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I'm just sayin'

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    I'm just sayin'

    Day 8. Friday. The weekend. God not again. Every 7 days that damn weekend comes back. As if the weekdays aren't hard enough. I'm still so unmotivated to get anything done, still have bags under my eyes, haven't excersised in 2 weeks. All I think about is when can I drink again. How much longer do I have to wait.


    I'm just sayin'

    Don't worry about being unmotivated and tired. Your body is working hard to rid this poison and repair. Weekends are hard, but only if you let them be. Try to think of them just as any other day.

    Sending you strength!!! It does get easier with time.


      I'm just sayin'

      hang in there does get easyer stay strong and busy .and take this time for yourself.. things will get done for friday just another day thats all it is . tonight come to chat ,listen to youtube what ever it takes.but enjoy yourself and be proud of what you are doing for yourself ..
      peace ,love and god bless
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        I'm just sayin'

        part of recovery is the early suffering...sorry!!! we all must go through that difficult stage. hang in there and be strong, its worth all the effort. Everything is re-setting into new mode. Clean Mode. :l


          I'm just sayin'

          Fight the Boredom


          You need to think of something, ANYTHING to keep you from your boredom. Boredom leads to thinking and irrational thinkin' leads to drinkin'. It's still early....make a plan for the weekend.


          --Can you do some planting this weekend? There's time to go to the garden store, get all the supplies and plant a small garden or a few pots today/tomorrow.

          --Go get some lemons and make some lemonade for a"cocktail". A cliche, I know, but you can make a metaphor into real life.

          --Can you go get a good book and power through it this weekend, keeping tea by your side? You can even do that in your slippers!

          --Do you have a non-drinking friend you can go visit for a day?

          --Maybe treat yourself to a massage or facial? If money is tight, perhaps you can go buy an inexpensive mud mask and scrub and do it yourself. Throw in a manicure and pedicure and you'll be feeling fine.

          We're here for you and if I haven't hit the right boredom fighting activity, let me know, I'm full of 'em...(or it....your choice)..LOL but I do have more ideas.

          Friday is just another day of the week. You'll get through it just like you have before.



          Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


            I'm just sayin'

            Hi Noma'am

            Did you used to drink everyday? The reason why I ask is because I did and the weekends were just an excuse to drink more as I didn't have to wake up and go to work. Today is day 2 af for me - I have done abstinance before but have recently slipped back into my old routine.

            I always found weekends harder but I found keeping myself busy was the key. I know you said you have exercised for 2 weeks, but maybe go for a walk or jog. Sometimes once you start exercising it can give you an extra boost.


              I'm just sayin'

              Helps me just to get out of the house. I can't really exercise right now either, but I can grab a book and a huge diet coke and go sit by the lake all day. Oh, and bread for the ducks.

