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new post by poppie

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    new post by poppie

    Hi all, wow just saw that there are many south africans on this forum, I am one too. I have not had a drink now for 8 days after a 1 year gradual decline. I thought I was ok untill I missed work for 3 days last week, I WAS TOO HUNG OVER TO GET OUT OF BED.
    I feel terrible not going in BUT it forced me to remember who I was and what I am. I went to my GP and asked him for my antaboose tablets again and started them on Friday. The only thing I need to remember is not to spray deodorant under my arms while Im taking them, OMG was I sick on Saturday after using it under my arms. I also can't use my mouthwash. LOL
    Anyway this is my first post and I hope what I am doing is right.
    Take care all and enjoy being sober, I know I am.

    new post by poppie

    Hi Poppie - we'll have to have a SA meet one day !

    Just wanted to say Good Luck ! I would say you are definately doing the right thing - just read as many past posts as you can to find out what supplements you should be taking i.e. vitamins etc.

    Mary x


      new post by poppie

      well done keep it going
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        new post by poppie

        thank you

        hi all, it was nice to have so many replies to my FIRST post. Im ok, still have the thought of a beer in my head but I know it will fade the longer I resist. I was trembling today, my whole body was shaking from the inside, not sure if its normal, dunno really, Im sure it is the alcohol though, not had it before. I am taking vit B complex my doc gave me and my antabooze every morning before I can change my mind. Im too scared to drink on them and I suppose Im using them to feel safe.
        I don't have any sugar often but got myself a chocolate just now which I will force myself to eat.
        A meeting with south africans would be great, maybe a braai..
        take care


          new post by poppie

          Hiya Poppie, Im new here too, not from SA sadly.

          Nice to meet you and good luck.

