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I am all over the place today.

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    I am all over the place today.

    This morning was pretty chaotic in my head. It's a long weekend, July 4th, hot as hell and cold beer sounds so good. I made it back from the grocery store - Safeway, not Wal-Mart! - without buying any. Now, I'm holed up in the house trying to stay cool so I am safe for the rest of the day. My theory (and motivation) is as long as I remain alcohol free then the 3 drinks I had last evening won't make it so I have to start all over. I am still counting today as day 15. Don't think I wasn't punished for last night. I gained one pound from it and for a rough-around-the-edges trophy wife trying to regain some of her former glory, that's a real setback!

    I am all over the place today.

    noma'am;357946 wrote: This morning was pretty chaotic in my head. It's a long weekend, July 4th, hot as hell and cold beer sounds so good. I made it back from the grocery store - Safeway, not Wal-Mart! - without buying any. Now, I'm holed up in the house trying to stay cool so I am safe for the rest of the day. My theory (and motivation) is as long as I remain alcohol free then the 3 drinks I had last evening won't make it so I have to start all over. I am still counting today as day 15. Don't think I wasn't punished for last night. I gained one pound from it and for a rough-around-the-edges trophy wife trying to regain some of her former glory, that's a real setback!
    :goodjob: You don't need AL you just think you do. Keep going and you may find that you really like yourself when you are sober.

    It worked for me...I like myself now but nobody else does. :H :H :H


      I am all over the place today.

      three drinks is three drinks................gotta start over thy own self be true


        I am all over the place today.

        No maa'm, however you choose to moderate or change your habits is fine. Some people like to count, some don't. I had one slip but kept going on the days (I'm not there now, though; will get back on eventually). I like your attitude. Less pressure. BTW, I looked for the $1.97 wine at Wal Mart and they must not carry it in Ohio! I went looking for the bulk L-Glutamine and couldn't find that either -- bummer.


          I am all over the place today.

          Hi Nomam

          The weight gain is the pitts isn't it - I did my 30 plus 1 day AF and drank last night - but have woken up to eat loads of toast loads of butter and cheese - this is not good - I've lost about half a stone this last month and am determined not to put it back on so I've signed up for the ODAT thread today - I really am a lot happier if I don't drink - think all I need is a labotomy or perhaps brain transplant - anyhow, I'm safe for today and will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Have a good day. Px
          Short term goal 7 days AF


            I am all over the place today.

            :H:HI had to laugh Patricia! The number of times I've thought I need a brain transplant! Anyway 1 morning of toast will not put the half stone on! Well done on the 30 + days that is fab!
            Ma'am - well done for passing by the aisles in the supermarket! Hope your weekend is going to plan
            Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
            Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
            For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


              I am all over the place today.

              Hey guys - yes - I think after my 33 days AF and one night of some wine, my weight went back up a couple of pounds too - phooey - what a struggle. I am PMS too though, and have been on a weight loss plateau as well, so I am hoping through the next week to drop, what?? 7 pounds???? Ha!!! Dreaming maybe???? So Patricia - how did the drink sit with you last night?? Feel ok?? Going AF again for a while again?


                I am all over the place today.

                Glad you were able to moderate at 3. Good for you for going back AF immediately. Otherwise, things have a way of going back to the way they were. There are good AF beers to cut the craving for a beer, but they have just as many calories as the real stuff! How about some lovely iced tea?


                  I am all over the place today.

                  Actually, the AF beers I drink have only 80 and 90 calories - all those AL calories are missing!!! So that's not bad, and I can' only usually drink 2 max - they make me all burpy!!! My diet beer!


                    I am all over the place today.

                    FloridaBoy;358029 wrote: :goodjob: You don't need AL you just think you do. Keep going and you may find that you really like yourself when you are sober.

                    It worked for me...I like myself now but nobody else does. :H :H :H
                    That made me snort/laugh ! >"

                    It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                      I am all over the place today.

                      Am I stupid? What does half a stone mean? This can't be a web site for advocating drug use, can it?


                        I am all over the place today.

                        HA! I don't know either, but you can bet we're not drug runners! If anything, we're running FROM addiction!

                        That's a good one! Made me laugh out loud!
                        Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


                          I am all over the place today.

                          Gosh didn't mean for it to sound that way!
                          A stone is a weight of measure , patricia said she had lost a half a stone so I was wondering how many pounds that is >"

                          It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                            I am all over the place today.

                            Funny stuff!
                            Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


                              I am all over the place today.


                              Half a stone is 7lbs - I'm not going anywhere near the scales until next weekend 'cos of drinking this weekend - it was in the original plan and then it wasn't (drinking) cos I got scared . . . . . . then I wasn't and now I am again . . . . . you all know how it goes . . . . . so I'm signing up for the rest of July . . . . day 1 will be the hardest as the 'witchin hour hits you and you don't give the idea of saying no a thought but for the sake of my sanity (and of course my weight!) I need to do this . . . . nice speaking to you all - I learned about pounds and ounces, feet and inches at school . . . . did do metric but always found pounds and ounces easier (told you my brain is warped!). Speak to you all soon Px
                              Short term goal 7 days AF

