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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Morning all.

    Another quickie. Having the inlaws means I only have time to get essentials done. This counts as an essential for me! Luckily we are having wonderful weather so it is easy to go out and do nice things. A big meal out last night and old habits kicked in and I quaffed with the rest of them but I did stop before they did. The Welsh weekend wedding will be a challenge but I'm pretty sure I'm up to it!

    Off to iron the father in law's clothes that I have washed for him. The 'just say NO' campaign is an impossibility with him. If I don't do it the MIL will have to - there is no way he would pick up an iron.

    Love to all.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Wednesday

    Daybreak here... I noticed that in Vermont it would be daylight by now. I guess it's a lattitude thing. I just got home so I'm debating whether to boythr going to bed or not As I sit here and eat ice cream out of the container. I'm treating it like booze. "oh there's not THAT much left, I may as well finish it. :H You will not believe the progress I made in the hole.I still lhave a ways to go ut you can see some of the carpet and my work counter.

    I get to meet a friend for sushi for lunch today.She's not much of a drinker and is quite proud of me so it will be extra nice.

    Poor doggie is outside and I can't get the door latch to open so she's doiing "jack-in-the-box at the window.

    Have a great goal and drink iced tea. I did discover lemon verbena in the garden so I indulged in that all day.Quite tasty

    Pants!! I went to see MD for sleep aid and said I only want a little bit and don't want to be groggy. You know how funny I am about records... the pharmacy says office phychiatric for reason for drugs. That really annoys me.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Hi there everone!
      Bessie - can't believe you are ironing your FIL clothes! I managed to put my hubby off ironing his clothes because I didn't do them up to his required standard:H He always ended up ironing them again (cheek) so I refuse now to iron any of his shirts:H

      I've struggled with cravings these past few days and gave in I'm ashamed to say. My downfall is that I get stressed and tired with the kids and on school run I tend to need to buy some essential and the temptation of the vino is overpowering. Yesterday I even talked myself out of it on the way to school and when I got to the shop I almost bought it subconsiously if that makes sense 'just in case' it all got too much later on. How pathetic is that?
      Today I have taken antabuse so the alcohol is not a question. I hate this daily struggle and wonder if it will ever get easier?
      Anyway enough whinging:H It is a beautiful day today and I'm going to think positively. Have cleaned out the boys room(which was filthy!) and that in itself was theraputic.
      Hope you all have a good day
      Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
      For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Day 3 has begun with a good jog.


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Its ME!

          Morning Ladies! Be positive today and drink lots of water...Ripples is not drinking enough water and i feel like :xxx: you know...full of it too! Water today is my survival tool...:H

          HAVE A GOOD DAY


          DRINK YOUR H2O


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Good Morning OTATs!!
            Beautiful morning here in the Northeast. Hoping everyone has a wonderful AF day ahead.
            I'm busy getting ready for my daughter's wedding.
            Take care!

            Greeneyes! Glad you made it to Lenair and enjoyed our wonderful state.

            Love and Peace
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Hi everyone

              Beautiful day here too. Off to do some painting, ugh but it needs to be done. Have loads to do before we go away so its busy, busy, busy.

              Have a great day everyone.



                ODAT - Wednesday

                Good Morning. It's the beginning of day 6 for me. I had some monster cravings last night but came through it ok. Just have to keep on keepin' on.


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  Hey guys,

                  Late checking in today, busy morning at work.

                  I caved last night and had some beer after my sports game but I am not going to beat myself up cause I have done so well this month.

                  Today is day 15 this month for me and AF it will be..........

                  Have a good one guys,
                  Love and Hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    Mid morning here and not too smokey, but the smoke is somewhere as we are now under voluntary evacuation be ungraded depending on the wind. I really hate this!!! So, everything back into the car. What about the chickens??? I have an itchy sense of pride because I actually haven't taken an antabuse since Friday. I couldn't find them. The vial had slipped under the suitcase divider. I took everything apart this morning and just swallowed one. O.K. funny thing is that I didn't even realize that I "could" because of all the other stuff going on. Now That tells me something.
                    The computer is a flat screen and my sewing machine is portable along with my sonic toothbrush, I guess I ready to leave. xxxx g.


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      I had some wine last night but decided not to smack myself around because of it. I have been AF for 17 days this month, so that is good! I did not imbibe very much - lots of water between my three glasses over the entire night (small glasses, but 3 nonetheless). Woke up fine, and feeling like I can jump right back on the wagon. I wish I didn't like wine though....
                      "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Hi ODAT'ers,

                        Thanks so much Bessie for doin'g this daily thread, I have now started really looking forward to hearing about your animals daily. (A bit envious I might add).

                        Well the kids are off to day camp and I'm working from home as usual, a bit boring today. I have renewed enthusiasm today since I read the book cover to cover last night. I will pick up some supplements today to add to my toolkit and try to fit in the exercise too.

                        Gel...sorry to hear of the possible evac...where exactly do you live? We are having fires here too in the west...but not too close to us.

                        Evie, I clean too when I get cravings or anxiety and it does tend to help, as does a brisk walk around the neighborhood...

                        Wishes to all for a happy healthy day!

                        Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          it's northern Mendocino county and the sheriff just cut the lock on our gate, came down and handed us a evac paper... so I'm throwing the computer in the car for now. g.


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            Best wishes gelgit--at least you'll be safe and I really hope & pray you don't lose any possessions or your home!
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              ODAT - Wednesday

                     of luck and safety in leaving your home during this tough time! My prayers are with you.

                              Hope everyone is meeting their goals today.

                              I was up early and made it through a really long and hard day. Thank God I have been AF over the past few weeks because life has been handing me some pretty hard challenges. I.e. tree falling on one house, another house has ants eating at the structure, the bank has been denying my insurance checks, the IRS drained my bank accounts, my lap top got stolen from my new office yesterday during lunch, my GF is now struggling with the confidence that I have gained by being AF, my mother has been hen pecking me constantly, etc. I can't imagine how hard it would be if I was still drinking!

                              Sorry to be complaining but I find this is the only place where I can let my guard down.

                              Done whining, back to the positive.

                              My dogs don't smell anymore because I gave them a bath. Now they smell like coconuts!

                              Take care everyone!

