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I miss you Wal-Mart

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    I miss you Wal-Mart

    Wal-Mart wine that is! Ok, I miss all the bedroom slippers to. It's easy to feel glamorous there.

    I miss you Wal-Mart

    just think about all the slippers you can buy with the money you are saving by not drinking that cheap ass wine..rot gut stuff they sale .. you are doing good so keep it up and stay strong and keep posting..
    peace , love and god bless
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      I miss you Wal-Mart

      Sorry guys ! Good place to shop......but I would'nt want to work their !!! Ha
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        I miss you Wal-Mart

        WalMart to me is great for..
        1. Diapers and wipes
        2. Toys
        3. Picture Frames
        4. PJ's for myself and my child
        5. Laundry Detergent
        6. Childrens Shoes and Clothes
        7. T-Shirts, as having a child I go through a lot of them

        We don't get the wine here at Wal-Mart...probably a good thing.


          I miss you Wal-Mart

          Well, I'm sitting here feeling glum (worried about the fires all around us) so here is my Wally World list:
          Walmark is great for ...
          !. hiring handicapped people, partime at min. wage under a govt. program that PAYS Walmart for hiring them. No, they do not qualify for any kind of benefits or insurance
          2. paying female employees less than males and skipping over them for promotions
          3. stealing ideas and designs without any payment to the designers and making the items overseas to undercut the original owner
          4.promoting the growth of sweatshop and child labor all around the globe
          5. stocking 70% of their self space with stuff that NOBODY really needs

          Just remember when you're tying up those new shoes that some child, probably hungry, was hunched over his little work table inhaling the poisonous fumes from the toxic adhesives assembling those cute, cheap little shoes that he will never be able to wear on his own feet.

          I could go on about plastics and toxins in fabrics, fumes and fillers.... but I won't. No offense to any one person. It's just a fact of our consumerism. g.


            I miss you Wal-Mart

            Walmart, I go to save money, since hubby is out of work, but I would rather not shop there since they undercut small business people.

            everybody in town has to go there on Saturday, it's the law!! But trying to get through that parking lot is hideous.

            They hire everybody at under 35 hours so nobody qualifies for benefits.
            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


              I miss you Wal-Mart

              Wall Mart........
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                I miss you Wal-Mart

                .........KERPLUNK........ BUMP
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  I miss you Wal-Mart

                  gelgit;352451 wrote: Just remember when you're tying up those new shoes that some child, probably hungry, was hunched over his little work table inhaling the poisonous fumes from the toxic adhesives assembling those cute, cheap little shoes that he will never be able to wear on his own feet.

                  I could go on about plastics and toxins in fabrics, fumes and fillers.... but I won't. No offense to any one person. It's just a fact of our consumerism. g.
                  I think you sailed that ship..


                    I miss you Wal-Mart

                    IAD;352463 wrote: Wall Mart........
                    You crack me up!:H


                      I miss you Wal-Mart

                      Like an idiot I went to Wal-Mart today.... even took my freak-out child. I will NEVER go back there again.

                      It hasn't changed in the last two months, and neither has my child's reaction to it; or my desire to drink heavily upon leaving.

                      I will buy my mascara elsewhere from now on. Screw the 2 dollar savings!

                      Thank God they don't sell alcohol in our Wal-Marts! I would be sitting here getting smashed on cheap ass wine right now. :H


                        I miss you Wal-Mart

                        I think Wal Mart is just evil. I hate their business practices. I hate their stores. They may employ lots of people but the the workers in all the ones I've been in (and I've moved a lot and been in a lot ) never look really happy about their job.....Also, I think they have scary shopper days. Hubby and I don't shop there at all anymore. Oh yeah, I also work retail and work in a place I actually like to go to everyday. Just my thoughts on Wal Mart.


                          I miss you Wal-Mart

                          Death to walmart - I won't enter their parking lot!!!


                            I miss you Wal-Mart

                            I noticed the employees don't look happy either at Wally World. The cashiers always looked fed up and stressed. It could be the clientelle too, tho ;-)

                            I stayed away for over 2 months. I will stay away for many more months now. I had to push some lady out of my way for trying to cut me off and butt in at the till. Back in the day, I would of done nothing. I am no longer taking that crap. A sober AFM, doesn't deal with rude people very well anymore. LOL.

                            Nice to see you back just h!


                              I miss you Wal-Mart

                              whew!! and I thought I would get jumped on and beaten up for Walmart bashing. I went into a Walmart twice since they've opened. The second time was last October. There was about a 2 mile aisle of 6 foot high shelves of candy. The people pushing their carts around looked so fat and sick. Their eyes were dull and their skin was off color and they all seemed mad at one another. These were the customers supposedly happy about saving so much $$$$$$

