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9 days still feel like crap

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    9 days still feel like crap

    I had a melt down on the 18th and embarrassed myself significantly enough to quit. 2 days of mild withdraw symptoms. 9 days later my legs are still shaky and sweaty, the previous evenings are still a blur and I still feel depressed. how much longer is this going to last?

    9 days still feel like crap

    I'm so sorry that you are not feeling good.

    I'm only on day 3 AF but previously whilst abstinance I found the 2nd week to be a complete a**h*le.

    Are you taking any meds? Try drinking water and herbal tea. I'm not really sure what advice to offer but just wanted you I am thinking of you.


      9 days still feel like crap

      It's good to know you're thinking of me, thanks. you also reminded me that i'm 9 days better off than i previously was. all the best to you.


        9 days still feel like crap

        Hi Pigeonrat,
        I think we all differ and it depends also on how much you've been drinking and for how long? Drink lots and lots of filtered water (at least 2,5 litre per day) with lemon juice. I also make myself a detox soup from veg only. The idea is a light diet because your organs have taken a knock, and flushing out toxins as fast as possible.
        I also had a major meltdown and am now on day 1 Af again .
        Just don't give up.
        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


          9 days still feel like crap

          thanks jessie and good luck


            9 days still feel like crap

            Good luck to both of sucks. It is so much easier to quit and stay off it than keep quitting(thanks Chief)


              9 days still feel like crap

              Hello. Today is day 9 for me to and I am still waiting for the fireworks to start. For now I am irritated, exhausted and looking haggard. But I figure I've come to far to not keep going. Good luck. Hopefully in a few weeks we can compare notes about how wonderful we are looking and feeling!


                9 days still feel like crap

                Just a little while longer

                When I first went AF I felt fine for the first couple of days and thought everything would be fine. THEN the symptoms started, I felt like hell and I found this site. Everyone told to keep hanging on just one more day -- it was hard to follow that advice when I felt as bad the next day. I woke up a few days ago, after almost a month, after the best night of sleep I have had in just about forever. I felt really good. I couldn't believe it. I thought, will this last? It's been getting better and better. SO, PLEASE hang in there one more day. And if tomorrow isn't your day, or the next day, it will come pretty soon. It will be worth it.


                  9 days still feel like crap


                  You're all doing well - hang on in there - it's worth it . . . . . .Lots of good wishes to you all Px
                  Short term goal 7 days AF


                    9 days still feel like crap


                    Hang in there. It WILL get better. We all react differently during detox and maybe your body is just taking longer to adjust. I am on day 17 and feel terrific. I really didn't suffer much this time going AF and I attribute it to a good diet (low fat, no sugar, no processed anything), my supps, a great multivitamin, plenty of water, and I also started taking a b-12 tablet. Also, do you take Sam-e? If not, it is a mood enhancer, good for your joints and your liver! I recovered much quicker than any other times I have gone AF. Just keep going. You will turn the corner very soon. Gabby.
                    Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


                      9 days still feel like crap

                      I like comparing notes as your words are music to my ears, no matter where in the arrangement one stands. Or sit, or has to lie down for oh how I know this withdrawl discomfort. A week or so ago, was one of the worst in a long time and I was frightened. Yet, it passed. I am tapering down(as best I can, for I can still inhale 3 bottles promptly), preparing for July 1, my day of beginning anew.

                      Be encouraged on another level beyond the physical for this too shall pass.
                      I have tried TOPA and mixing and matching supps and not yet been in the winners circle of reaching that level of freedom from this.
                      I have just begin the GABA and the TRUE CALM as well as the AMINO ACIDS off the MWO program and the difference is amazing. It is the physical shakiness and being in that hell that usually sends me back to the abyss because it is difficult to tolerate.
                      So, now I stay here and take in the strong medicine here that soothes beyond the surface.

                      You are cared about, respected and held in high regard as you are amongst kindred spirits.

                      Be well.


                      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                        9 days still feel like crap

                        Hello all,

                        I posted the information below in a "detox thread" earlier today in general discussions. Perhaps this will give you some explaination and hope! Hang in there, it does get much, much better!

                        I felt like crap for a long time. At least 6 weeks! And every now and again I will go through a few days of additional detox. While "DETOX" as a result of dietary body change may be a good thing. The physical symptoms are very unpleasant. The body is cleaning house and expelling these toxins. The only way the body has to rid itself of them is through our various excretory systems: As TOXINS, these excrements are extremely "toxic" to tissue! Consequently you can experience some or all of the following:

                        Bowels - either constipated or loose
                        Sinuses - congestion or runny nose
                        Digestion - loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting
                        Headache - due to inflamation of tissue
                        Joint pain - "
                        Increased Sweating - Unusual odor
                        Foul taste in your mouth
                        Excessive tiredness
                        Increased urine - change in color or smell

                        There can be symptoms in addition to the above. Remember to intake increased amounts of water. This will dilute the toxic effect of the toxins on tissues as it they are being eliminated. A dr. friend of mine always said, with regard to detox/dietary body change, "The solution to polution is dilution, WATER, WATER, WATER!"

                        It may be "UNFUN" but what you are experiencing is a good thing! It will get better!

                        Hugs, Best
                        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                          9 days still feel like crap

                          Great thread and great advice.

                          Lots of water!! It does help. It did me, anyway.


                          Oh, and better to go through a few days of hell than a lifetime of misery. Mags' words and great words they are.
                          AF April 9, 2016


                            9 days still feel like crap

                            Thanks all. So good to read. Love the quote, Cindi.


                              9 days still feel like crap

                              Gatorade and SAMe helped me. You need to really really pamper yourself in whatever healthy way works for you :l
                              Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                              - George Jackson

