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calling all newbies

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    calling all newbies

    Hi guys How's it goin'?:new:

    calling all newbies

    Welcome! I only joined yesterday but already feeling positive because I feel I've taken the first steps to making my life better... FOR ME!



      calling all newbies

      Hello there Ava, how's it going with you then? Well done for making your first post, it only gets better from here. Want to tell a bit about yourself? It's okay if not, welcome anyway. Just jump right into any thread, read a lot of the old ones if you have time and just generally join in.

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        calling all newbies

        This is what's going on with me. I drink every nite. I LOVE TO DRINK EVERY NITE. I know I need to stop, but I don't know how. Every morning I get up and say I'm done, today is the day I stop. That never works. Every nite between 7 and 8, I get that craving. I have 2 uncles and 1 aunt who drank, so I know I'm in trouble.


          calling all newbies

          Hi! Thanks for replying to my message. I've never done this before, so I'm really nervous. I've been drinking for a while now, and I have a pretty solid family history of alcoholics. The problem is that I really, really enjoy it.


            calling all newbies

            Welcome ava!

            I, too, love to drink.... I really do! BUT it was taking it's toll on my health and my relationships. I come from a very long line of alcoholics. Unfortunately for me, I am the only one who is a dysfunctional one.

            I use to wake up saying 'today will be the day'. I think most of us do. This site has been a saving grace for me. I still slip up once in a while but I am no where near as bad when I found this place. My liver, brain, heart, etc... and my kids are a lot happier now.

            This is a good place to educate yourself about problem drinking/alcoholism.

            Have you downloaded the book? It is a fantastic place to start. What are your goals? Are you wanting to quit completely or are you looking at cutting down?

            Anyway, keep reading and posting. This is a wonderful community. Glad you are here.


              calling all newbies

              Hi Ava,

              Day One for me! Tried before and it didn't take, so no more moderation for at least now. Has to be all or nothing. I too drank every night. Well, I actualy started a bit earlier in the day and then just kept on going ....

              This WILL BE my new start today. So far a bit edgy because I'm usually at 2-3 glasses by now. When I wake up in the morning and realize I actually made it through a day and evening without drinking, I am thinking it will push me to be stronger.

              I made a little note last night with some of the REALLY bad things I have done of recent due to drinking .. and I'm carrying it around it my pocket as the craves come up.

              Best of luck in whatever your goals are.


                calling all newbies

                great idea

                Thanks for the note in pocket idea. I know I need to do this. This site already seems like a blessing.:thanks:


                  calling all newbies

                  Welcome Ava!

                  I fairly new as well. Just beginning this phase of my journey (can't honestly say this has been the first time I've grabbed for sobriety) but feel better armed with all the wonderful tools on this site. The combo approach really appeals to me. Agree with "Accountable" - start with RJ's book. It's a quick read. Today is the chance for a new start -- keep posting as they say and try some of the program. The folks here are some of the kindest, caring people I've ever encountered.



                    calling all newbies

                    Ava, Welcome! Glad you are here. Other folks are right about downloading the book and reading it -- it's only 12.95, you can prinit it at home and save to read and refer to when necessary. It is indeed a stuggle, I have been here a long time, but MWO will help me do it and has already made huge changes in my drinking and health patterns. Take care and keep posting!


                      calling all newbies

                      Whew! I actually made a day at my shop without drinking and (almost) drove past every store on the way home. Then decided I better pick up some dog food (yeah right) and I KNEW I was going to buy a bottle of wine.

                      Aleady the headis saying "well,I see my therapist in the morning and he DID say try to hold it to 2 glasses a night ... so 2 it will be and than I can further my plan with him tomorrow". Good Grief how we play mind games with ourselves.

                      Cept I had an Angel on my shoulder. In the parking lot of the store I reached for my wallet ... and realized I had left it at my shop .. a 40 minute drive back! LOL No cash ... no wine! Even from my house (where I had money) its a bit of a drive to go back out.

                      So I made it home wineless and took the dogs for walk instead of getting back in the car. It is now almost 8 PM here and I only have a few hours before I will go to bed. I DID IT! DAY ONE!!

                      SO much tougher when you have no one you have to answer to and no one would have ever known. And my heart is so breaking again tonight over this lost love, such a struggle to not just drown it out.

                      But I did it! Thank you for all the support here. I've discovered I long ago lost (threw out?) my CDs and book. But something is still working today and I know I will be pleased with myself come morning.


                        calling all newbies

                        Waiting to Exhale,

                        Wow, what mysterious little messages we get when we least expect them and most need them!

                        Congratulations to you! Keep up the good work.

                        Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


                          calling all newbies

                          That is huge !!!! Congratulations !!!!

                          It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                            calling all newbies

                            Turning the corner

                            Hi all - I am new - I posted a few weeks ago but sort of lost my way for a few weeks but now am back and feeling pretty good today. The last two weeks were so bad, up and down, and feeling completely out of control of myself. Not that I haven't felt completely out of control for the past 20 years, but this was worse because I was trying to moderate and the more I slipped up, the more I beat myself up. Something changed two days ago - I had limited myself to two light beers for the day (I'm a red wine lover and drank about 1 -2 bottles a night). I was on the phone with my neighbor talking about something and I burst out laughing and was giggling like a school girl. I hung up and my 8 year old sweet son came up to me and said - WOW, you are so happy!!! I said "what"? he said, you were giggling and so happy and he imitated me (exaggerated) and I said "wow", was that okay with you? And he said YES, I LOVE IT MOMMY, you never laugh anymore and you always used to laugh!! WHOA!!!!!!!!!! I just about lost it but kept my cool in front of him and then it hit me how I've been so miserable and down and grumpy all the time. I decided to go to the gym last night, worked out, and then had a 64 calorie light beer around 9pm to relax. I had another at 11:00 and went to bed. I felt fantastic when I got up!!! I realize this is only the beginning but I truly feel like I can do this for the first time EVER!!! I know there will be many ups and downs but yesterday, I DID NOT stop at the store to get a bottle of wine (first time in I don't know how many years) and I fought the urge to have anything more to drink. Two HUGE steps for me. I wanted to share this because I know there are so many people out there in exactly the same boat and I wanted you to know that if I can make it even to this first baby step, YOU CAN TOO. We all understand and are there to help as I've received so much help just reading all of your wonderful threads and extremely supportive comments!!! This is such a wonderful site!! I am so grateful I stumbled upon it!! HANG IN THERE EVERYONE!!!! ASH :thanks:


                              calling all newbies

                              Ash - GOOD FOR YOU!!! You should be so proud. My kids are helping me (even if they don't know it). When I am AF I am my normal goofy self. The Mom they really like. It's all the motivation I need. Good luck and you should be really proud of yourself!
                              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:

