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newcomer on the block

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    newcomer on the block

    2nd post for me today. :new:

    so I did the acknowledgement already in a different thread. Please help me this is amazing I did this.

    I want to give so much more to my life, my family, my 12 y.o. daughter. I want to live up to what my friends believe and expect of me. so please help.

    Can I learn to moderate. Did anyone learn to do that effectively?

    I work and am successful at what I do. Hell I am in the health care field.

    I know it is one day at a time.

    I know i should treat myself better. I feel lost in a bottle.
    so please tell me what to do.

    it is wonderful to know that there is this safe place to come tol

    newcomer on the block

    This is a great place for support and you have made the important first step. I know there are many here who feel and/or felt just like you "lost in a bottle".

    I can relate to being a success at work and still not being successful at beating AL. With the help of the people here I have almost 70 days Alcohol Free. Stick around and you will learn alot.

    Can't help with the moderating though. i know it is either all or nothing for me.

    Welcome again and best wishes.


      newcomer on the block

      Hi and Welcome

      I am a newcomber too. I have only been AF for about 51 hours, yeah I am that sick, counting the hours. I sufferred severe physical withdrawal this time. I am still not %100, but getting better. I know, for me, that must abstain. Now it is time for me to take action and give this thing the biggest battle that I can wage. Look forward to hearing more from u.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        newcomer on the block

        :hello2::colorwelcome::wave::groupluv: this is great place to read and learn the best best for you .we are here for you . so just do your best ..and just like anything in life.. if you want something you have to work for it and if you feel you can mods.. its the same work for it . but for me i love al too much to be able to mods .. and its better that i am af all the way ..
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          newcomer on the block

          Welcome cowgirl!

          Welcome to the forum. I like T have no option but to abstain totally as I'll binge constantly if I even try and drink sensibly. I've tried on numerous occasions to cut down my drinking but have failed miserably every time. I've had 12 out of 13 months sobriety through getting help and making good friends here on the forum. It is a great place to be able to share you hopes and fears without any fear of judgement whatsoever.

          Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            newcomer on the block

            Hi Cowgirl
            I like you have been in the health care field for well over 10 years now and I too was successful. I haven't been back to work since I had my first daughter nearly 3 years ago. I can relate to what you are saying - you replied to my post. We CAN and WILL do this. This is day 1 for me too and I know its going to be sooooo difficult but I have been risking everything for AL and AL is really not worth it. My marriage will definately be finished if I involve AL anymore. For me like a lot of people its all or nothing. I am learning the sad truth that I just can't be trusted to have a couple of glasses of wine, it has to be the full bottle and then whatever else I can sneak in. This is a great support board - I was so so depressed today and I don't know how I would have coped on my own without this board. Keep posting - look forward to hearing from you.XX


              newcomer on the block

              Cowgirl and Seto,

              I am in the health field as well. You'd be surprised at how many of us are. Goes to show you that many of us are better at taking care of others than we are at taking care of ourselves.

              Please join our Newbies Unite thread. It's been helpful to me to see all the people starting out just like me. You will find lots of support and advice.

              Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


                newcomer on the block

                Hung over and just found this website

                Hello out there. I'm a wino who has found herself "overserved" on too many occasions lately. Went to a party last night and got totally smashed. Didn't even see it coming. Seemed like I was fine one minute and crossed the line before I knew what was happening. I'm used to drinking several glasses of wine when I'm out (4 -6 over an evening) so I'm not sure what was different last night. I think that I was socially uncomfortable with the people I was with. Anyway, I'm having too many hang overs and too many tipsy evenings. Once I get started I just keep going. My husband and I drink wine most nights at home with dinner (usually share a bottle, sometimes more), but when I'm in social situations I drink throughout the evening and often wake up the next day wondering if I've embarassed myself. I'm starting to scare myself with this. My mother was an alky. I was "googling" this morning and found this site. I would love to be able to moderate my drinking, but don't know if this is possible. I look forward to hearing from all of you how you're managing.
                "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
                Nelson Mandela

