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Need some inspiration

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    Need some inspiration

    Could some of you who have been AF for a month or more give the rest of us some idea of what it's like to make it through the first days/weeks. Could you tell us what some of the concrete benefits have been for you? It would really really help to keep my mind on those rather than how much I would love to have "just one."

    Also, what have been some effective treatments (besides laser surgery) for little blood vessels on your face and neck? Or will they fade with time when you stay AF? Does your complexion show some improvement?

    Thanks very much.

    Need some inspiration

    Do a search of my login name and you will find a post that I wrote when I hit 30 days. It is a summary of the benefits that I found when I looked back over my experience...


      Need some inspiration

      Here is caseaday's thread for you. It was grrrrrreat!!! This should give you some inspiration.


        Need some inspiration

        Hello astraia and :welcome:

        I don't quite have 30 days in a row yet (23), but I have cut down since joining in February from 8-10 beers almost every night, to that many a couple times a month, to now I'm going for 30 days AF.
        For me the benefits and rewards have been kinda slow coming. I really noticed some weight loss, less puffiness though when I quit totally. I have more time and energy--the energy took awhile. I simply feel better, the thought of a hangover now scares the crap out of me. I get up earlier and I don't have that shitty taste in my mouth. (I also quit smoking) I think my eyes are clearer, whiter. I can remember more. I do more things I would have never done while drinking. Shall I go on? It does get easier, really. I used to worry if I wasn't going to be able to drink because of a function or something--now it just doesn't matter--I got that monkey off my back! You can do it too!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          Need some inspiration

          Hi AstraiaJ and :colorwelcome: to MWO!

          You might find this thread to be inspirational. There are posts from a wide range of people in terms of how long they have been AF (alcohol free) and how long they have been fighting for freedom from AL.

          I have been in and out of MWO for almost a year. After a 60 day stretch AF last summer, I experimented with "just one" and the (for me) fantasy of moderation. After the fall/winter/spring struggling with that, I'm back and AF. Moderation and "just one" notions just aren't reality for me. It's easier to go without than to fight it. I'm 34 days Hangover Free (AF).

          Best wishes to you!!

          :award: + ****
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Need some inspiration

            I am in the same camp as Doggygirl...the thought of having another hangover scares the hell out of me!


              Need some inspiration

              You all are truly awesome, thank you.

