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alcoholics and victims

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    alcoholics and victims

    :new: I hope this ends up in the right spot so you can give me some advice? This is a long one - sorry.
    My situation
    I have been married 10yrs this year to x, I have a 2.5yr old z. I love x and z they mean the world to me. All in all my life is great, good job, home etc. X and I have an open and honest relationship, don't fight badly but I am scared this is all about to slip away.
    X and I used to party with drugs and alcohol, extasy, coke, marijuana, beer and spirits. We could have be considered extremists.
    X gave up cigis and marijuana in a day. I gave up marijuana easily but it took me till I fell preg with z to give up everything else.
    X has continued drinking and occasional drug use. Because the drug use has decreased the alcohol is affecting him more.
    His drinking has been a prob for about 2 yrs now. He binges. He was the one who told me he thought he had a drinking problem. His sollutions have been to do the following
    - not drink for 8 weeks at a time, and get really fit instead (didn't work but didn't make the binge worse )
    - if he had more than 4 drinks in a sitting he would binge so he has tried a 4 drink rule - doesn't really work consistently or rather if I am not around.
    - he has booked and is seeing one of the best drug and alcohol counselers who's solution was to still aim for the 4 drinks a day max, and to write down what happened after a binge this didn't work and x didn't write in the book ( this was after the first session with dr )
    - second session I was asked to go, dr asked me to see a dr about my feelings of hurt re x's drinking, x to still have 4 drink minimum and 1 night / mth agreed on by both x and me where he could have more than 4 - did not work
    - third session , not with me , dr said 4 drink max, no to the drug option 2 drink free days / week and keep a drink diary - had 2 benders consecutively 2 days after the dr appointment.

    x's benders include going out to a work lunch or meeting a potential client in the evening or going to the football in the evening say 6pm, ending up at a pub, not coming home, possibly getting a friend to drive him to pick z up from child care if he has gone to lunch, either calling me to tell me he will be home in an hr and not coming home till between 2 - 9 the next morning , or not calling me at all. He often will go out with people who are friends but when they go home he makes new friends or hooks on to "old friends he hasn't seen for a while' and will do this till the sun comes up? In his repetoire he has slept on church steps in the city once, on the street down at the beach once, in a mates care, he has lost several jackets, mobiles etc, has come home with a black eye once, a broken rib once, i have had to pick him up several times and most recently he came home at 7am with a mates mountain bike and told me he had had 4 extasy pills but had had a sleep!!!! this was on the day he is responsible for looking after z!!!! he will often do this when he is responsible for looking after z the next day which means I do, as I would never leave z with x when he was not 100% straight.

    this is his monthly cycle
    tues - go out
    wed get home betw 2 - 9am and sleep( I will look after z at work or my mum will
    thurs hung over will work and sleep and start feeling like he has a flu
    fri tired will work be really sleepy on the couch at night because' he has the flu'!!
    sat will feel a bit better but will not go out
    sun will drink and potenitally have a bender
    mon if had a bender will come home btw 2 - 9am I will take z to work
    he will have btw 1 and 2 weeks between bender weeks

    After the last bender I asked him really nicely to go stay at his parents till I saw the dr his dr suggested as I needed time to get my head straight as I was over the repeat behaviour that he know hurts me and is potentially leading to us breaking up. He was totally understanding and went. I asked him to write me a plan of what he was going to do about his drinking and our relationship so i new what to ask my dr . He wrote up a contract which he left me it was 4 drinks a day max, 6 drinks on holidays but only 4 in a sitting!, no coke and 2 days no drinking - so really he has added drinks. and 2 days without drinks

    I have seen the dr I was meant to who really didn't offer much info on why x repeatedly does what hurts us, apart from going to al anon and possibly seeing a marriage counselor.
    I went to Al anon for the first time the other day - love it highly recomend it and will definately continue to go.

    x is coming back into the house tomorrow to stay - hopefully. I was going to say his contract should be 4 no more on hols or not, no drugs not just no coke, 4 days alcohol free.

    One thing I got from Al anon is to have boundaries and that it is up to him to make this work. So I am just going to say that I have zero tolerance to him being drunk and hung over around me and z inside our house and on holidays. I also want to see a marriage counselor.
    I am nervous that he will just end up never being at home because of the zero tollerance and if so how long do I let that go on as the next step would be separating which I ultimately don't want but I can not stand around and watch him destroy himself and family especialy if it is all up to the drinker to get over it and decide to abstain.

    Have any of you done or experienced zero tollerance and for how long and what happened.(i am interested in both sides)

    Also the fact that he will say to me he needs to stop all together ( after a bender ) and that he is actually seeing a counselor ( although is not telling him everything as he prob doesn't remember) and that he also says he would never give it up altogether - is this all just manipulation.

    And how can I help him to stop his denial or to remember stuff with him getting defensive and feeling attacked.

