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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning all!

    Hope everyone is getting into the week. Yesterday's thread themes were stress and visitors!! Often the two go hand in hand! Mine are not that stressful really, just juggling everything around them is hard work and being expected to eat out each night.

    We shared a bottle of wine between 4 of us last night, then another and I was more than happy with my share. Really didn't want any more. In fact, this morning, I feel like I drank way more than that. We're out again tonight (with a taxi) but I very confident that I can moderate. The next 2 nights I will be driver or else I will be a mess by the weekend when we have a wedding to go to. I am just not a party animal any more!!!

    A special Hi to Paula, if you're reading. I remember you well and am so sorry to hear about the grief from your brother's death. Grief is the price we pay for love. I read that on here the other day - so true.

    For LVT25 and anyone else who is interested, the sow with the infection is right as rain now - thank goodness!! The boar was off his food the next day but by teatime was tucking in again. The horse is healing ok. The kick was up by his stifle - so not a large amount of flesh and he has a bit of a lump under the scab which is still a little weepy so keeping a close eye on it and the flies away with summer fly cream. He had the physio out for his back yesterday - just an MOT but he has had back problems in the past so worth a check. He's still a bit stiff from the kick so he's having another couple of days off. Then he will look like an equine balloon and I'll have a devil of a job to get the girth done up when I finally ride him again!! :H:H And he'll probably buck me off!! Such fun having animals!

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi Bessie and all to come

    Thanks for the update on the animals Bessie, look forward to reading your posts every day. Am very busy at the moment as we are going on holidays at the week-end for two weeks.

    Welcome back Paula, sorry about your brother. Know whats it like to be grieving, lost my beloved cousin in May, only time will help.

    Everyone else have a great day.



      ODAT - Tuesday

      Let's do today.


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hi Everyone,

        I hope everyone has a great AF or Mod day today depending on your goal. I am at day 45 AF and feeling pretty good. Lately my mood is pretty upbeat but occassionally I can get a little moody but it passes quickly. I just need to focus on the positive things in life. Luckily I don't half to worry about horse salve like Bessie, just some smelly dogs that have spent too much time in the lake this weekend swimming.

        Everyone is pretty happy in Minnesota as the past week has been sunny. Summer is finally acting decent as it hasn't been rainy or stormy for a few days. This global climate change thing has really been crazy around here lately. Weather like we have never seen before. It hailed three times in one day a couple of weeks ago.

        Off to work to conquer the world (or something like that). Have a great day...Case


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi everyone,

          Didn't get a chance to get on yesterday, busy day but will go back and check. Welcome back Paula.

          I was AF last night after a pretty crazy weekend (just long, lots of parties) and I look forward to another AF day today.

          Love and Hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Day 45 for both Case and Me

            This is great being AF today. Paula I am so very sorry for your pain and I hope it heals soon.

            I am feeling like I am a member of Bessie's farm and loving it. Thanks for all the updates today on the animals.

            As for me, I am doing well and am still taking antabuse. I think it is the antabuse that has kept me sober along with MWO. Over this past weekend, I believe I would have taken "just one" if I were not on antabuse. That is my usual pattern, the Beast persuades me that I can do "just one" and off I go for another magical ride into Alcoholic Land. No timetable and usually, for me, no return ticket to Sober Land.

            I hope every one else is doing well. I think that I did tell you all that I have been on meds for depression, etc. for years. Well several weeks ago, I was diagnosed as bi polar and my meds were changed. The doctor said that my alcoholism is "secondary alcoholism" meaning there is a contributing factor. But I also know that I am a primary alcoholic (is that a technical definition ?) because whenever I take a drink -- all I ever want is ANOTHER and another, etc. Anyway, the new meds have been like a miracle for me. Sometimes I say to myself, "Is this how normal people feel all the time?".

            My warm and best wishes and congrats to me, Case and everyone celebrating an AF day.


