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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    Morning all! Late up this morning as late to bed last night - AF. Didn't set an alarm, just let my body take the sleep it needed. So a bit behind but it IS Sunday and I am occasionally allowed to take it a bit easy :H (I have to tell myself this constantly if I am to steady the day down a bit and not race through doing as much as possible!!)

    But I really had better get on and feed and get the new sheep fencing put up, then make some muffins for the Hunt Puppy Show.

    The holiday let guests have got 7 dogs between them - all beautiful and very well behaved. I'm hoping to introduce my mutts to them some time during the week and see if some of that good behaviour will rub off on them!! :H:H

    Greeny - I do name the pigs, but only the ones that we don't intend to eat, eg the breeding sows. The piglets, who are destined for the abbatoir, I can't name individually, although collectively they are 'the sausages' or 'the little monsters'. :H Mind you, if the breeding sow (Bessie!!!) who has bacterial arthritis doesn't fully recover we won't be able to breed from her so she'll be heading off too which will be sad.

    Have a good day and if any of you are having roast pork, bacon, sausages, chops, ribs etc today - just remember the animal they came from....
    And if any of you are drinking today, hope you can keep it moderate. I'm pretty certain of another AF day today.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Sunday


    Looks like a hot one coming up today. Gotta do some outside stuff before it gets up there. A friend is going to hook up the DVD to the TV (remember hubby broke the flatscreen, this is a different one) for me today so I can watch a movie tonight. Pants! I can't have popcorn.

    I'm still confused about the day. I'm not 3 weeks until tomorrow. How shall I celebrate? A sinful scoop of ice cream? On top of peach cobbler? I am feeling a bit deprived by this diet thing. Oh well, maybe I can think of something beside oral gratification. Maybe.

    I have made NO progress in the hole for a week. I really have to get to it this week. I can have help, but I don't know how I will pay them with no income while hubby is on vacation (holiday) :H I'll have to figure that one out.

    Have a bright cheerful Sunday to kick your week off right and feel chipper in the AM.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Sunday

      Hi Greenie and Bessie and all to come!
      Wow, you two are both doing so well! Greenie I say celebrate somehow!( a little ice cream can't hurt surely!)
      Bessie - all those dogs must be making some noise! I love dogs and really miss having one at home, as I grew up with a dog and cat etc. Hubby allergic so a no go there! I really think they appreciate emotions and have so much love in them!
      Well I'm ending a very tiring weekend. Hubby away all week so a busy one to come, I aim to take it ODAT and when I do partake not to indulge, I just can't seem to abstain totally at the mo.
      Love Eviex:h
      Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
      For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


        ODAT - Sunday

        Hello. This is my third sober weekend. I drank 2 beers yesterday afternoon. Today I will not drink.


          ODAT - Sunday

          Hi All...

          Greenie...maybe you can celebrate by going somewhere special special i.e. A show or gallery or restaurant. Just getting out of the house can be a nice celebration. Could be with the hubby or with a close friend.

          It is really hot here today! The lawns have gone from bright green to crunchy brown over the past few days and the lakes are really busy with people trying to get out of the heat. Trying to take some time off but need to work extra hard to make up for time and money lost when I was too drunk to work. Darn AL really set me back and I need to get some cash in the door. Funny how he can really knock you off your feet financially. I should be back to normal by this fall.

          Pretty quiet around here today. Must be the holiday weekend here in the U.S. I am sure we will hear some pretty interesting stories of triumph and defeat tomorrow!

          Bessie...hope all the animals are treating you well on the farm tonight....


            ODAT - Sunday

            Hi all, It was really hot here today. We got 5 new chickens... it was an abused animal rescue operation. They are adjusting slowly. Our "girls" are being horribly mean to the newcomers, but no bloodshed as they are all still young. It's been fun to watch the pecking order develop. For them, I poured water on the ground and let them scratch cool depressions to roll around in. They keep totally segregated from old and new. We need a rooster! A rhode island red is the queen so far.
            G. can you find, no sugar, non dairy, lactose, gluten and caffiene free ice cream?? xxxg.


              ODAT - Sunday

              LOL! The only thing that meets those requirements is my pink eraser. :H
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