    Can you tell I am confused?!! I am just starting to doubt him and his word in general and that hurts as I believe love comes from trust.

    Is it not really odd that the victim has to be the one that is uber sensitive, understanding, patient etc of the abusers feelings when they are the ones doing the hurt to both themselves and the victims?

    alcoholics and victims


    Wow. I don't know if I have great advice, but I will offer this. I was married to someone very similar. Drank to excess, did drugs, came home whenever he wanted to, etc., etc. I was also drinking at the time but had a pretty great job so I limited my consumption most nights and didn't really enjoy doing drugs so much. Eventually, he drank his way out of my life. He had been to rehab before (prior to me) and had a mean streak. I made ultimatums, yelled, begged, no avail. The only difference between us is that we didn't have a child. I did have a stepson and I can't tell you the times I had to go and pick him up because his father was loaded. I couldn't take it anymore (him rolling in at 5am, being arrested, etc.) and left. I never looked back. You may not have the same option because your child. Do you also have issues with alcohol?

    On another note, alanon is great. I have attended meetings and really got a lot out of it. Keep going. It sounds as if he needs to stop altogether! What is this 4 drinks thing? If he is an alcoholic drinking just one will set him off to drink more! If he thinks he can moderate he should spend at least 30 days alcohol free. It takes that long to get it out of your system. Also, the drugs are just feeding the alcohol use. He should get clean and sober. Until then you are just spinning your wheels. Tell him he needs to stop everything now. After he is sober for a while see if things change and if you can work things out. He is going to kill himself (or worse yet, someone else).

    I don't know if this helps or not but know that you have tons of support here. We have all been through it. All the best, Gabby.
    Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


      alcoholics and victims

      Hi jao.

      Your husband sounds exactly like where I was just a few years ago. I was a binge drinker and also took all the accepted party drugs like 'e's and coke. Like you mentioned, as well, once I stopped taking the drugs I fell flat on my face trying to drink the same quantities as before, as my heightened awareness was not there anymore. i started making an even bigger ass of myself the more I couldn't handle the drink. I don't want to repeat what you've already said jao but your story in so uncannily like mine and my ex-partners it's almost quite spooky to be honest.

      What I found is that I personally had to admit that I couldn't control my drinking no matter what. I tried going to my local Alcohol Service and keeping diaries etc and it just didn't work because I was not prepared to put in the effort to maintain them. To be perfectly honest they wouldn't of worked anyway as the obsession with alcohol was far to strong and my willpower was below zero. My biggest fear was a fear of change in my lifestyle. I was always the life and soul or parties and raved my little 'eckied' head off till I was nearly fall'n on the floor exhausted.

      I'll relate to you a bit of my story as I feel this may benefit in possibly associating to your husband's predicament.

      I grew up strengthening my ideals based on old hippie even Christian values and I came to view the world through rose-tinted glasses. I moved to London aged 18, grew my hair long and got heavily into The New-Age Traveling movement and free festivals. I never wanted a 'normal' life and all the trappings that went with it. Things turned very negative though when the politics became involved and I started to see things less than idealistic. Everything became focused on what was going wrong rather than what good I could make out of my life. It's this early conditioning that I feel I've had to somehow address in my life today.

      My life has revolved around being a part of something bigger than just me. I'm very tribalistic I think and The Travellers, squatters, hippies, ravers, activists, eco warriors etc etc all went to making up this way of life that i had envisioned. I transgressed through the festival scene into what became the free party scene then eventually the rave scene and music scene. All my lifestyle choices though revolved around drink and drugs. Everything I did in life warranted me drinking and taking drugs. It's kind of like the apple cart in front of the horse analogy. Drink and drugs where my life and that party spirit is what I lived for and then I would try and exist and do normal things like get a job and try and hold it down to get money to pay for my drink. Inside out and back to front thinking!!!lol

      here's my story that I wrote when I first joined here

      As you can probably tell by now I HATE conformity!!!!! But I've had this notion in my head recently that becoming sober means somehow conforming to the 'norm'. Very dangerous thinking for me!! I also saw AA as exactly the same though worse. I saw it as a brainwashing cult!!!lol. Believe you me this couldn't be further from the truth. I felt that if I went to AA I'd end up spouting all the aa terminology and talking about my higher power and getting on my knees and praying etc etc...You get out of AA what you want in my eyes. I was fast becoming addicted to social online networking including this site and other forums as well. I went back to AA after my last slip, truthfully, because I needed to get out the house and make some 'real' friends. Nothing more!! That guy on TV with the dreads and the combat gear at the poll tax riots fighting the police and the system with his anarchistic views....That was me (not literally mind due!!). So for me to go to AA and get something out of it is a huge huge step. I'm nowhere near getting on with doing the 12 steps yet but I listen at meetings and I get that sense of belonging that I got when I was younger and wanting to be a part of something. AA is not Religious at all. I hear of people sharing how they ask their higher power to do this and do that and how this morning they got on their knees and prayed etc. So what!! Not for me thank you very much because I have my own way of looking at the world. I won't loose my identity because I choose to see the world differently than other members of AA and I'm sure they feel the same way about me too.

