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And here I go......

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    And here I go......

    Today is the day to be AF! I can get this right! If I don't stop, I'll be back in the hospital! Last night I woke up with hugh anxitiy, and sweating like crazy. I'm scared! Today I see my therapist, and tomorrow I will start a yoga class..I need to do something with this panic that I feel. I"ll be here live online in the afternoon......I can't be alone with my thoughts........wish everyone well today.....

    And here I go......



    Stay strong today. Get one good day under your belt. You will feel much better tomorrow morning.

    AF April 9, 2016


      And here I go......

      Rainey: It WILL get easier as you go along. Do everything in your power to not drink: therapist, yoga, eating healthy, vitamins, whatever. I was where you are: anxious, nervous, upset, etc. I'm not perfect now. I blunder through issues sometimes, but I'm so, so much happier (deep down) than I was when I was drinking. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        And here I go......

        Hi Rainey

        We've all experienced some or all of the things you're going through but you'll know that it doesn't last - you will get through this - try just anything to take your mind off your thoughts - I know it's really hard but you can do it - hang on in there because it does get easier - Px
        Short term goal 7 days AF


          And here I go......

          Hi Rainey!! Welcome to MWO and congratulations on your decision to stop the madness!! Just stick to your guns no matter how difficult it is at first. NO NO NO NO to thoughts of drinking. You life will start to get SO much better!!!

          Best wishes,

          36 Days Hangover Free!
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            And here I go......

            Jane! Good for you! Drink lots of water! That will help your symptoms. There are some good homeopathic remedies for anxiety that may help you get through the worst of times. One is called Rescue Remedy by Bach. The is another that I have used and will post the name later as I have it at home and I am at work right now. Nice hot baths will help with the sweats. Add some epsom salts to help draw the impurities from your system faster. I tried to "Be More Kind and Caring" to myself during those early days. Candles around my bath, calming music. Treat yourself like you would treat a loved one who is recovering from an illness. After all, we are just that! Our own loved self that needs and deserves TLC!

            Sending you support!

            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              And here I go......

              You and I have a lot in common

              HI Rainyjane,

              What you wrote about is exactly how I have been when I first quit drinking before. Waking up, sweating like heck, feel terrible and so forth. AND the anxiety, which I didn't realize until recently was why I was not successful staying away from AL for very long before. A lot of people recovering from alcohol problems have issues with anxiety (my doctor explained it me in terms of brain chemistry trying to readjust). I know what's it like, believe me, with that anxiety it's like living in hell on earth.

              I have stayed with it for two weeks now and I'm happy to say that last night was the FIRST full night's sleep I've had. It was like a miracle. I've found that as my sleep improves and as I take supplements and get in some exercise, the anxiety is slowly getting better too. Some people may need some other interventions for anxiety, but for me sticking with it has worked, at least for now. If it doesn't, I'll get more help because I never, EVER want to go back to those first few days AF again and what those were like.


                And here I go......

                Hope it went well rainyjane


                  And here I go......

                  Thank you all for your support!!!! I ordered the book and vitamins, they have not come yet. Yikes! I"m here posting trying not to think toooo much. I"ll be chatting live. brb.

