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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning all!

    Another speedy start! I shall be so glad when this week and weekend is over!! It's not bad just tooooo busy and full of other people's needs. My just say NO! campaign is really faltering as I have so many people to fit in with. Never mind, it will start anew when I get back to having more time for me.

    Good night last night. The in laws didn't want to go out - hooray - so I was bathed and in bed by 9pm and AF.

    Love to all.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Thursday

    Hi Bessie and all to come

    Well done on the AF night Bessie, you feel so much better the next morning. Lashing rain here, I wish it would make up its mind what season it is. However, got a long walk in before it started so thats me set up for the day.

    Lots of chauffering to do so better get on the road, have a great day everyone.



      ODAT - Thursday

      Good Morning ODATers,

      Hope all have a good day.

      I go home today, so it is a good day for me.

      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Thursday

        Morning Girls...i did not sleep well, interview in a few minutes...see you all later! Must remove crust from eyes and hit the road! :H


          ODAT - Thursday

          And so begins day 4. Two straight nights of great sleep is wonderful. Go go go...


            ODAT - Thursday

            Hi Everyone!! Have been so busy this week haven't been able to get near the PC to post but have been reading when I could grab a minute!

            No hangovers for a week now - perhaps I'm getting somewhere, hope so.



              ODAT - Thursday

              You know guys, it is Thursday. I was all set to pack up and go home today but not until tomorrow. Geez. Have caught Bessie's and Greenies mixed up days problem.

              Oh well.

              AF April 9, 2016


                ODAT - Thursday

                Hi Newbies & Oldies & Everyone in between:

                I was going to start a new thread but thought this is a great place to say what I want to say: Don't give up, no matter what! I just know that my sober life is way, way better than my drinking life. I've read from other MWOers & I know for myself that my final drinking months didn't do anything at all for me: no fun, no uninhibitedness, no joy, nothing. I'm learning to deal w/life's ups & downs in a sober way. This is what I was avoiding all the drinking years. Keep up the fight. It's worth it.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  hello all!

                  Cindi--sorry you got your days mixed up--bummer. Harvey, hang in there, you're doing great ODAT. And Mary thanks for the encouraging words! Good luck ripple!! You're sounding great rust and mad, and Bessie!
                  Does anyone else ever feel like they need a vacation from their family? I get so angry and frustrated my my kids and DH that I could just bawl sometimes (I do scream!). I feel like NO ONE listens to me! I guess at least when I was drinking, dh and i were together more, so we talked more--and sometimes he actually remembered what I told him. I keep telling myself he is just busy, and he doesn't have time to worry about the stuff I need him for. I keep wondering if I'm harder to live with sober. Is it me? Or them? I know with the kids--it's their age and the fact that they would rather play than work. I just need to keep taking my GABA and try to be patient!!! I know I need to keep plugging away. There's just no way I was easier to live with as a drunkard! I would be very tired and cranky during the hangovers.
                  I think Friday, I will take a day for me. Leave the kids home to destroy the house, and maybe even see if I can find a spa and some bare minerals!!!

                  Once again, thanks for listening!!:h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    I'm here. Sober and a little sick of it. Today is the begininning of day 7 for me. My mind is arguing me constantly. I don't really have a long term plan and I keep asking myself how long I have to abstain before I can get drunk again. I wish I could pop my brain out of my head and smack it around a little!


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Morning all!

                      I feel like I have a hangover. You KNOW I don't. Two nights this week I was up all night (literally did not get in the bed). For some reason I was not sleepy and was compelled to work. The night in between I had about 6 hurs sleep. Last night I slept well (how could I NOT?) Anyway, yesterday I had piano legs. My legs hurt and my skin shrank so there wasn't enough to contain my ankles and their uninvited relatives. My face and hands are puffy and I ache in general. Am I sick? Am I detoxing? Or is that what happens when you go on an insomnia bender? And I am hydrated. Ugh!

                      Bessie, I love those nights!
                      rustop, you are SO dedicated to your walks - good on you!
                      Rippy, What kind of interview? Hope it went well.
                      Harvey you are doing fantastic! Congrats!
                      Mad Mummy you must be feeling pretty good, keep it up!
                      Cindi, hahaha
                      reteacher, I am beginning to see that it wasn't so much that I liked to drink, but more that I liked to avoid.
                      LTV.......You are going to eat your:h out. Hubby leaves Saturday for 2 weeks. This is when we usually take the tiny camper and go fishing, but I'm begging off to finish up in the hole. I can join later if I want. But now he's talking about not sticking the camper thing in the back of the truck and sleeping under the tarp. I didn't say anything but no way in hell am I doing that. The prospect of two whole weeks to myself makes me drool. I love hubby, but I think this is good timing for us to be apart for a bit. I may even get doggie trained.

                      Well I gotta go get a license. I still can't find my purse. I think I was drunk and hid it from hubby as he likes to borrow money and forgets to tell me and now I don't know where it is. What an inconvenience. :upset:
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        noma'am;353277 wrote: I wish I could pop my brain out of my head and smack it around a little!
                        Thanks for a great laugh, I can sooooo relate to what you just said.... that was my brain for about the entire 3rd month of sobriety!
                        Believe me, the stage you're in, is only temporary... and what awaits you beyond, is so worth the struggle
                        AF 6 years
                        NF 7 years

                        A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          Hey Good Morning, The sun just broke thru the smoke and the light quality is amazing!! I got up really early to bake stuff for the volunteer fire crews stationed nearby. I should be cleaning while so much stuff is out of the house, but that's no fun! So, I hauled the computer out of the car and here I am. We're still on standby to evacuate but the winds died down all night and still haven't come up yet.
                          greenie, yes, you are detoxing. The weirdest stuff can and does happen when a full on detox is going on. You can help get through it faster with kidney, liver and colon cleanses... ah, what a relief! Can you go for a lymph drainage massage? That would take the swelling right down.
                          no-ma'am: you've got, what is called, The Committee" going on in your head. Their only purpose is to drive you crazy so you can't cogitate clearly and drink instead of think.
                          cindi: I'm missing a big chunk here...where are you? And what day is this anyhow???
                          Oh, a laugh for MWO. DH asked me to save some space in my car (as his was already loaded) for a few cases of his wine collection. Later, he opened a bottle of special special whatever to celebrate not getting burned out, at least for now, and I suffered only the most minor twinge.... before remembering the antabuse I took in the AM. Be well all. xxx g.


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            No Ma'am needs a plan

                            No Ma'am,

                            Sounds like you may need a plan here. Have you considered ordering the book and plan?

                            It seems to be working for me so far....that's not to say it isn't hard and I don't have good days and hard days. But the hard days are getting fewer and fewer.


                            Gel: I'm happy to hear you are safe..The air seems clearer here in the East Bay today too!
                            Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              Cooties, American Style

                              Here you go Bessie... I'm happy to remember the little critters with feet for noses and eyes for legs. You get the point? Attached files [img]/converted_files/542210=3535-attachment.jpg[/img]
                              Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.

