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this night has opened my eyes...

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    this night has opened my eyes...

    Well, it's now day 6 without any alcohol or cigarettes for me...

    I regularly do 4 days most weeks AF, as I am (was?) a big binge drinker at the weekends. Weekend in, weekend out. And occasionally in the week, but mainly weekends.

    But last night I went out on the town, had a good night, had a laugh at my drunk friends and people in general, drove home and felt great. Accidently had one sip of my friends jack daniels and coke instead of my straight coke and it tasted awful.

    People could not believe I was not drinking, and nor could I myself. You can count on 1 hand how many times this happened in the last 12 years, maybe 3 times ever.

    I thought it was going to torture, fighting two demons (alcohol and cigs) at once - to me they come hand in hand. But it was generally ok, and I have realised that part of the drunk feeling for me on a night out (feeling nicely tired and relaxed) I get without drinking!

    I just hope I can stay this positive, anxiety is so much better, so much more energy.

    I am sure most people on here don't have a problem with drink for drinks sake...there is usually underlying issues which precipitates the abuse. So thats going to be the challenge.

    For anyone reading this who thinks it's impossible to have a good night without drink, or you would rather stay at home...ITS NOT!!! Having the mindset of being sick to the back of drinking (whatever it's effects on you) has been the strongest thing for me. And the support on this site, and reading other peoples stories, have been inspiring.

    Here's to reaching 30 days, and hopefully realising life is a million times better.

    Thanks to you all!
    "Work is the curse of the drinking classes." Oscar Wilde

    this night has opened my eyes...

    Thank you to you for sharing a positive Sometimes we gloify what we are missing by not drinking and forget what we are not missing(hangovers,w/d,anxiety) So much of it is what our mind does to us and I truly appreciate you shining a positive light on not drinking.


      this night has opened my eyes...

      I am occassionally getting flashes of thoughts like,

      "I've done 6 days, I deserve a drink now..."
      "Why are you bothering, you will never keep this up..."
      "How are you going to enjoy yourself without drink..."

      etc etc.

      Got to keep controlling my mind whenever these thoughts come into my head. People talk of alcohol like it's evil etc, but it's nothing but an inanimate object. It's all in the mind of course, the battle for control, it's our own choice.

      Self hypnosis and meditation is helping me, I haven't got the MYO CD's but I recommend these people to get you totally relaxed, and to calm the mind of running away with itself:-

      Wendy Friesen
      Paul Scheele
      Dick Sutphen

      Hope this can last. All it would take is one drink and I would end up with embarressing moments like these:-

      - Ringing my dad up at 3 am as I was stuck on my garage roof (i had lost my keys, so decided to climb onto the garage and get in from the back), absolutely wasted stuck on my roof having to jump into my dads arms. How proud he must have been of his son!!! I was 29 at the time.

      - Getting wasted and taking coke at my sisters wedding reception, told my family I was on coke, danced like an idiot, got off with the bridesmaid (she was not nice), had 8 hours of panic attacks.

      Don't want this no more.
      "Work is the curse of the drinking classes." Oscar Wilde


        this night has opened my eyes...

        You're not alone...we have all had those moments(well perhaps not the same EXACT moments) but moments nevertheless.


          this night has opened my eyes...

          Stellar! I know exactly how you feel.
          Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


            this night has opened my eyes...

            stay strong you are doing a great job and we all have those moments and it also called over thinking which is good to help you learn and grow
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              this night has opened my eyes...

              Glad to see your eyes are open, hang in thier !! We're here to help ! LOL! IAD!
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                this night has opened my eyes...

                Nice one!!! I went to an engagement party on Friday - didn't touch a drop! Still had a good time - contrary to popular belief you can have a good time without alcohol and from my experience, I find going AF at a party is more stress free!
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

