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Why I'm happier AF

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    Why I'm happier AF

    Today is 56 days AF thanks to you folks, this site, my therapist and very supportive husband. I let my guard down yesterday at a graduation party and thought I'd have one beer. Well, you probably know the story, 8-10 later and staying out much later than I had planned. Did not make a fool of myself and used the excuse we were all having fun, which we were. But, today I have a belly ache and the blues. Hate that feeling. It is starting to pass however I am reminded why I prefer not to drink. The past 56 days have felt impowering and healthy. I will not get down one myself or start over counting at one. I just know that I am a happier person AF and will be more prepared next time.

    Why I'm happier AF

    56 days AF! You should be so proud of yourself. Everyone slips every so often. I am like you, so much happier AF, but I have not been doing as well as I had hoped. Why, when I know that I feel better, look better, am a better wife and mom, do I slip? I am so annoyed with myself! Stay on track and know that everyone makes mistakes. You should be so happy for all that time AF - that is the best! Together we can beat this thing. It is hard, but we can do it, damn it. I am back on the AF wagon.

    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


      Why I'm happier AF

      KBCE, Thank you for your kind words. You are right "love and gratitude can part seas"


        Why I'm happier AF

        Great attitude KAT20....can't say I can relate to 56 days AF, but that's very impressive. More impressive is the attitude after your day of drinking. So many get so down on themselves (myself included) and use that as an excuse to binge....then create a new start date 'a week from now.'.I'm on day 14 today. Considering I couldn't get past day1 for many years....14 is huge for me. Just started on this forum 2 weeks ago and created the 'Newbies Unite' thread that has really helped me hold myself accountable as I don't want to let down my new friends on that site. Should I slip up, I surely hope my attitude will reflect that of yours....all the best to you.


          Why I'm happier AF

          Hi KBCE,

          We started about the same time and it's really nice to hear that you are okay. I've found this site really useful but am still a little confused as to which way I really want to take it although I really am just taking it ODAT till I get past the thirty day challenge . . . . . (about to go into my 28 night) . . . . what I have found surprising is that I haven't been betwitched by the witching hour for a while . . . . which is AMAZING. Lots of positive thoughts winging their way to you . . . . Patricia
          Short term goal 7 days AF


            Why I'm happier AF

            Kat20, congratulations on your efforts. I hope to join you at the milestone this year.
            Love and Peace,
            Love and Peace,

            Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


              Why I'm happier AF

              The fact that you are able to get on and feel safe to say that after 56 days you had a non AF day and that you were already able to start feeling past blue gives me hope that I can go for my first 30 days in 7 years.
              Just arrived here yessterday.


              It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                Why I'm happier AF

                Hello out there, thank you all for the pick me up. Renewal, congrats on 14 days that is a great acheivement as well. I use to get down on myself but I thinks thats AL trying to win and I won't let it.

                Patricia, Looks like you're almost there at 28 days. ODAT is the only way.

                CPN1004, I wish you to join me at this mile stone and many more. It has taken over a year for me to get to this point and I'm not going back.

                MWO2, When I first hit 30 days it was my first 30 in at least 10 years. In fact it was my first week. You can do it. Welcome aboard. I'm still alittle not myself today but my determination is there.

                Best to all of you and Thanks


                  Why I'm happier AF

                  Hi there,
                  I've been posting pretty regularly on the "Days 1-30" thread but I didn't make 30. I did 14 days AF in June, then another 7, but back to some old drinking patterns again. Am feeling lost and confused -- not fearful and despondent, like before, but searching for identity I guess. Learning to be AF is confusing. Seems silly to say that. I've also been batting some depression, which is finally lifting a bit, so maybe feeling better (or was it being AF?) fooled me back into old habits. I feel a little between a rock and a hard place.

                  Kat20, thanks for your honesty -- much appreciated how we are all human.


                    Why I'm happier AF

                    CSO4 Hello, I think the lost and confused part is Al being so much a part of our life, our best friend at times. 14 days is fabulous, as well as the 7. Every day AF counts. I have battled with mild depression as well. Adding a depressant to it sure did'nt help. I like your Eleanor Roosevelt quote, it really had come to that point with my drinking. Thanks


                      Why I'm happier AF


                      I agree with Renewal, it is amazing you didn't let your slip derail you completely. So many do.

                      It is good you woke up, considered it and said "I like being AF a whole lot better than this!!"

                      This shows wisdom, strength and honesty.

                      You are winning this war.

                      AF April 9, 2016

