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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Morning all!

    Back from a weekend away in Wales (family wedding) after a week with the in laws here. I didn't do too badly when the inlaws were here and though I did drink over the wedding weekend it wasn't to my usual level. Last night back at home though I let the brakes off - not so good. Friends who had stayed here to look after the animals were still here and I hadn't mentally built that into my planning.

    So some dogs days to be added and chunky numbers in drink tracker but I am looking forward to an AF week to get back on the straight and level again.

    Hubby away on Wednesday so hopefully lots of time to catch up on here, find out how everyone is and get some much needed inspiration.

    Hope everyone is well and happy.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Monday

    Welcome back. Starting day 2 again today. Let's do today.


      ODAT - Monday

      Good Morning Bessie and Harvey,

      Jump back on track, Bessie.

      I am going to be sober today!!


      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Monday

        Welcome Back BessFull....:balloon:

        Harvey....try again, its easy!!! :H
        Cindi...How are you dear? :flower:

        Everyone else who adds on....have a wonderful day...:wave:


          ODAT - Monday

          Day 11. I will not drink today.


            ODAT - Monday

            noma'am;355353 wrote: Day 11. I will not drink today.
            hey, thats good. focus on everything going on around you. day by day you will learn who you are as the fog clears. enjoy your new life as it is coming your way!!! :H


              ODAT - Monday

              Good morning! I started out witn Mullein tea (for a cough) sweetened with Stevia. I never had stevia before. It's not as good as honey, but it made the tea palatable. I'm not too excited about my new dietary regeime, but "ll do my best. I like being sober and I'm sure I will like a new healthy body too. Went to the sauna yesterday and sweated out a couple fifths I'm sure. :H I'm still too sore to work out. I hope that goes away soon.

              Bessie I wondered where you were.

              Harvey good on you for making it through yesterday. You can do today too!

              Cindi how's the facial pain?

              Rippy, The casino job? What's your avatar and comment mean?

              Great job noma'am!

              Have a great day!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Monday

                Green you will adjust to Stevia, it takes about 3 days and your buds will like it just will be getting nice and lean..

                The job!!! no word yet..there may be a 2nd interview this week. I am thinking is a stressful position. The next door over is The Casino!!!! ya right, i can think!!! :H

                One of our many cats was killed early Monday AM..(another one bites the dust!)...she was screwing this other cat all weekend! Just saved myself from another liter. We still have many left...its okay, this happens here all the time, the road is right there. :upset:

                Okay!!!! any more questions for RIPPLES???

                EVERYONE BE GOOD TODAY! :nomonkey:


                  ODAT - Monday

                  I was not so good this weekend. Damn it. I will be AF this week. I am so annoyed with myself.
                  "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                    ODAT - Monday

                    I will not drink today, so that tomorrow I can say 2 days AF:chick: >"<

                    It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Also - KCBE, I sooo know that annoyed feeling, hope it doesn't ruin your whole day. wmo2

                      It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Thanks mwo2. I know I can't beat myself up. But AUGH!!! We can do this!
                        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                          ODAT - Monday

                          Hello all, It seems like we are like a school of fish...a ll swimming and turning in unison. Me too, I got into the wine stash this weekend. Didn't overdo but did! So ODAT ongoing. I know there's not much news about the CA fires; we don't even have any news. The fires basically, over 1000 are burning attended only by local volunteers. All fire fighting men and equipment are at other locations... ones where expensive houses are threatened. We didn't get burned out because the wind changed and then died down. This is the 6th. day of intolerable smoke. Eyes, noses and lungs burning. There's no end in sight. It could burn all Summer! All the fires were started by lightning. There has NEVER been such a blitz of Summer dry lightning like this ever before. Ca is already dry like in the Fall. I am getting depressed. My Summer job will be canceled if this continues.
                          greenie: if you can't adjust to liking stevia, you might try agave syrup. It has a very low glycemic index , almost zero I think, and tastes delicious! You can use it in tea and in cooking. It is totally natural, not anything synthetic and there are no side effects. You can make "healthy" tasty chocolate treats with raw cocoa powder, coconut oil and sugar or dairy just yummy! Anybody interested?? there are lots of recipes on the web: just type in raw chocolate.
                          mwo@: I like your picture. It looks about the same here in Spring, but now we have smoke instead of morning mist! How are you? regards, g. xxx


                            ODAT - Monday

                            Bessie and all! Good go at it! Have to get some stevia, haven't tried it yet, but it was recommended to me. Drinking lots of Hybiscus tea. Yummy!

                            Hugs, Best
                            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                              ODAT - Monday

                              Hi, there Odaters.

                              I posted on subscribers but wanted to let all my friends here know as well.

                              I saw the doctor today and she put me on Tegretol for what she says is pretty classic trigeminal neuralgia. I am praying I am not allergic to it since it is an anti-seizure. I was horribly allergic to topamax. But won't know until we try.

                              I have my fingers crossed this works. I can't take this pain much longer.

                              I am waiting for Barry to call me back from Lenair. I am so excited about going there. Looks like in August. Wow.

                              AF April 9, 2016

