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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Quick start to the day's ODAT thread as I'm a bit late up again. When hubby's home we do tend to sleep in. I love my bed!! Never mind, just means I have less hours in the day to do what I need. It's not the end of the world.

    I'll be having an AF evening and an early night tonight (last night wasn't exactly late though, we were in bed by 10pm!) with a good early start tomorrow.

    I didn't have my AF evening yesterday but I did moderate ok with 2 1/2 gin and tonics - I ask hubby always to make them weak for me so that helps. I was celebrating getting my hunt buttons!

    Hope everyone does well today. Good luck - it's only today that you have to concentrate on.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Monday

    Hi Bessie

    I'm signing up for ODAT today. All over the place with how I feel about moderating. Finished 31 days last Thursday, had a bottle of wine Friday and woke up feeling guilty Saturday and said I wasn't going to drink but I did and also last night. During the AF time my plan was to allow myself to drink for this week but don't think I can actually cope with drinking so here I am again back at day 1 and intending to go the rest of July AF but taking ODAT. Not sure moderating is one bottle of wine because that is what I've always had . . . . . so if I insist on drinking then I will have to have very long bouts of abstinence . . . . I'd really like to know how my brain works . . . . . .
    Short term goal 7 days AF


      ODAT - Monday

      Hi guys!

      I'm back! Had a good week (I know Bessie was my ODAT prescence while I was gone, thanks Bess!)

      I managed to survive - moderated very successfully except for one night where I had a little too much wine but other than that I did really well. Now that I"m back to my regular life (soooooo don't want to go to work today) I'm back to some AF days. Here it is the 7th of July and I haven't had one yet (I guess that's what happens when your holidays begin at the beginning of a month!

      So back today to AF for the week, moderating on the weekends. Here's to an AF day.........

      Hope everyone meets their goals today,
      Love and Hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT - Monday

        Good Morning, ODATers,

        Bessie, what are hunt buttons?

        Patricia, welcome to ODAT and I know exactly what you mean about moderating. I took me forever to figure out I couldn't.

        Uni, Welcome back. You sound great.

        Everyone else, have a wonderful ODAT day and I hope you reach your goals no matter what they may be.

        AF April 9, 2016


          ODAT - Monday

          Yia sou! (Greek)

          Ah, if I were only in my house in the Greek Isles...... Perhaps next week I shall tear myself away from the hole and take the yacht over.

          THIS is the official 3 week mark!! The real, unalduterated, genuine 21 day salute! Feeling quite proud, even if I had to pay for it and had to take a few xanax in the beginning. I'm here and that's what counts!

          I worked HOURS yesterday on a schedule for all the stuff I have to eat, herbs, supps, tinctures, etc. I should get up at the crack of dawn to get everything in. The schedule takes a whole page and it varies from day to day. And that's just what goes in my mouth! It doesn't include work and daily household activities. I can see me at the gas station - "Excuse me, could I have some hot water? It's time for my hibiscus and wild cherry bark tea" Hopefully I will get used to it and it won't be so much work.

          So, Bessie, Whassa hunt button? An award? For performance or your muffins? :H

          Patricia, you might be onto something with your modding theory. Sounds like same old, same old, doesn't it? The Pain & Stress Center have a short publication about alcoholism (control alcoholism with amino acids and nutrients) and describe in detail how the brain works relative to alcoholism. Similar to MWO approach. Informative and inexpensive. They have a website.

          Welcome back uni! :goodjob: on your moderating.

          Have a fantastic week and good luck with your goals! Well day, rather.... this IS ODAT! :H
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Monday

            Oops! Missed you Cindi - I had to go woof supps. You're sounding good. Hope you had a good weekend.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Monday

              Good Day all ODATers
              I've been struggling this past week with AL. Today is new and I'm concentrating on making it AF. Will take my supps and drink plenty of water. Changing routine around 5:00 today will help so I'll plan to go for a walk. Anything to keep away from the beast AL. Hope you all reach your personal goals today.
              When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
              -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                ODAT - Monday

                Good luck for today everyone . . . . . I've just had a massive meal from the Chinese (more weight gain!) which is about par for the course . . . . but anything so long as I remain AF today. I find it easier when one day is under my belt. Pouring with rain on and off here - what kind of weather is this for summer?? P
                Short term goal 7 days AF


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Good Morning All! Patricia - I am right there with you. ODAT ODAT ODAT! I had sine every night - not huge amounts, but more than I wanted. I just can't moderate. Bottom line. And buying that boxed wine (even good wine comes in boxes now - who knew???) is the WORST possible thing - you can't tell how much you are drinking. Sigh. Good luck to everyone. AF week for me!!!!! (fingers crossed)
                  "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                    ODAT - Monday

                    Day One for me! FINALLY realized (confessed) that I was fooling myself with moderation. It's all or nothing for me ... and the "all" has really screwed up my life this time.

                    Silly question as anew bie back here: What is ODAT?


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Waiting: Welcome and ODAT is One Day at a Time
                      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Good Mornning Odat Folks-

                        Would you mind if I hopped on the daily ODAT train for a little while? I have been trying to do the 30 day thing and I have not been having much success and I am continually beating myself up for it. Here is a post that I wrote in the Booze Buster thread (a GREAT thread) that sort of details what is going on for me-

                        '....... I had 1 cocktail and 2 small glasses of wine with dinner. So- there goes my 30 days and back to square one. Which brings me to the question. Maybe I am on the wrong thread or????? I find myself capable of moderating for long stretches and then I will go through periods (recently) where I just kind of 'give up' and drink whatever/whenever I want. I feel like I SHOULD go AF 30 days as the book recommends- but then I am also capable of moderating fine on most occasions. (Although I have had my share of hangovers) and I do think alcohol plays a negative role in my life sometimes. So- Do I beat myself over this Sat nite 'slip'- because I didn't do 30 days? Was this a success because I moderated? .....'

                        Patricia- I am right there with you! What you said was so true.

                        So Odat today for me and I hope you all reach your goal today as well.

                        Thanks for listening.


                          ODAT - Monday

                          Right in line with everything already been said here. Me too metoo!! Besides starting another AF spree, The only thing I might be able to moderate is my snacking (instead of drinking habit) Gonna brew up some odiferous herbal teas and keep my right arm busy with sipping them instead of AL. Boy, the fizz, taste and tang of the thought of gin and tonic is really vivid!
                          Patricia, I don't know how your mind works either, but mine works the exact same way! Rain would be so sweet! But it will be months before the rainy season comes round around here. Speaking of Greece (just about my favorite place on the planet) anybody ever see "The Tempest" with Susan Sarandon and Raul Julia, John Cassavetes and other great actors??? I love it.

                          I just recently finally realized that I've been ODAT my entire life!! Just one day at a time. Welcome aboard WaitingToExhale!!


                            ODAT - Monday

                            simultaneous posting!! Hi it's nice to know that you'll right here, with me right now. I can imagine reaching over and hugging!! No, Sheepish, beating yourself isn't gonna help. Every slip should make us just a bit stronger and wiser: that's the positive side. Greenhouse enjoy your day too!


                              ODAT - Monday

                              Last thing check in. Just struggled my way through a major gin and tonic craving but I'm out the other side now and heading for bed!! Hooray!!

                              Hunt buttons are special buttons for your hunt coat that you are awarded when you make fabulous muffins!! No, when you are considered to have supported the hunt, hunted enthusiastically for a number of seasons. Not quite sure, the reasons are for the committee to decided. I consider it a huge honour to get them!!

                              Glad to see people using this thread as needed. I wish I how my brain worked too. But I'm working on it .... ODAT!

