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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Morning ODATers!

    Thought I would grab a moment with the PC whilst eating my weetabix... only time I'll get near it for the next few days no doubt.

    It's wet and yuk here today and I'm having my hair cut (which is a major twice yearly event) but with the weather as it is I will be a frizzy fuzz ball cos that's what it does if the air is damp - :H

    Hope all the rest of you are doing well and taking it ODAT!

    Luv to all

    ODAT - Friday

    Good morning frizzy fuzzball and all to come. Phyllis Diller here. But my bath awaits and I shall be the new and improved version.

    Last night I wnnt to a play aith a GF and laughed my arse off. Wtih my water bottle and was oh so content to slide into a social event which involved a bar. Felt good.

    Quick soak and I'm off to the hole!

    Have a great day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Friday

      Morning ODATers! Last night went to a movie so my mind was not on alcohol at all which made it easy to have an AF night. I'm feeling somewhat sad and miserable today though and not sure exactly what is up. I had an appointment with my therapist yesterday so I've been thinking of a lot of stuff which may be part of it - and my BF pissed me off last night so of course to protect my heart I'm doing the famous backwards walk and questioning everything. I'll be fine, just need to get through the day. I'm on holidays from work next week so I really just want today to be over so I can pick up the daughter and get away for a couple of days.

      Hope everyone has a great day.........and weekend. I won't be around next week guys so take care of each other and I'll be thinking of you!

      Love and Hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT - Friday

        Good day all from a fellow fuzzy head!! When we were in Texas earlier this month my hair was out of control--I had forgotten it could get that big! I'm not sure what I'd do if we lived in a humid climate.
        Greenie, read your post last night about your evening, sounds like fun! And I am sooo jealous that you get 2 weeks home alone. Not fair. My sil was complaining because she is bored this summer with everyone else in her home working----I just don't see that happening to me. Maybe after awhile.
        Uni--I'm envious of you too, off for a week. What will you do???
        I had plans today to go to my OB-GYN, but had to postpone that for a different time of the month! Now I'm going to see a different doctor to visit about getting "Essure implants". So now I'm not sure what to do today. I guess I'll kill some more weeds. Of course the kids will want to do something else! :H

        Have a great weekend/vacation all!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          ODAT - Friday

          Morning ODATers!

          Happy to wake up bright eyed, and bushy tailed (not unlike Mad Mummy I presume, but not for long I see!)

          Today I have a bit of work and then I'm off to the Fair with the little ones. Used to be a painful event full of lights and loud music and the usual hangover to make it almost completely unbearable to the point I simply couldn't see the smiles on their faces through my bulging red eyes. Today will be different and I can't thank MWO and you all enough!

          Green and Uni, congrats on your AF movie and play, what a great accomplishment!

          LV, go get some lemons and let the kids help you make homeade lemonade to perk up your weed-pulling. It's my standard advice for this weekend. When life gives you lemons.....well, you know... Give it a try!

          Have a nice one everybody!

          Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.

