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I'm back for another go round.....

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    I'm back for another go round.....

    Okay, I'm not really new. I was on here a while back. I went back to old habits and I'm just tired of living like this. I'm a binger and go on some pretty bad binges. My binges are more frequent lately. Once or twice a week. So, here I am for day one and going to get the book back out.......I just want to live a "normal" life.

    I'm back for another go round.....

    You have made the right move by coming back. Stick close, read and post often. Congratulations on day one. You can do it and we are all here to help you through.


      I'm back for another go round.....

      Thanks for the encouragement Time to change.


        I'm back for another go round.....

        Welcome back Just h, I am new here 11 days AF today. This site has been a life saver for me.
        Let the wonderful people on this board help and advise you.

        Good Luck


          I'm back for another go round.....

          Welcome Back! I too have started over too many times -- PM me if you'd like... I also am a binge drinker! UGH... I am on Day 6! Water, water water!


            I'm back for another go round.....

            Hi there -
            I am a binge drinker too. Some times I can control my drinking, sometimes not. Last night was way out of control for me and now I have embarassed myself in front of my family and my friends. Its the worst feeling in the world. If you evet want to chat - feel free to send me a message. I know how you are feeling.

            Hang in there..


              I'm back for another go round.....

              Its so easy to slip into old habits. I have also been on this site since February and have been doing alot better then before arriving but we all need to stay on top of it and reach out for support. Its all to easy to go back to that comfort zone where everything gets washed over by that one drink, one bottle and before we know it we are struggling again. Congratulations on taking time to check yourself.
              Look forward to hearing about your progress.
              I am the author of my life.


                I'm back for another go round.....

                Just H, hey! I just saw you here...great to see you back
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  I'm back for another go round.....

                  Thanks for the Welcome back Determinator. Also, thanks for all the kind words from the rest of you who have posted. Yes, binging can creep up when you least expect. I could go for days, weeks. I'd go out socially and sometimes I'd be cool and just have one or two then other social gatherings it just took me over. I have noticed it going hand in hand with depression and learning to deal with repressed anger that is surfacing. This year has been the worst. I'm have been in a continous spiral downward. I know it's bad when I binge twice a week and don't care if I have to work the next day when I start. Plus my stomach is feeling it. I had ulcers from stress when I was a teen before I even drank. This past week and a half my stomach just burns. Today I feel better and hope to get rid of it again.

                  So, almost three days and no drinking.......


                    I'm back for another go round.....

                    Well done just h

                    Keep going


                      I'm back for another go round.....


                      Only been here a little while myself - but it's been great for me and although we are not really accountable to everyone I do feel accountable and that's been brilliant - but I'm sure you know this if you've been here before . . . . lots of good wishes to you
                      Short term goal 7 days AF

