you probably have noticed that i havnt been on for a year,allready posted this morning but can not find it, so i dont know what i am doing, so if the first post is floating around in cyber space and finally turns up, i am not repeating myself ,just was not sure if i have done this right.
Well as i said in the last one, i have been trying to find a reason for all my problems(a reason other than alcohol)you know , it has to be something else ,i think sometimes i would rather find out i had a brain tumor or something that makes my behave the why i do(i can not except why i am stupid enough to keep doing this to myself)then that line popps to mind from arnies movie " its not a tumor" so then i have to go back to the fact that i am just plain stupid. Why is it so hard to except that me and alcohol dont mix, and then it comes to me, its the way people react if they know you have a drinking problem, the disasociation, its like you are a freak, they as i do myself wonder why you keep doing it if it affects you like it does(if i knew that i would not be here)but getting on here and reading the threads really helps me understand there are hundreds of people out there like me. Like when you talk about witching hour, i know that so well, how hard it is to get through,NORMAL people just would not get that(look even i think i am not normal) .Every avenue i took to find something or someone else to blame always came back to alcohol.
So this is how i see it, i am one of the select few people that have an alcohol problem, just like some people have alergies or asthma, i am not a freak or a bad person, i just a have a bad reaction to alcohol and it to me,so i am going to avoid the alcohol and stop the reaction, sounds easy, but it just takes one of the main problems i have away, the self hate i have for myself for having such a problem, a problem that society does not tollerate, i dont know about anyone else but the self hate is what brings me back to drinking, the constate nigerling why cant i just be like everyone else,so i just keep testing myself,(god someone who was alergic to something would not keep testing they would avoid at all costs) so here goes guys i have to except my allergy.I AM ALLERGIC TO ALCOHOL.just wish they had a puffer i could take