      I'm still just a child in a man's body to be honest because all my years of drinking have left me without the necessary skills to cope with life in general. Alcohol took all that away from me and so getting sober over this last year has been one hell of a struggle and I've had my slips but my thinking has changed dramatically along the way. I finally game to the conclusion as well about 3 months sober that my relationship was over and I finally had the courage and confidence to make positive decisions regarding it. I have a 3/12 year old daughter myself whom I see regularly these days and my relationship with her is just amazing. I wouldn't have that if I was still kidding myself that everything was all right. I can honestly say that if I didn't 'get out' I would still be drinking today; that I am positive of.

      jao I really do hope this doesn't have to be the way with you and your husband but it very much sounds to me like he is kidding himself and you that he can moderate his drinking for any lengthy period. You're gonna keep going round in circles every 6 months or so as I did and nothing will ever permanently change unless he his willing to admit he has no control over drink anymore.

      I wish you well Jao
      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        alcoholics and victims

        Sounds like I am your husband! About two weeks in between SERIOUS benders with drinking inbetween, blacking out and everyday afterward saying i know i have a problem and need to stop and then doing all over again.
        I think if my husband gave me a no tolerance rule I would understand at first but in a few weeks just lie about what I was doing and do it all without him knowing. Sorry but true. My husband knows I have a problem with binging on alcohol but thinks i can just control it so continues to let me drink. I, like your husband, don't want to stop drinking all together.
        The other morning my husband and I agreed that maybe i should have a 3 drink limit and only drink with him present because no one else i know is going to tell me to stop including myself. Drinking alone and with my drinking buddies is what gets me into trouble it seems. Havent tried it yet but we shall see.
        You also need to understand that we who do this type of destructive behavior with drugs are not meaning to hurt those we are with. After some drinks the last thing i am thinking about is that i am going to hurt my husband by being stupid and drunk. All i am thinking about is when the next drink is coming. This is an addiction, both to the drug and the lifestyle. One thing I have come to realize in the past few days is that if I don't change my life habits (drinks at lunch/meeting up with drinking buddies without my husband) that my drinking habits will not change.
        I guess that what I am trying to say is that you are not fighting your husband here, if you want to keep him, you both need to be fighting the alcohol.
        If you love him, he really needs you to be strong right now.


          alcoholics and victims

          Hi Joa :welcome:

          It sounds to me like he might need to go back to rehab to get this thing under control. I have similar issues with a husband "rolling in at 5am and getting arrested, etc" but his is due to refusing to take medication for his bipolar. I have chosen to stay with him and it is most definitely because we have children. I hope things look up for you soon :l

          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


            alcoholics and victims

            Hopefully this gets to all that replied (being new to this blog stuff not sure ) Firstly wow!! thanks it is really interesting to get different view points, scary how similar we all are in different ways if that makes sense. So we were meant to have our 'chat' tonight x and I but this morning he called me still pissed from going out - yep stoked. Still having the chat though tomorrow night as I still have hope that it is not too late to wake him up to what he is doing, I still truely honestly absolutely love him and think I still have the strength to follow my mini plan of zero tollerance and councelling till that fails and I ask him to leave at least I will have tried what I can before getting sucked too deeply into my own void of self doubt from his actions as then I will be no good to either of us. So thanks again, I am going to try to reply individually to some of you but again don't know if I will get it right. Thanks for all the love and care it is so nice to be able to share.


              alcoholics and victims

              Dove's post makes a great deal of sense and is very helpful in understanding how your husband might be feeling. However, having been in your shoes, you have to think first and foremost of yourself and your child. You cannot change your husband or his behavior. I tried for 22 years and about drove myself crazy. I finally had to tell my husband no more. He had to go into treatment or leave the home. He tried treatment, but kept drinking. I told him I could not live with the alcohol any longer and set a date by which he had to leave if he was still drinking. He moved out April 11, 1999. It took him a long time to get sober and healthy. He almost lost his life. Had I not taken charge of MY life and that of my daughter's we would have still been fighting that battle. He has not fully recovered medically. I feelfor him. I care about him as my daughter's father and only want the best for him. But, I am glad that I took care of myself and moved on. I am happier. I have my own battles to fight that have reared their ugly head since 1999, but I know deep in my heart that I am the only one who can fight the battle for me. As no one can fight the battle for your husband but himself. You have to just take care of yourself. We are all here for you.....


