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Wedding coming up....Help!

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    Wedding coming up....Help!

    Hi All
    I'll start over as my first thread did not post...ugh!
    My daughter is getting married this weekend and I'm so happy and excited for her, her new husband who I adore and his family. We are traveling to the midwest for the big event. Tomorrow is her bridal shower at a nice restaurant (drinks), Friday is the rehersal dinner at another restaurant (drinks) and Saturday is the big day! (lots more drinks). I have been having quite the battle with AL these past couple of weeks so I'm getting quite anxious about the weekend. I do not want to get into the situation where I will embarrass my daughter and family. That would absolutely kill me. I will desparately try to stay away from the alcohol and order seltzer or some other substitute but it's going to be hard. Please send me your thoughts for strength. It's going to be such a great time and I don't want to ruin it for me or anyone else. Thanks for listening and I welcome your thoughts.
    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --

    Wedding coming up....Help!

    Thanks Dolphin! I'll try that method.
    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


      Wedding coming up....Help!


      Just been talking to you in chat and wanted to say, I wish you strength. Concentrate on the day of the wedding and how you will feel if you let yourself/your family down. It will be tough as hell......

      I'll be thinking of you.

      good wishes
      One, x


        Wedding coming up....Help!

        Thank you One of 7 and I will muster all the strength I have. I have faith I can do this and I am determined. Nice talking with you in chat.
        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


          Wedding coming up....Help!

          I think you will be so busy, and doting on your daughter you won't have time to get drunk!!
          Really, you are so aware now, I doubt it will be an issue. Try to do your mingling with an AF drink, drink water in between drinks, be sure to eat, and I know you'll do just fine!!

          Congratulations by the way, remember to enjoy the beautiful day!
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            Wedding coming up....Help!

            I was where you are this time last year - well, September....but I was really shaky about it.....But used the anti-biotics thing if asked (which, come to think of it, I don't think I was) and it was fine. As we sat down there was a glass of bubbly in front of everyone for the toasts - I lifted the glass to my lips, didn't let it touch. toasted the couple and put it down again - and not a soul noticed..... They are far more interested in the bride and groom than whether the bride's mum is actually swallowing bubbly! And if you have the choice - drink whatever you like that isn't alcohol - heck! It's your choice and so many folk don't drink for all sorts of reasons nowdays! I asked for elderflower cordial an it was great - and I was far from alone! Lots had it!

            Good luck - enjoy it for all you are worth! Bring a joyful, happy smile to the occasion while sober and show folk who think you have to be drunk to do that another way! (You don't have to talk about it - just be it!)

            Love FMS xx
            (PS think of us; we'll all be with you in sprit!)
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Wedding coming up....Help!

              I did this once made a big note with black marker and put it in my purse that said its not about you today its about __________________. Everytime I was tempted I pulled it out and read it. It was in the beginning of coming here and was using all kinds of stuff to take my mind off of alcohol for awhile.



                Wedding coming up....Help!

                I think you will be just fine. It is your daughter's big day and I KNOW you won't do anything to embarrass her, or yourself. I know you realize that and therefore will keep your drinking under control, or if you drink at all.

                Sending you lots of strength!! I know you will be A-OK!


                  Wedding coming up....Help!

                  Good luck to you, stay strong.

                  The good thing about it is you will remember everything a lot more clearly.

                  Lovely post FMS


                    Wedding coming up....Help!

                    I am having a similar delimma coming up - going on vacation with my children and they are bringing friends. Last year I really made an ass out of myself and made a cruel comment to my then, 13 yr old daughter. I was filled with guilt and wasted an entire day feeling terrible the next day. Although I would appreciate the advice that you have been given on this thread, I don't think it's always that easy to just "not drink" because it's someone elses big day. If it were that easy to control - we may not have the need for MWO. That is called moderation and if we could all do that, we wouldn't have a problem. At least, for me, that is.... Here are my thoughts - you have to plan. I think the note in the purse is a great idea. (I have done that before as I go out with friends - I put a note in my jeans pocket). I would also suggest making a conscience decision of what you ARE going to drink, as opposed to what you will not. Sparkling water, LVT25's idea of the AF drinks is a good one too - especially at the places where you will be at restaurants. (If you're a beer drinker the AF beer is actually really good in a frosty mug). Again in a more "sophisticated" setting, Perrier with a lime in a wine glass is refreshing. In the same spirit of the "note in the purse", maybe you could wear a piece of jewelry (bracelet) that is symbolic of the importance of staying sober and embracing this weekend. Like a bracelet that is the color of your daughter's birthstone - or something you wore to your own wedding - or that you wore when she was a child. Again, something that is a visible reminder of what you are hoping to accomplish.

                    Have a wonderful weekend. You are so blessed to have this opportunity. Best wishes... And check in and let us know how it went...
                    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                      Wedding coming up....Help!

                      Thank you all so much for your encouragement and kind words and suggestions. I am determined NOT to drink alcohol on my daughters wedding day. Period. I will drink sparkling water with lemon instead and I'll have it in a wine glass! I will never do anything to embarrass my daughter or myself. I'm so thankful for MWO and all of you super kind people. You guys are so awesome.
                      My other daughter is getting married in September so I'll be in practice!! WHEW, what an amazing ride.
                      I will fill you in when I get back. Again, thank you all so much for your thoughts.

                      Love and Peace:happyheart:
                      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                        Wedding coming up....Help!

                        I think Dolphin has some good advice about the atibiotics. It has worked for me as well. It is a great idea to have a plan. When we go out now, I always order a sparkling water with lime or something of that nature. We dine out frequently w/ friends (some are new and some are old) and I have come to the conclusion that no one really notices if I don't drink (at least I think that is the case). And frankly, I don't care. Think of the wedding this way, you will remember every single bit. You will feel great every single day. You will be the perfect mother-of-the bride. Your daughter will be proud of you. Let us know how it goes. I will be thinking of you. Gabby.
                        Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

