my divorce, then when my now-husband adopted my this...he is aware of all their shenanigans and is ready for a fight. I am sure everything will be fine - they really have no legal recourse - they just want what they want like always. The almighty dollar. I swear, that family puts the "fun" in They make my family look normal...and that is amazing

        HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!
        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


          WAS 14 days AF.....

          WOW...14 days is sooo good.If you can do that once,you can surely do it again.When you fall there is only one thing to do.Pick yourself up and TRY TRY AGAIN....
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            WAS 14 days AF.....

            KBCE, I too crashed and burned at 14 days, a couple of days ago, but I am back on track. Feeling a bit of the witching hour here at 5 pm on a Friday, but I may go out and get some AF beer (I bought the real stuff earlier for hubby, so fridge is full...) Sorry your ex's family are such putty-butts. My husband's ex and her ilk are a piece of work. Anyhow, we're dusitng ourselves off and I do plan to moderate, but not for another couple of weeks. Take care and thanks for sharing. Seems like that halfway point is a tough one for many of us!


              WAS 14 days AF.....

              KBCE.....well, if it will make you feel better about your slip.......I went 13 years and when I came here about 2 weeks ago I was so sure that I could do it again.....................Failed, and now I have to start over again! Best of Luck to you and to anyone who feels that it can't be done. My problem was that the 13 years was definitely 13 years of a Dry Drunk! (Same miserable moods of the drunk without the booze!!)..........This time I will definitely have to do something to take hold of this freakin' disease...I'm not getting any younger. Good Luck to you!!:nicemeeting:


                WAS 14 days AF.....

                Hi KCBE

                Nice to hear from you - sounds like you've been having a really hard time - exes can be an absolute pain and extremely hard to deal with - just be strong - like you say you've got a brilliant husband now and that's what matters - 14 days was terrific - I'm on day 22 now and I'm going for the 30 although - I've been doing a lot of thinking this weekend about how I want to take this forward in the future - I think this site has made the difference - NEVER EVER before have I done something about just seeing if I could stop without being scared witless - hang on to this site and use it for all its worth . . . . smashing to hear from you
                Short term goal 7 days AF


                  WAS 14 days AF.....

                  New to Community

                  God don't make no mistakes.

                  I am a recovering addict of over 20 years. However, I started drinking about 6 years ago and have become dependent on alcohol.

                  I don't really have time to read all the post, but the few that I have read I can definitely identify with.

                  I will be logging back on later today. I am at work now, but I have a problem and hope this site helps me take the necessary steps to stop drinking.

