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Newbie onboard

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    Newbie onboard

    I'm just back on the board after a few months away and can honestly say its a safe place to chat. It has helped me open up immensly. Welcome XXSeto


      Newbie onboard

      I'm on day 5. Brand new idea to me to even think about how much I've increased my drinking over the last year. This is the safest, most honest and encouraging place I've ever seen. Stick around, and take it in your own time.


        Newbie onboard


        Welcome!!! I'm new too and this place is a God send. There are so many wonderful, compassionate people here who are in the same shoes and completely understand where you are coming from and what you are going through. This is a great place to let it all out and feel completely safe!!! Welcome aboard!



          Newbie onboard

          You can talk to us!!!!We are in this together and together we can beat the BEAST!!!!!!:welcome::welcome::welcome:
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Newbie onboard

            Art, I just found this site "by accident" after a bad drinking night last weekend. Right away I knew that I had finally found a safe place to explore a secret that has been nagging at me for years: I have a drinking problem. As I read the postings I recognized myself in each person's story and struggle. Tears rolled down my face and I knew I had found a place to face this. Log in every day as often as you need to. Listen and share. Stay honest. I just went to my first party last night where I did not drink! Look forward to getting to know you!
            "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
            Nelson Mandela


              Newbie onboard

              1st time effort

              Hi all
              this is my 1st time trying to quit...i have been drinking 2 bottles of wine a nite for about 2 years and am now feeling more and more rough in the mornings,i dont open a bottle until 8ish at nite and then i down them by 11...Im feeling anxious about stopping but reading your posts has given me strength.....good luck to all of us


                Newbie onboard

                Welcome crabby,

                It's great you've decided to tackle the beast. It only gets worse if left to our own mortal choices. As i mentioned to Chelle on another thread, I think it's really important to arm ourselves with the knowledge and tools to bring our drinking under control. Sheer grit doesn't hurt, but if that's all it took, many of us would have stopped years ago. While it's never too late to start, the earlier, the better. We're all plugging for you.



                  Newbie onboard

                  Welcome Crabby, You have a lot of fellow winos on this site! You have come to the right place. Stick around.
                  "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
                  Nelson Mandela


                    Newbie onboard


                    I am also new is my 1st day and im feeling confident!!!!!! im gunna kick al's arse !!!


                      Newbie onboard


                      Thanks for your nice words....


                        Newbie onboard

                        OH YES....THE POWER OF NUMBERS!!!!Lets grab hands and all together now...KICK,KICK,KICK ALS BUTT OUT OF OUR LIVES....
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

