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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning splendid ODATers!

    Have we all been on our knees this morning? In church I mean? I don't go but that's because I am a bit of a heathen and the God stuff brings out the total cynic in me!

    I'm back with the poorly pig stories........ Went to see the adults after sorting out the holiday cottage and found Bertha (who had the babies) lying in the ark looking very unwell. Not getting up, laboured breathing, closed eyes, laying in her own poo. Vet was called and we had to roll the arc off her as she wouldn't get up. She soon got up when he went to take her temperature though!! :H Turned out she was showing a high one (we hadn't actually taken it ourselves, her ears were hot enough to indicate she had a temperature!) so infection diagnosed and two big jabs of long lasing antibiotics presribed. The first one mostly went in before she shot across the yard with the syringe still stuck in her neck! The second took several goes with me jamming a bucket over her head and the vet and my husband chasing her round trying to get the full dose in!! Reminded me of something out of James Herriott (does that translate across the Pond??)

    The vet suggested that the infection could have come from the sexual attentions of the boar - he's not given her the pox or anything but let's just say that personal hygiene doesn't feature in a boar's daily list of activities!!! :disgusting: I'll leave you with that thought. Matthen will almost certainly have something to say!!

    ODAT - all for one and for all!!

    Bessie xx
    (Who went to a beer festival last night and only drank juice!)

    ODAT - Sunday

    Feel better "poorly pig" : )

    [ame= ]YouTube - Babe - The best scene! Farmer sings to babe.[/ame]
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson


      ODAT - Sunday

      Rolls eyes!!

      I can't watch that film without crying buckets! Doesn't stop me enjoying my sausages and roast pork though!!!


        ODAT - Sunday

        Hi ODATers

        Bessie - you should write a book! Poor piggie.... but today we are looking forward to a very large joint of Berkshire pork from our neighbours so the Babe thing - I can relate!

        Strange weekend so far - didn't start well with my order for evening primrose oil being delivered Sat morning (need industrial size packs as me and the daughter need them.... say no more) and it wasn't EPO but Valerian which I think sends you to sleep??? I suppose that could solve the PMT problems as well but wouldn't allow us to be terribly productive would it:H

        Still it is at least dry here today so will make the most of Sunday and be back on tomorrow.

        B x


          ODAT - Sunday

          Hi, sorry to intrude here what can I ask what is an ODAT?


            ODAT - Sunday

            Nia70 - ODAT is One Day At a Time (so I spose is should really be ODAAT!) Some of find it really helps just to take it like that -ODAT rather than setting a big goal. Even if you have got a big goal, say 30 days, it sometimes helps to break it down into one day at a time.

            Hope that helps and hope to see you on here again. It's not always about poorly pigs but I start it a lot and seem to get a lot of pig problems atm!! LOL!

            Bessie xx


              ODAT - Sunday

              Ah that makes a lot of sense now, guess I am one too then as I dont know where Im going with this I just know I dont want to drink today and hopefully not tomorrow either.

              I love pigs, very intelligent animals.


                ODAT - Sunday

                Bessie my Dear,Hope PIGGY is feeling better....What ever happened to the old reruns James Harriots shows,ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL???They used to always be on PBS,I think...Saw them over and over and never got tired of them....Evie
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  ODAT - Sunday

                  Morning all, well afternoon really. Well done you Bessie for going to festival and only drinking juice, massive achievement. Decided not to do much at all today, so here I am reading through posts I have missed. Wishing you all a great Sunday.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    ODAT - Sunday

                    Good Morning too! What we eat... has anyone read "The Omnivore's Dilemma" ... good read and funny too! No headache this morning (antabuse caused, I think as it comes and goes) I will take another tomorrow on schedule. What a nuisance though, as everything is still sitting packed in the car. The fire south of us has burned west. The fire north of us, I haven't checked out yet as I should brush my teeth and get out of my bathrobe before driving on a public road. But, the smoke is bad. It's so quiet as if the forest is waiting, holding it's breathe or something. All the birds are totally silent. I've been through a fire before, so I'm a little more nervous than hubbie, who's still in bed reading a book.
                    Oh, I do hear a raven calling. So, to shower and get dressed in something I wouldn't mind wearing for several days in a row (just in case) I'm sure we'll be fine but there is no place nearby to get away from the smoke except under the covers! g. xxx


                      ODAT - Sunday

                      Gosh Gelgit that sounds terrible. Don't realise how lucky we are in the wet and cool UK! Really hope it turns out OK for you - keep posting.



                        ODAT - Sunday

                        Hi MM, I'm hiding out from the smoke. It looks like it's late autumn as the light quality is so strange. The wind is starting to pick up a bit. There are 400+ wildfires burning in Northern California: all started by lightning. Most are still small because the humidity is still about 30% ... this is simply bizarre for here.
                        I unpacked my toothbrush but all the valuables are still going to stay packed on alert. xxx g.


                          ODAT - Sunday

                          Afternoon ODATs! The trigger left the house and I poured out the vodka last night. Wasn't a temptation, but you know if in a moment of insanity it would be one hell of an expensive drink! I think I'm going through a process of realizing what things I did with drink in hand. Habits, habits. My new one (bessie will love this) is a cuppa. And I didn't see baseball caps in Vermont. I'm sending yours but first I must find a special supriste to include!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            ODAT - Sunday

                            Gelgit--I hope you're staying safe!!
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