                alcoholics and victims

                Ok so q and a as I could not answer individually
                Gaby - x is not verbally mean or physically mean which can sort of make it a harder decision to leave as if he was mean I would leave immediately and congratulate you for doing so. Having a child does not make me stay it makes me more likely to leave as I think it is selfish of me to stay and have her live with a daddy who sleeps on the couch or who plays with her pissed or who can't look after her because he is still too hungover. I have control of my drinking after not drinking or doing drugs over my pregnancy but I do have to reduce my intake when I do drink as I am more susceptable to it from abstainance and change in body chemistry.
                I would love to tell him to stop it all we have already tried the 1 month of nothing then moderate but I don't think he is realistic about his own situation if the no tollerance does not make his binges lessen I will just ask him to leave till he figures it out? i think!!.


                  alcoholics and victims

                  I went to some counseling sessions with my husband when he was in treatment. The one thing that made the MOST impact on me was this. The counselor asked me if I knew what Co-Dependant meant. I had read tons of books on it and thought I had a good handle on what it meant. I gave him my definition. He asked me one question. I will ask you the same thing. How much of your day/life is controlled by your husbands drinking/drugs?

                  My answer was every second............Could I count on him to be home for dinner? Could I talk to him about the bills tonight or would he be too drunk? Would he be able to pick up our daughter from cheerleading practice or would I have to miss my class so that I could go get her? and so on and so on and so on..........Everything I did or planned to do would have to run through a filter of what condition my husband would be in. How does this fit in your life? Are you as exhausted as I was? Can you envision a life that is less stressful? I know what you want is a happy healthy family. That is not possible unless your husband changes his behavior.
                  Hang in there, you will make the choice that is right for you and your child.



                    alcoholics and victims

                    thanks hippy I really apreciate your honesty and openness


                      alcoholics and victims

                      Hey dove, you do sound like my husband, so if you understand that your actions are hurting those around you like you have just said, what makes you continue to keep putting yourself in the situations that you have proved to yourself result in the hurt? I understand it is an addiction but then if you also understand that, as he does, why would you try to attempt moderation, is it that selfish addiction telling you you don't have one? I hope I am not delving to deep but this is really what I want to know as I can not understand how so many people with alcoholism, understand the hurt they are creating to themselves and others but keep putting themselves in situations they know they will stuff up in, it is really really illogical. Appologies again if I am delving too deep but I really want to know if you are willing to answer and understand if you dont


                        alcoholics and victims

                        Wise words miss 57, thank you. I am totally hearing you, I have been married for 10 years and have had 2 - 2.5 of those years with x's condition worsening as time went by. I do not want to continue for the next 10 and have made a commitment to my self to give what more I can with out the self hurt, from your words, al anon and a great friend of mine I have realised my worth again and do understand it is up to him to get help. I have not and will not let myself be co dependant, and have not reached that as yet. He does affect my life with his behaviour but I do not pre empt it or expect it. I have enabled in the past in various ways but am way aware of how now so will stop it where I can.
                        best jao


                          alcoholics and victims

                          hippie37;353340 wrote:
                          jao I really do hope this doesn't have to be the way with you and your husband but it very much sounds to me like he is kidding himself and you that he can moderate his drinking for any lengthy period. You're gonna keep going round in circles every 6 months or so as I did and nothing will ever permanently change unless he his willing to admit he has no control over drink anymore.
                          This is very very good advice :h
                          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                          - George Jackson


                            alcoholics and victims

                            okay this may be the answer...
                            first, those without a drinking (you and my husband) problem don't understand that we need this substance to get through the day lots of days...they think 'oh, come on, get a hobby or something, i can just stop or not drink why cant you?'....the real root of the problem is probably not the alcohol but the anxiety and 'lack of coping abilities' that we carry with us in every day life that the alcohol takes is very uncomfortable without it i guess

                            i don't EVER think about hurting others when i just happens with the change in personality that comes with being drunk....the honesty and lack on inhibition if you will that TOMORROW i realize hurt him...i drink almost every day of the week with intentions of just relaxing and having some fun but sometimes it just turns into a mess...i guess every time i start i really do believe that i can keep it under control this time and in reality that only happens when someone MAKES me stop...i was going to say i have stopped myself before but who am i kidding

                            i guess i keep doing it because i know he is never REALLY (come on, really! ha!) leave me over it...he met me as a heavier partier and drinker than i am now...and then married me!... that's all he knows and sometimes i kind of think its his fault if he gets mad because he knew me when i was worse

                            that sounds really harsh but its sadly true right now



                              alcoholics and victims

                              btw - my husband only recently mumbled under his breath that he realizes i have a drinking problem....up until now i think he just thought it was a controllable, stoppable, old college fun thing like his the sense that he used to binge drink in college and now only gets drunk on special occasions maybe once every three months or so

                              i still dont think he understands but he has admitted night when no one was around...


