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want to be a better person

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    want to be a better person

    this is the first time i've reached out in any way publicly to admit i have a problem. i'm tired of feeling ashamed, lost, sad and hopeless. trying to do this on my own doesn't seem to work. i'm about to move to a new place with a new job and i don't want to bring this baggage with me. alcoholism runs in my family and i can't keep running away from this problem. i have stopped before for about 3 months, but then it slowly crept back in and i'm back to where i was before. i'm young, single, attractive, intelligent--i have everything going for me. except this. and i feel that i'm ready to enter into a relationship (although i haven't met him yet) and definitely want children. but not like this. i need to stop but am scared for the upcoming social situations where everyone else is drinking. i want my power back! i want to be the best i can be. any advice would be much appreciated.

    want to be a better person


    It is hard to talk about your relationship with alcohol to what may feel like strangers, but I have been here over a year and the advice and support has been great.

    Welcome to MWO. I always say that the best way to start is to download the book. It will give you advice on medications, supps and other resources to help you along the way. You don't have to use any of these if you don't want to. I have previously used L glut and Kudzu but this time I am doing them without any supps.

    Social events are always a downfall when initially starting out and in some ways it is changing how you view alcohol. Have you read Allen carr's Easyway to control alcohol? I have found his book both annoying but very much helpful when faced with reasons why I may be tempted to drink.

    Take it one day at a time, breaking you day into little chunks. Keep yourself busy.

    As you said you are moving to another job, think of this as a new beginning for you. Also you have done this before so you can do this again.


      want to be a better person

      Welcome Oneness!
      Reaching out like that is so difficult- and you did it! That is a brilliant first step. I have a really hard time with that myself but dipped my toe in here and found that it has been very helpful. Your story and mine are similar. I am newish here as well- my only advice would be read a lot- and post as you are comfortable...
      Welcome again


        want to be a better person

        :welcome: oneness! You may not realize it, but you have the perfect opportunity at your fingertips. Moving to a new place, new job, etc. means not having to say you "quit drinking". You simply "don't drink". Then proceed to not drink. Haha, easier said than don, eh? I suggest you read the book, get the supplements and kudzu and get support here. You absolutely DO deserve better and you seem to be willing to give yourself that gift. Stick to your guns. People here are more than willing to offer suggestions for your triggers, habits, etc. We have to get to know you and will give you all we've got. Good luck!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          want to be a better person

          :welcome: Oneness......

          I agree........a brand new start....
          Read and post...find what works for you.
          We're all here pulling for you.
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            want to be a better person

            this is great place for support and we are here for you
            and you can get what you want as long as you really want it.
            dont give up its there for the taking..
            read and learn the best way for your way out
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              want to be a better person

              Oneness....Try anything that will help...AA for support, some don't care for that. The rules rub some the wrong way. One thing I have found with them, is that they give a lot of support ! Come back here to resume support ! You have a lot of good support here ! We all have our ways of giving you support ! Take what you like ! LOL ! IAD!
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss

