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Going away for a week.........

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    Going away for a week.........

    Hey guys,

    I gotta admit, I'm scared..........

    I've done really well since joining MWO - you would not believe how well! I don't drink that much anymore (well, not like I used to)...........the last time I forgot something I did while drinking was like 3 months ago.........maybe doesn't seem like much but a huge step for me. I have learned to moderate, have more AF days then ever before and am continuing to work at this challenge.

    My goal is to moderate.........I go to a therapist regularly and she also thinks that is possible for me and I have told her my drinking patterns. We are working at things and along with MWO things are looking real good.

    Here is my challenge. I leave tomorrow to go to my cottage for a week. I have friends coming who are big drinkers..........she is already all over the "hey, let's open the wine, hey what do the kids have to do so we know they're safe and we can drink" type scares me that I used to be like "gee what can I do with my child so I can drink.........." I don't think like that it's more like, OMG my child is my # 1 priority.......I need to control any alcohol intake..........not how I used to think.....

    anyway......point is that it is going to be a hard week. Her kids are a lot older than mine so so they are old enough to watch mine so that we can relax and "party"........I want to mod but I know it's going to be hard. I have some AF beer and wine and figure I can hide that from her ...........she's not close enough that I can tell her I want to slow down - this is not a close friend but more of a work related friend that is just happening to be at the same place at the same time kind of scenario..........

    anyway..........I have no Internet when I'm gone so please everyone think of me.........keep me in your thoughts as I will keep you all in mine. And I will work really hard at keeping my moderation the way I have been..........You guys all rock.......

    Sorry, not really asking for advice as much as I needed to vent that I am scared. But I know with thoughts of you guys I will prevail.

    Love and Hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    Going away for a week.........

    Hey Uni,

    I totally relate. I have an annual two week trip with some drinking friends coming up soon (actually they may cancel this year which would be a great thing!) and they know my love of wine. If I ever say I am trying to cut back it is met with laughs and it ticks me off.

    Do your best! Think of you and your health and well being first. Have a great time and don't let them influence you!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Going away for a week.........

      Best of luck. Take really good af beer, it tastes almost the same. There is always the "I'm on a medication I can't drink" trick. As well as the "I'm trying to lose weight, so no more than 1"


        Going away for a week.........


        Everything you wrote completely describes my situation leaving tomorrow for a week as well!

        I am doing so well, but this having to share a condo with family that gets silly/ giggly on the second glass of wine! They asked me if a one big bottle of Chardonnay would be too much for the week? I'm like... well, never mind.

        And I had to buy it simply because I made the big Costco run. You Costco people understand! Its really, really difficult. I have a plan, so I am deterimed to make it work.

        All the best to you!
        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          Going away for a week.........

          Good luck Universal, its not easy I know. Stocking up on the AF beer and wine is the only answer. Start with those and you should be fine. I find that once I take one alcoholic drink thats it, I'm off. A few AF ones takes the edge off and may help you moderate when you do then drink. Good luck



            Going away for a week.........

            Uni...have know how to be safe. I am not worried about you. Go and enjoy yourself..Okay. Love Rippy. :h


              Going away for a week.........


              Here is my challenge. I leave tomorrow to go to my cottage for a week. I have friends coming who are big drinkers..........she is already all over the "hey, let's open the wine, hey what do the kids have to do so we know they're safe and we can drink" type scares me that I used to be like "gee what can I do with my child so I can drink.........." I don't think like that it's more like, OMG my child is my # 1 priority.......I need to control any alcohol intake..........not how I used to think.....
              It seems to me you know what is important in your life.

              You will do splendidly.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Going away for a week.........

                I agree with Cindi and Ripple. Besides, your friend will understand, right? And maybe she deep down wants to cut down also??
                I think you'll have a great time and do just fine--plus will feel better everyday because you won't have a hangover!!!!! But I will be praying for you and everyone else facing the same issues just the same.
                Have fun, you deserve it!!!
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  Going away for a week.........

                  Be true to yourself- and what you wrote in your first post. Especially the first night- and then build on that success each successive night for the rest of the week.
                  Wishing you peace and a wonderful trip

