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Still kickin' just not as hard

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    Still kickin' just not as hard

    Hello, good morning. How are you all doing today? Man, cravings really sucker-punched me last night. I am dreading feeling that way again. I was able to abstain but next time, who knows. For now though I'm high on life and lots and lots of coffee.

    Still kickin' just not as hard

    The first week+ is the toughest. Change of routine helps a lot. Keep busy, busy, busy. It does get easier in time. The cravings will lessen as you go on too.


      Still kickin' just not as hard

      Hang on in there - it does get better - listen to these people - they know . . . and don't be like me you SHOULD changed your routine - I'm just too lazy . . . .
      Short term goal 7 days AF


        Still kickin' just not as hard

        No ma'am, did you order the book? I've had it for 2 weeks, but I finally read it last night cover to cover....really... in one night! Today i feel a surge of energy to kick it up a notch. Supplements exercise, whatever it takes. My kids deserve more than the mediocre mom I've been!

        I've tried kicking butt, but this time I'm taking names!

        Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


          Still kickin' just not as hard

          noma'am, it does get better...much better. A positive change of routine can help greatly, consider excercise, volunteer, take up an old or new hobby, do yard work, whatever you can to give yourself a new outlook on you.
          Stay Strong. It IS worth it!
          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


            Still kickin' just not as hard

            Stay strong! Go to the theater, mall , library if you have to (somewhere you can drink). It gets much easier after a couple of weeks.

