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What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

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    What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

    Hey everybody, today I started thinking about the money I'm saving by not buying massive quantities of wine. This is ODAT strategy for this day, since I'm having MAJOR cravings -- think about the money I'm saving and what it could be used for instead. I figure that even if you buy a fairly cheap bottle of decent white wine nearly every day (I never could stand the very cheapest stuff that tastes like gasoline, or what I imagine gasoline might taste like if I was ever crazy enough to taste it), then you're probably spending anywhere from 60-100 dollars a week. What will you do with an extra 240-400 dollars a month? I could:
    * Start a new "AF" savings account
    * Donate to a local alcohol rehab. group
    * Take my husband out to a great dinner (not worry so much about calories since I'm saving several hundred of those by not drinking wine)
    * Buy a new dress that will look better on me the longer I've stopped drinking
    * Fill up my gas tank ($4.27 a gallon in my part of the world right now!)
    * Rent a great movie and STAY AWAKE for the whole thing rather than doze off in
    a booze-induced slumber

    What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

    well then all that's left is women and song ! Ha! IAD!
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

      Well today is no 2 for me Astraia. I feel great this morning and when I woke up I thought mmm I,m going start saving money without drinking. Today I am going to buy some paint to make my kitchen look different. Bright red!!!! A bit game but what the heck. Here we go day 2!!!


        What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

        Buy a house.
        Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


          What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

          I bought a new beautiful couch for our livingroom...a new deluxe playhouse for my little girl
          And we are now working on a new TV


            What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

            With no wine then women and song !!! Ha1
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              What will you do with the wine $$$ you save


              I bought a slightly used Honda S2000.

              AND the payments are actually less than the money I was spending. So, I have also added a monthly pedicure.

              Hubby keeps talking 401K. I just laugh. :H

              It is a whole lot more fun than being blacked out, hung over and stupid.


              AF April 9, 2016


                What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

                Buy a tank of gas! HA!
                Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


                  What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

                  I just bought a new sofa and love seat for $2000. I have never spent that kind of money without his consent, but I know he thinks we don't need any new furniture. We can afford this. I think I am entitled to re-decorate once or twice in our lifetime marriage. So maybe if I explain to him that this is wine money....
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

                    I quess I'll need to find my gas can soon !!! Ha! IAD!
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

                      IAD - where did you get my photos......
                      The money I have saved I have spent on cake...cake....and more cake....refer the sugar caffeine thread!
                      Those photos were before my the cake addiction....
                      BH (no more)


                        What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

                        Paint - paint - and more paint. I can't get it out of my hair!!!
                        Back to my painting!! One more coat and another room is done!


                          What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

                          IM going to start putting mine away so that I can take me and my daughters on a lovely holiday next year, if I can really stay off the booze and eventually pack in smoking Im hoping for the Caribbean

                          First things first though, I need to sort out a few bills I have neglected over the last few months, couldnt pay those but could always find money for wine, I have just realised how utterly stupid I had become.


                            What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

                            I figure that I am saving at least $6,000 a year (that's not counting what I drink when we go out to dinner). I will spend my savings on golf gear, flowers, plants for outside, paint, a new bookcase I have been really wanting but now will order! Mmmm, that won't even equal the $6,000. What else can I buy???
                            Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                              What will you do with the wine $$$ you save

                              I was just thinking about this, Well....first I bought a bike and then paid for liposuction under my chin. I decided if my neck and chin still looked full after 30 days AF then I was going for it. Glad I did, day two of recovery and already looks great. Day 50 AF and never looking back !

