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First day

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    First day

    :new:Hello all, I just discovered this site and really want to change nightly drinking behaviours. It seems that I have good intentions until about 6PM and then it goes out the window, I have one and then another etc. Its not affecting my job noticeably or my children but I know it is and I need pointers on getting through from 6-bedtime. Help!

    First day

    Congrats! That is exactly why I am here. I downloaded the book, bougt some Kudzu and now everynight I have my big wine goblet filled with water (or sparkling water) with fresh lemon and ice...yummy. AND KEEP YOURSELF BUSY! I was AF 14 days, then imbibed a bit so I wanted to get back on track, so here I am on day 2 again. I did not have withdrawals, etc. But I can never just have one glass of wine or beer and THAT is what bothers me. Good luck and keep posting - this place is filled with wonderful people!

    Keep in touch!

    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


      First day

      Hi Whatever it takes, you are in the right place trust me! I know everyone here can relate to what you are going through in some level and it helps to know you are not alone! There is ALOT of help and support here I can honestly say, this place has been a God Send!
      Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


        First day

        Feel free to join us on the Newbies Unite thread as we are all supporting one another as newcomers going through the same issues........and welcome.


          First day

          Hi Whatever :welcome:

          I was the same way, drank beer and smoked ciggies almost every evening until I went to bed.
          I started with the MWO book, then ordered the cd's and some supplements. It was REALLY important for me to break up my evening routine. Certain things like cleaning house and making supper were big triggers for me. Now, I allow myself some time to sit down and spend time on the computer, or read or watch tv or go for a walk--anything except what I used to do at the "witching hour".
          Like KB I also started drinking lemon water (need to do that again--thanks for the reminder KB) and tomato juice and iced tea and diet pop--ANYTHING except alcohol. I started in late February moderating--didn't listen to all the advice about going 30 days first---did pretty well--I went from 8-10 beers almost nightly to that many a couple of times a month. but I realized I need the 30 days because I still can't control my drinking/smoking in social situations. So I am on day 24 AF.

          It can be done, and it can be easier than one thinks!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            First day

            Thanks for the responses! I feel like I have found a whole world of friends - sappy maybe but really good! i visited and posted on the Newbies Unite. I think this could be my new addiction...


              First day

              Welcome to the Board!Getting through the witching hour can be very difficult, coming here and posting does help, there is also live chat which is great. You can also try to fill the time with your family; perhaps having that time set aside for family time. Game night, a movie night, playing tag, anything to help you out...


                First day

                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  First day

                  Hi - Welcome - you sound a bit like me - what got me was the loathing I had for myself first thing in the morning and sometimes it was accompanied by extreme nervousness - I came across this site accidentally because I wanted to lose some weight and had thought of drinking a spirit with tonic and up popped a thread which said 30-day challenge - that was over three weeks ago after a few days I thought I'd try and find the site and here I am over three weeks later . . . . . . . . can't believe my luck
                  Short term goal 7 days AF

