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Trying again

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    Trying again

    Hi everyone, this is my first time ever posting on a message board so I feel a little strange. In any case- I am new to this site. I have been trying to moderate my drinking for many years. I have also tried AA and the longest I lasted was 2 months. Where I live, in Denver, the AA meetings tend to be full of a lot of people that are just out of rehab, have also had drug problems, have lived on the street, etc. and I can't relate, and tend to get unmotivated/depressed after going to the meetings. Often I can just drink a little but more often I overdo it. Last night I drank over a bottle of wine with my sister- we tend to enable each other. I am so tired of being hung over, and feeling like I am not living my life to its potential. I also know I am carrying an extra 5-10 Lbs because of my wine consumption. I know life will be better if I can just reduce to drinking moderately. I also can't see myself becoming a total AA-er.

    I just ordered the book and the hynotherapy tapes and am going to buy the kudzu/L Glutamine tomorrow.
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to whether I should really try some of the medications? also do the tapes/supplements really help? I am optimistic about trying a new approach and really hope this site and the supporting materials will help me.



    Trying again

    Please see my post from debruce regarding the medical advice I have received.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Trying again

      P.S. This site is so successful because we have taken RJ's suggestions, everything she has suggested works, but do a mental shift yourself to enable her suggestions and tried and true methods to work.

      Good luck.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Trying again

        Hi Lhasamom!:welcome:

        Sorry, the boards tend to get a little slow on the weekend, especially I've noticed in the summer.
        Personally I think this program was made for people like you (and I). I'm glad you ordered the book, cd's and yes, the supps do help. The kudzu from here I believe from what I've read is the best. Also the Allone powder is full of antioxidants and animo acids that help get our bodies back in balance. (but it tastes pretty bad) I'm still kind of experimenting with some of them to be honest.
        I don't really have cravings much anymore, but the L-glut and kudzu really help with that. I believe it is important to change up your routine and habits. Drink lots of water. Keep busy or rest and read. If you have any more questions there will be lots of support here!
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          Trying again

          Hi SKendall, thank you. I am not sure which post you are referring to? Can you clarify? thanks very much for your response.


            Trying again

            LVT25, thank you very much. I am happy to be up early this morning, feeling good. I am going to buy the supps today. I am looking forward to getting the tapes and book. I am also going to work hard on changing my routines as you say. Thanks so very much for your insight.
            I just realized I could have just posted one reply to both of you rather than to message boards. In any case thank you and have a great day.


              Trying again

              Hi Lhasamom

              Just wanted to say welcome to MWO.

              Yu made a start by ordering the supps and tapes, just remain positive and try to identify your danger zone. (the time u would normaly start to drink). Keep yourself busy.


                Trying again

                Thank you Lotus! I started the supplements yesterday including the Allone. I didn't make it without wine last night but did not over do it. I have been doing a lot of reading on this site and there is so much wisdom here. It is amazing to see that people all over the world are struggling because of this same problem.
                I am feeling better today and trying to get lots of exercise to up the endorphins. Am also planning on working this week to really manage stress which I know is a huge trigger for me.
                Anyway, thanks all for the support.


                  Trying again

                  Hello Lhasamom, just wanted to welcome you. If you can spare the time then I would suggest reading through some old posts, especially the ones that have been recommended above, although you may become addicted to this site as the hours just flow by,not a bad thing for some days eh. Well done for posting your first thread, that is the worst bit over with, just jump in now and post away.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

