I'll start over as my first thread did not post...ugh!
My daughter is getting married this weekend and I'm so happy and excited for her, her new husband who I adore and his family. We are traveling to the midwest for the big event. Tomorrow is her bridal shower at a nice restaurant (drinks), Friday is the rehersal dinner at another restaurant (drinks) and Saturday is the big day! (lots more drinks). I have been having quite the battle with AL these past couple of weeks so I'm getting quite anxious about the weekend. I do not want to get into the situation where I will embarrass my daughter and family. That would absolutely kill me. I will desparately try to stay away from the alcohol and order seltzer or some other substitute but it's going to be hard. Please send me your thoughts for strength. It's going to be such a great time and I don't want to ruin it for me or anyone else. Thanks for listening and I welcome your thoughts.