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    Hi there

    I found this place last year but I dont think I was ready to attempt to quit at the time, anyway another years worth of liver damage later and I have finally decided enough is enough.

    I am on day one today and feeling a bit nervous about it, I usually start drinking at weekends about 2pm and carry on until IM shattered and fall asleep at 9pm.

    I have been drinking heavily for about 5/6 years now, I drank through my second pregnancy (albeit a lot less than I was normally drinking but drinking all the same) I feel so guilty about this.

    I dont even want to start thinking about the damage I have done to myself and my relationships with people over these years, my oldest daughter is lovely but she said something to me that has triggered this first ever attempt to quit. Apparently Im a much nicer and funnier person when I am sober and she avoids me when Im drinking as I can be quite sarcastic and snappy.

    To be honest I hate myself for this too and I want to start liking myself again. I havent been able to hold down a relationship with anyone in all this time and potentially destroyed one or two budding relationships because of my drinking.

    Fortunately last time I was here I stocked up on the vitamins and minerals from the store here and I have put them out on the kitchen side, and the doses are stuck on my fridge til I get used to what I need to take every day.

    Anyway, theres my first dip into the forum, I look forward to getting to know you and Im so pleased you are all here as there is no-one else I can talk to about this. I havent even told my oldest daughter I am planning on quitting yet as Im scared I will fail and let her down.

    Hi there

    Well I wasn't planning on posting on here - just having a quick check in to see if I had an answer to a question but I couldn't help but read your post and feel I must reply to it.

    Well done for coming back - a big :welcome: I know what you mean about not telling your daughter in case you let her down but I am sure if you really mean to do something about it, which is why you are here, you will soon be able to have that delicious experience of telling her and KNOWING you will be able to do it and that you won't be letting her down.

    Gets those vitamins down your neck, keep your PC on this site and learn all you can and get sober! You can do it.

    Bessie xx


      Hi there

      Thank you both for your reply, I have had a little look around now and there are some truly brilliant posters here.

      First test today has already taken place. I went to the shops to buy stuff for our Sunday dinner and I have just stocked up on loads of fresh fruit juices, smoothies etc and avoided the alcohol aisle. Its actually amazing how many different types of juices are available for the same amount of money I would have spent on wine.

      I have also told my daughter too

      Still nervous about spending a day with no booze but more positive at the moment.


        Hi there

        Hi Nia, and a very big welcome! How old is your daughter? I found with mine that they are very forgiving and accommodating until they reached about 15 , and then they started getting really annoyed. To old to be non-critical and to young to be compassionate. But it is a wake-up call.
        All the best
        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


          Hi there

          Hi Nia and welcome!! The first post of yours I saw was the one in the "What I HATE, etc. about drinking..." thread. MWO is an amazing place where we find we are NOT alone with our alcohol problems. And there is SO much to hate about drinking.

          WE CAN DO THIS. It will not be easy. But it CAN be done and there are so many people here who have proven it. Sounds like you have your tools ready and you have a battle plan. I think it's great that you told your least I always feel more committed to things when I tell someone than when I attempt in secret. (for me, keeping something like this totally to myself = a sekwet plan to fail...)

          Stay close to MWO especially in rough moments and just keep choosing NOT to drink, no matter how many thoughts of drinking cross your mind or how strong those thoughts are. Trust that the thoughts will become less frequent and less intense overall with time.


          Celebrating 32 Hangover Free Days
          :award: + **
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Hi there

            jessie;351076 wrote: Hi Nia, and a very big welcome! How old is your daughter? I found with mine that they are very forgiving and accommodating until they reached about 15 , and then they started getting really annoyed. To old to be non-critical and to young to be compassionate. But it is a wake-up call.
            All the best
            Hi Jessie, I have two girls one is 16 and doing her exams (therefore needs her mother to be supportive and not rat-arsed most of the time) and my youngest is going to be 5 in July. Her reaction when I told her today was really positive, I told her Im likely to have quite a few emotional lows over the next few days/weeks and she said dont worry mum at least you know you are getting better.

            "Getting Better" wow, I never saw it that way at all. Ive been ill for so long now Im deciding to get better. Shes a smart girl my oldest, hates alcohol btw, which is a good thing.


              Hi there

              Doggygirl;351081 wrote: Hi Nia and welcome!! The first post of yours I saw was the one in the "What I HATE, etc. about drinking..." thread. MWO is an amazing place where we find we are NOT alone with our alcohol problems. And there is SO much to hate about drinking.

