AF yesterday and AF today for me. Hoping for a bright and clear day for all, g. xxx
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ODAT - tuesday
ODAT - tuesday
wow. nobody here, and I am often the last to post. O.K. Good Morning from choking smoking No Cal. The big news is that out of the 7 helicopters for all the nearly 200 fires, our fire has finally gotten big enough that we will get some help from the "birds". The smaller fire, the one which is threatening us, still has no help but the volunteers and it jumped the fire line yesterday. So, we are still sitting here at the mercy of the wind direction.
AF yesterday and AF today for me. Hoping for a bright and clear day for all, g. xxxTags: None
ODAT - tuesday
Dang, gelgit! Where is everybody?
I had a better night last night. I think the homeopathic drainage and inflamation remedies along with the baking soda and epsom salt baths and the sauna with a ton of lemon water is working. I'm hungry all the time. I already gained 5 lbs. I'll be glad to start exercising.
Still trying to push hubby out the door on the fishing trip. He's really holding up my progress by being here and needing things done. I'm on the avoidance trail today, planning to be in the hole when he's here. Poor guy. Cannot be ready on time to save his life.
Another AF day for me today!
Good luck to all that come!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
ODAT - tuesday
Hi Odat-ers
Gelgit- I am so sorry about the fires- I live in So Cal - It is astonishing the amount of fires that are burning in our state.
Hi Greeneyes- you are on one big adventure- keep going and keep posting, seems you are going in the right direction.
As for me- I have been unmotivated as of late. The last 2 weeks have gone back to the old ways, stopped going to gym, began drinking wine on weeknights for no apparent reason. Need to get OUT of that pattern asap;. So new month. No drinking for me today. ODAT.
Have a good day all-
ODAT - tuesday
Hi greenie, I gain weight when I'm not drinking. I finally figured out that eating is a replacement... gotta keep that right arm busy!! Dear Sheep (what a lamb you are!) The fires here are simply unprecedented. There has NEVER been a lightning storm the likes of this one ever, at any time of year. Over 800 lightning started fires in 12 hours. More than 80 are still burning. There is NO made power or equipment to cover any but the biggest and most threatening to homes. All of Mendocino and Humboldt countries (which are large) have only 7 helicopters working. We have had no govt. help FEMA?? It's shocking to realize that the govt. is there only to cash your IRS check.
Anyhow, as I am writing the sun is breaking through. Maybe the end of this is in sight!! But living in CA is not all sunshine for us this drought year. So. CAL certainly has had more than enough fires too and it's not even fire season!! xxx g.
ODAT - tuesday
Hey everyone - I had one beer last night but that is all and had NO desire of anything else. Thank God. ODAT for sure.
You know, I am a 5th generation So Cal surfer girl who moved back East 11 years ago. (Who is JONESING for good Mexican Food and the REAL beach...I remember the Mount Wilson fire years ago - it burned right to the edge of my yard in Sierra Madre. Had to evacuate - drove down to San Diego and drank margaritas till it was safe to return! I sure hope you are all safe. Fires are so darn scary.
Keeping all of you in my AF, happy, safe thoughts!
Kat"All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart: