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Hung Over Newcomer

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    Hung Over Newcomer

    Hello out there. I'm a wino who has found herself "overserved" on too many occasions lately. Went to a party last night and got totally smashed. Didn't even see it coming. Seemed like I was fine one minute and crossed the line before I knew what was happening. I'm used to drinking several glasses of wine when I'm out (4 -6 over an evening) so I'm not sure what was different last night. I think that I was socially uncomfortable with the people I was with. Anyway, I'm having too many hang overs and too many tipsy evenings. Once I get started I just keep going. My husband and I drink wine most nights at home with dinner (usually share a bottle, sometimes more), but when I'm in social situations I drink throughout the evening and often wake up the next day wondering if I've embarassed myself. I'm starting to scare myself with this. My mother was an alky. I was "googling" this morning and found this site. I would love to be able to moderate my drinking, but don't know if this is possible. I look forward to hearing from all of you how you're managing.
    "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
    Nelson Mandela

    Hung Over Newcomer


    I feel your pain. I drank so much that I had to go to the hospital to get medication to safely physically withdraw. I am entering hour 54 of the detox. Still not feeling great, but getting better. The people on this site are very supportive and helpful. Stick around. I look forward to the journey with u.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Hung Over Newcomer

      You should get the MWO book and follow the program....It works for me,and 1000s of others
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Hung Over Newcomer

        Hi Margoms and welcome. Yes, this is a great, GREAT place to visit. I'm going to be here for a long time, myself. I think most of us wanted to be able to moderate, to drink AL like a "normal" person. It's sort of like the Holy Grail! That's a fairy tale myth for me, and it's taken many years of misguided hope, with AL's sneaky, beasty voice in the background, to get a clear perspective that I can't drink AL like a normal person. Everyone will tell you to read the MWO book, check out the supplements suggested and keep in touch! Best wishes, g.

        Seacailin, you are feeling better??


          Hung Over Newcomer

          :hello2::colorwelcome::wave::groupluv: if you can mods great.. i know for me one leads to two and so .. but do your best and stay strong .. read as much as you can to find the best way out for you .. we are here for you and you can do this..good luck
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Hung Over Newcomer

            welcome Margoms! I'm AF currently. Did the on and off Mods thing for years and just beat the heck out of myself trying. AF is a nice place for me!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Hung Over Newcomer


              Hello Margoms and Welcome!

              After many years of trying to 'moderate' my drinking unsuccessfully, I am determined to be AF. So, I started this journey on July 1 and I am finding this site to be very helpful. There are tons of resources out there and the insights that are shared by the members who are having the same experiences as us are very helpful.

              Good luck to you and remember to stay focused on your goal...

              AF since 7/13/2010


                Hung Over Newcomer

                Welcome Mar
                Many of us have been where you are. I just want to say welcome. This may not be easy but with the support you get here it will be easier. Read, post and get support. You have come to a great place.


                  Hung Over Newcomer

                  day 7 for me

                  i too LOVE wine and would just love a glass right now. but i just can't do it. my kids are happier and i feel a million times better. i don't want to be remembered as a drunk. hang in there and email me if you want support. i am not out of the woods yet i know. kendall


                    Hung Over Newcomer

                    been an up and down day for me. My stomach is still not right, I am tiring easily, but that is probably the Ativan. One more day of that. I am told 72 hours to detox. I will be at that point early in the morning. I have also been emotional, but I guess that is to be expected. Thank u for asking gelgit
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Hung Over Newcomer

                      Hello Margoms,

                      Ditto on all the good advice already posted. Check out RJ's book, seriously consider the cd's and fit the supplements/medication/exercise/diet into your goals. Most everyone has had some measure of success with a combo approach which I think is a particular strength of this program. I also am working on moderation and so far so good. Have been able to go many AF evenings as well as enjoying a small glass of wine. It's early, though, and I've been down this road enough to know that danger lurks around every corner. Am watching it carefully - still have a few weeks to go with the cd's. Hang in there - you've come to the right place.

                      And Sea -- almost to 72 hours! Way to go!! Hope this week is one of strength and hope for you.



                        Hung Over Newcomer

                        Hi All,

                        Like Margoms I found you all today after waking up feeling lousy again. Drinking too much is destroying me and its scary. I am hoping for moderation too but as tlrgs leads to two leads..... Its so nice to know I am not alone. Thanks


                          Hung Over Newcomer

                          Reply to Margoms

                          The key is, in my opinion, to reach out for help because you might know you have a problem. I started my drinking problem with a few now and then, and when life got tough, having a few more. It's not easy recognizing you have a problem until you really get into trouble, which is what happened to me. Might I suggest that you start thinking about what makes you drink? Is it relaxation, or escape, or just wanting to go to sleep at night? There are many alternatives, I'm still working on them, trust me. No easy answers. But I'll be glad to share.


                            Hung Over Newcomer

                            Thanks everyone for your response. I downloaded and read the entire book today and am trying to absorb the fact that I really do have a problem and that these "drinking accidents" are not random episodes. It sounds like many of the posters have not been successful with moderation. I must admit that I'd like to give it a try, but I hate the idea of using a drug. Is anyone following the rest of the program (c.d's, supplements, kudzu) without the medication and having any luck? I know I'll be turning to this website everyday to stay with the reality of my situation and seek your experience and support. Thank you!
                            "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
                            Nelson Mandela


                              Hung Over Newcomer

                              Margoms, that is exactly what I'm doing. Hypno, exercise, nutrition, and spending time learning here but no prescription drugs. I did campral for 6 months and it really didn't do much for me after about 3 months. The best weapon is the one in our head. and that weapon gets stronger the longer we go AF and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Others have found that some pharmaceutical drugs to be a real blessing....but it's certainly doable either way. The one prescription that helped me this last time was antabuse incidentally. It helped to flip the "off" switch in my head and understand that al is just not in my reality anymore. Off the table so to speak.

                              take care
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

