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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Bonjour tout les monde!! (feel free to correct my French spelling!)

    I was glad to be right about yesterday - it was AF, NOOOOO problem. Mostly because I was absolutely knackered and went to bed at very early o'clock, staggered up later to let dogs out for a wee then back again until my usual 6-6.30am. Still not feeling 100% though. Bit bleary and low energy. But I am feeling that today is another AF day. No problem. No pressue. No pain.

    I can see only one potential problem day (ie pressure to drink) on the horizon this month and I'm pretty sure I can get round that. No, dammit, I will bloody well make sure I get round that. This is about me. No-one can pressure me into drinking. Anyway, that's a a way off yet and this is all about ODAT!! So let's forget the rest of the month/week/weekend. ONLY today is what it's about.

    The list of jobs is long, as ever, but the sun is shining and it's a cool, balmy morning. The lame pig is getting better and so is the injured horse. I've finally got all my electric fence parts delivered so going to set it up in a new paddock for the sheep and get them moved. I've got the day to myself and my little terrier is back home for a few days - he's such fun! He normally stays with my granny and she adores him but we have him back when she goes away. He completely changes the dynamic of the other dogs. From relative calm we now have chaos!! But it's fun! :H

    Have a wonderful Friday.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Friday


    Been in touch with Uni again and she is doing really well on holiday - moderating brilliantly. She'll be back and catching up with everyone soon!


      ODAT - Friday

      Morning Bessie, and everyone

      Bessie your life sounds hard work but lots of fun

      Im pleased its Friday, Ive had quite a long hard week at work but the sun is shining here and Im looking forward to the weekend, got lots of things planned to keep me busy.

      Hope everyone has a great day


        ODAT - Friday

        Nia - it is just that! If you're ever short of things to do to keep busy get yourself up here to Norfolk. We have YEARS! of jobs to do here! LOL!! So I had better get on with them rather than spending too much time on here. But then I figure that if this place helps keep me sober and well it is time well spent.


          ODAT - Friday

          Dont tempt me, the thought of spending a weekend at a farm would send both me and my girls into a fit of excitement!

          Maybe we can come and pitch tent and help you out sometime, Norfolk is beautiful.


            ODAT - Friday

            I am here. :thanks:


              ODAT - Friday


              You are living my dream... it's hard work, I know. But ever since I was a little girl all I wanted to do was take care of animals.

              Can I come take care of your animals for a week? That would be a true vacation for me!!!

              I'm not kidding you either! I'm a hard worker.

              Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


                ODAT - Friday

                Hi Bessie and ODATers!
                Hope you don't mind if I join in this thread. I really need to take it ODAT at the moment.
                I have been trying to come to grips with my drinking since earlier this year. I have done well on the amount of AF days I have had but when I slip I seem to go on even worse binges than I did before. After a recent slip on Tuesday (and a bad one for many reasons) I have finally made a decision to give up trying to moderate and to give up AL completely. Even had a sober birthday yesterday, first one in about 20 years!
                Anyway, hope your animals keep getting better and ditto on what the others said - would love to try your lifestyle for awhile and get out into the open air. I have looked after animals/small holding in the past so I know it can be hard work too but good. After a few days of really bad rain here it has finally stopped and it is looking bright so going to go out for the day with the kids.
                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                  ODAT - Friday


                  AOL Music Audio Player


                    ODAT - Friday

                    this is good 2.........



                      ODAT - Friday

                      Good Morning All
                      Feeling great today and plan to have AF day today. We are visiting my daughter by the ocean this weekend and I'm looking forward to some rest.
                      Well, that's it, must get ready for the trip. Have a great weekend!!
                      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                        ODAT - Friday

                        Hi ODATERs and bonjour Bessie (with a gallic flourish if you can imagine that!)

                        Feeling better today and having not done much for the past 2 days (when I was yuk) I'm feeling quite refreshed today.

                        Bessie we had two loose horses escaped from about 2 miles away on the lane outside here last night - they were very happy having a trot around on their own but were unfortunately heading for a busy main road.... thankfully were diverted and taken home - gosh things don't get any more exciting around here!

                        Weather is very mixed and not sure what the weekend holds as most things outdoors so need some sunshine (or at least not rain).

                        Have a good one all you ODATs

                        Love Bx


                          ODAT - Friday

                          Hello! This is a exciting possibility.... rural household vacation exchange. It's so hard to get away when you have animals. Urban members would just have to certify that they wouldn't mind scooting their hands under warm chicken bottoms to gather up the eggs and milking would be an advanced certificate! I would LOVE to visit Norfolk, and we have some of the most beautiful scenery on the West Cost....12 hours to Disneyland though.
                          Bandit and Ripple have inspired me to go out and take animal pictures!! No fireworks here for July 4th. this year....I guess most of them are still being set off in the Middle East. Everyone is actually an ODATer. xxx g.


                            ODAT - Friday

                            I had this long post. Wonder where it went? I had a chinese greeting and a joke too. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              ODAT - Friday

                              I am here. I will not drink today.

