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Hung Over Newcomer

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    Hung Over Newcomer

    H margons and everybody else, Seacailin - it's so nice to hear that you came through - I am so glad you are okay - Margons I'm a wine drinker too (bottle a night). Just finished 31 days and allowed myself seven days in which to drink and then was going to go AF again but after three days - I'm back to my bad old ways and so I'm signing up for AF until end of July - its the guilt that gets me every time and I know that if I carry out until the end of the week then I'll get anxious again . . . . so its ODAT for me and AF for July Px
    Short term goal 7 days AF


      Hung Over Newcomer

      Welcome to the site - these people are amazing. I am a wino who cannot moderate. I need to be AF for my kids and myself. Just can't do this alone and AA isn't for me. Good luck everyone - we can do this.
      "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


        Hung Over Newcomer

        Good Morning all, Did not drink last night, but that's not too difficult for me. Though I choose to drink most nights (love my wine) I do skip the occasional night, usually when I'm hungover. I am fairly moderate at home in that I sometimes drink more than I would like but rarely get past the buzz to actual drunkeness. My biggest problems occur when I lose control during social occasions and just keep drinking all evening. Someone on this post asked what my triggers are. It usually happens when I'm uncomfortable socially or something upsets me, but I can't respond to it. It's like I unconsciously decide that I don't want to be there and I just mentally "check out". I spent several hours on this blog yesterday and know that I belong here with all of you. I've even come to know a few of you a little and some of your posts have touched me and brought tears to my eyes.. Seacailin, thanks for being here for me. I know the past few days have been a battle for you. Keep showing up here and I will too. I think that the sporadic nature of my episodes makes it easier to stay in the denial. Most of the time I'm very well functioning with my drinking and my life, but I know it's slowly progressing and I don't want to deal with the shame and embarrassment of being out of control publicly. I'm at menopause age, which is about the time my mother's drinking started escalating out of control and I've read several other posts here discussing this issue. Although most of our friends drink moderately, drinking is very much a part of our lives and our social life. Many of our friends are wine collectors and drinking good wine is considered part of "the good life". Evening times are a special time for my husband and I when we open a bottle of good wine, put on some music and we talk while I cook. The lack of wine would leave a void for both of us. Here is my plan for now: I have my sister coming to visit me next week for both of our birthdays. We see each other only a couple of times a year and she is going to want to have fun and party. We also have several other major social party events in the next few weeks. My plan is to get the tapes and supplements and try to focus on moderating and watching to see what my triggers are. I realize that I may be trying to "negotiate with reality", but I am setting a deadline of the end of summer to either accomplish moderation or come to acceptance that AL can no longer be a part of my life. I will stay on the posts to share my journey and to learn all I can from yours. I'm very grateful to have found this website and I apologize for such a long post. I think I will start moving my posts to the "newbies unite" thread so people don't have so many threads to check every day. Have a good one!
        "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
        Nelson Mandela


          Hung Over Newcomer

          Hi I'm new here too. I've needed help for a while, but finally got the guts and found this site. My husband and I started drinking every nite too. We also started with wine. Now I drink vodka and his is jim beam. I'm sick of it. I have 2 uncles and an aunt who were alkies, so I know i'm in trouble. I want to stop, but the problem is - I JUST LOVE IT. Let's face it, it really is fun. Too bad all the stuff that's really bad for you is fun.


            Hung Over Newcomer


            This is a progressive condition. I got to where it was absolutely no fun anymore. Blacked out every time I drank.

            I used to approach the pc with fear in the mornings, afraid I had written something horrible to my boss or a client.

            AF April 9, 2016