              WE CAN DO THIS. It will not be easy. But it CAN be done and there are so many people here who have proven it. Sounds like you have your tools ready and you have a battle plan. I think it's great that you told your least I always feel more committed to things when I tell someone than when I attempt in secret. (for me, keeping something like this totally to myself = a sekwet plan to fail...)

              Stay close to MWO especially in rough moments and just keep choosing NOT to drink, no matter how many thoughts of drinking cross your mind or how strong those thoughts are. Trust that the thoughts will become less frequent and less intense overall with time.


              Celebrating 32 Hangover Free Days
              :award: + **
              Hi Doggygirl and thanks for both messages of support today.

              drinking is crossing my mind a LOT today but I dont feel the need to rush out and satisfy that craving yet. I have read so many positive things today that are pushing that need to drink away. What a great site this is.

              I have printed out a few of those posts on the "what I hate about drinking" and I have stuck them on my fridge too Im having a deep cleaning session in my house today and thats helping me feel positive too.

              Just get through this one day atm.


                Hi there

                One of the things that is really helping me to remain AF is to fast forward to the next day after drinking all night. I really don't want to waste another day of my life with a hangover. Maybe this will help you, too.


                  Hi there


                  Welcome! Yes, it is a dificult journey, but you can do it. And it is SO worth it. I think it is good that you told your daughter. What do you have to lose? Yes, you may slip, but once you start you will know how great it feels to be sober and won't want to go back to being "shattered" every night. I never realized how much AL interfered with my everyday life until I stopped. Wow, this is how people LIVE! You can do it. Hang in here. The people are great and there is always help. 24/7. Gabby.
                  Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                    Hi there

                    OneTooMany;351093 wrote: One of the things that is really helping me to remain AF is to fast forward to the next day after drinking all night. I really don't want to waste another day of my life with a hangover. Maybe this will help you, too.
                    Thanks for this tip, its a good one. Im seeing me waking up tomorrow morning feeling groggy due to being slightly half awake rather than because Im still a bit drunk, god I hate that feeling more than any other


                      Hi there

                      gabby1go;351098 wrote: Nia,

                      Welcome! Yes, it is a dificult journey, but you can do it. And it is SO worth it. I think it is good that you told your daughter. What do you have to lose? Yes, you may slip, but once you start you will know how great it feels to be sober and won't want to go back to being "shattered" every night. I never realized how much AL interfered with my everyday life until I stopped. Wow, this is how people LIVE! You can do it. Hang in here. The people are great and there is always help. 24/7. Gabby.
                      Thankyou Gabby

                      I really hope I dont slip at this early stage, just the thought of how much I would hate myself now Ive made up my mind is enough to put me off.


                        Hi there

                        Dearest Nia,You sound so wonderfully positive.I am so glad that you have some of the supps. already and lots of AF things to drink.There are so many people here that want to be sober,just like you and I.It is so great to know that you don't have to be alone in BEATING THE BEAST.Your girls have a very wise and strong Mother.As they watch you recover from this,you are setting a wonderful example of how to over coming Challenges that life puts in your way.That is Great Parenting,in my eyes...Stay close in these early days...we are never far.PM me if I can help in any way...LOL..Evie
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Hi there

                          evielou;351116 wrote: Dearest Nia,You sound so wonderfully positive.I am so glad that you have some of the supps. already and lots of AF things to drink.There are so many people here that want to be sober,just like you and I.It is so great to know that you don't have to be alone in BEATING THE BEAST.Your girls have a very wise and strong Mother.As they watch you recover from this,you are setting a wonderful example of how to over coming Challenges that life puts in your way.That is Great Parenting,in my eyes...Stay close in these early days...we are never far.PM me if I can help in any way...LOL..Evie
                          Evie, what a truly lovely post, thank you so much for that

                          Im now at the stage of the day where Id be half way through a bottle of wine and it feels wierd not to be drinking.

                          My appetite has gone through the roof though, Im worried about that a bit, Ive got through half a jar of sun-dried tomatoes already.

                          Is this normal btw? wanting to eat all the time?


                            Hi there

                            :hello2::colorwelcome: nia70 just do your best . and strong . you can do this
                            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                              Hi there

                              I think everyone above said it so I will just say, Welcome and Good Luck.