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Morning all. How interesting life is when you face your triggers head on sober. Makes me almost feel like a grown-up! :H Almost. I find I am really quite a strong person. It is a bit of work though. I've been working really hard in the hole and my dear trigger does nothing but find fault. I even worked on organizing things all night long night before last (and I mean all night long) and he was upset because he didn't get attention. Now he's furious because they almost cut off the electricity. I wish he could see how wierd and contradictory he acts. He insists he is not Jeckyl and Hyde, but he most certainly did relapse while I was gone.

              Doggie had runs in the crate so I think I'll have my smoothie before I tackle that. Then the trigger who is furious at me beckons me to the hole. I hope my day improves from there out.

              Anyway. Have a good day. I shall be working on my coping skills instead of drinking. That was such an easy one! Coping sober is work! :H

              Eight days!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Greenie your amazing 8 days sober you are the best weird type person I know HA ( i mean that in the most wonderful way ). Lenair was obviously good !!!!!!! I am so happy for you. 8 days you are movin on any tips for an ole sea dog LOL.
                Love cap I am so happy for you


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Hello. I am starting day 5 today. I am getting bored with sobriety. I suppose it's to early to look bright eyed and svelt again. I won't drink though. For now, I will coast along and try to find some motivation to get stuff done.


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Hello all, I know it's getting kinda late, but thought I'd join in with my 2 cents worth!

                    My hubby was grumpy when he got in lat night. He was mad at me, but do you think he would tell me why? Just made these little snipey comments and stomped around and sighed a lot. He works his ass off, and I don't. He's a bit of a martyr. He rarely asks for help. I know it stresses him, but it's still hard when he takes it out on me. I get to assume why he's mad, get my feeling hurt, etc. This morning he was better, took a couple of hours off his "real" job to help our son get started raking hay. I will be at home all day, so will get a lot done and that should apease him. (isn't "apease" a word?) I think deep down when I am bitchy or sensitive (which I don't think is very often btw) he thinks I should drink. I think deep down he doesn't understand and thinks it's weird that I'm not drinking. He tells everyone that he's lost his drinking buddy. But surely he doesn't expect me to do what I did in the past, which is drink by myself until he decides to quit working so he can have a couple of beers and visit when it is time for bed. Husbands! Gotta love em!:h

                    Thanks for anyone that listened to my rant this day!
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Hello Odat'ers day 3 over and done with, nearly.

                      Refrained from buying any again tonight so yay!

                      Lvt yes appease is a word but think it has two P's your hubby should just come out with it, my dad used to get like this and it drove me nuts, if you are annoyed with me at least tell me why! It must be harder for you if he is still drinking while you are not, thats amazing of you!

                      Noma'am I cant tell much difference either but Im 3 days AF atm when do you start noticing the difference? I think my face is less puffy in the mornings now but thats about it, other than feeling a lot brighter each morning

                      Hope things get better for you greeneyes.


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Forgot to say please piggie is well bessie.


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          AF greetings from Philadelphia! Day 2 AF and feeling fine - a little tired though...the baby is going through a growth spurt so not alot of sleep for me. Kid issues all over the place...the 14 year old with her teenage angst (aka EVIL) ways and pretty much hates everything, and my poor 9 year old who is wondering why everyone is acting so insane...and what the hell happened to her nice older! Kids, ya gotta love em! Trying to stay AF! Hope everyone is well!
                          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            KBCE I have quite an age difference between my two aswell, 11 years!

                            Thought it would be easier but its not is it.


                              ODAT - Tuesday

                              I fell crummy today and know that I stayed up way too late waiting for company that didn't show up. My cellphone didn't ring when they called or give me a message beep, so I'm not mad at them. The smoke today is heavy and my chest hurts besides my headache. Geez, it's just like having a hangover even with 17 days AF behind me. The emergency stuff is still sitting in the car as the winds have come up and the fires around here are all burning unattended. There's nobody to spare from the bigger blazes. What to do? Just sit tight and wait it out. One certainly starts to think about things differently when faced with the impermanence of everything. Looking forward too tomorrow:h g.

