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Please..Say it isn't so..

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    Please..Say it isn't so..

    WOW...I hope that I wasn't wrong(I have to be wrong in my thoughts,now).I poured my heart out this morning and told my husband about my secret hiding places and asked him to do what ever it takes to keep me from stashing AL in the house.Now there is no turning place for my secret lover anymore.I have just been sitting here thinking that there must be a place that I have not thought of.I wanted to rid myself of the guilt and to have a watch dog that could and would find any bottles of AL.I was so sure of myself just a few days ago and now I feel like I have taken a gaint step BACKWARDS....NO MORE SECRETS...I feel like I have lost my very best friend...SOME FRIEND,yah right...Evie
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    Please..Say it isn't so..

    Hey asking for help no matter how crazy it sounds, is good. You did it its over and now I say enjoy feeling of as you say no more secrets. Take a breath, a big deep one (I am doing that right now so I say AF today) and keep posting!!!!

    Sammys you are doing good!!!!!!


      Please..Say it isn't so..

      well i would say its not a step backwards but a leap forward. now dont regrets it and just keep moving forward .. you can and you are doing it.. keep it strong
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Please..Say it isn't so..

        Evie: You've taken a giant step FORWARD. Admitting to your husband was incredibly courageous. Pat yourself on the back. You're on your way. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Please..Say it isn't so..

          Strength in numbers is what I say! Hey, you have your biggest fan in your corner - your husband.

          Reaching out for help probably makes him feel part of your accomplishment.

          Good for you! It is a huge step forward!


            Please..Say it isn't so..

            I think it's great...much more empowering than your hiding place being "found"


              Please..Say it isn't so..

              Hi Evie,

              I know exactly what you are saying.

              And if you think long enough you'll find another hiding place.

              Those thoughts are "craving " thoughts. As soon as you think of a really good hiding place the anxiety will resolve...almost like you can take back what you have said to your husband because of your new hiding spot. You're safe now.

              It's the beast talking to you, you know that, so talk right back to him.
              You know you are AF, tell AL to take a hike.

              Then let it go. You're safe sober, Evie, and early on in your AF life.
              Thoughts like these are OK and they will pass. They're just thoughts.

              Congratulations on recruiting your husband! I agree with everyone else......good move, well done! Let me pat your back!

              magic xxx:greatjob2:
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                Please..Say it isn't so..

                Evie: I understand everything you've said. I used to have my stash of hiding places. I understand the need for the liquid "secrets" and some part of me thinking "gaahh... I wish I could drink the way I want whenver I want!" Now I'm alone and divorced. And dealing with this problem on my own is terrifying. Not sure what i"m trying to say, only that I have followed your progress in the past few weeks and you have been doing so AMAZING!!!
                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                  Please..Say it isn't so..

                  Giant leap Evie! That took some fortitude. You will miss your buddy AL, but he wasn't a good friend anyway. My hubby knew how clever I was so he would do breath checks. Can't hide that! I thaink it was a great move on your part. Good luck!!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Please..Say it isn't so..

                    I've been there Evie and trust me....letting the cat out of the bag is a whole lot easier than getting it back in.

                    It's out there and now you feel accountable. I understand and we're all here to support you.

                    Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.

