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That Witching Hour

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    That Witching Hour

    I used to refer to "The Witching hour" as the 3-4 hours in the evening when my newborn twins would fuss, cry, scream, wail or all of the above. At that time (before I became a heavy drinker), I would never have thought of grabbing a bottle of wine. For one, I was nursing and for another, I was nursing. It was just NOT an option for me.

    Going through that was horrible! Sober, completely sober, listening to screaming babies and a husband who would just come right out and ask me how I was planning on fixing this (aka:my) problem. Okay. Whatever. But I got through it. Sober.

    Why can't I do that anymore? The kids are older, the husband is now an Ex-husband. My life is better. Wait, no..... WAY better.

    But the Witching Hour remains. It never really left I guess. I was so strong in my conviction to not poison my children with alcohol when I was nursing, yet once they were physically free from that part of me, the drinking began and continued to progress over the past 5-6 years. Still poisoning them, in fact.

    I'm writing this post during my Witching Hour so that the poison will stay in the bottle.

    I will not poison my family tonight.

    I'm curious to know what others do to keep their Witching Hour at bay???


    Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.

    That Witching Hour

    Oh Sun
    What a salient and thoughtful post. I am on your side-
    No answers at witching hour
    just support
    hugs to you


      That Witching Hour

      SunDaisy wrote:

      " For one, I was nursing and for another, I was nursing. "

      First of all SunDaisy that is a funny funny line. A snort/laugh from me.

      I have it different because as I am doing this I am on summer break, I work at a school. My kids are at their Dad's for 6 weeks (a 4 day visit in between) I do have summer jobs in an office and a small grocery store, but not fulltime. So I am for the first time in my life doing just for me in a positive way. ( Last summer was horrible all based on me and various AL choices.) I am using the cds and the threads to get through my witching hour, which is all day. I don't have anyone asking me anything. Wish I could give you a hand.
      Well I can clap for you, clap clap you can get through this today.

      It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


        That Witching Hour

        o.k. I wasn't done, but my computer must of thought I was.

        Anyway hope you can get an answer from someone else soon. Just hang in there, and tell that withcing hour to go away.

        p.s. I'm a twin and I have little sister's that are twins. You are an amazing woman, cuz I know twins aren't easy.

        It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


          That Witching Hour

          I think the most helpful thing at wine o'clock is to change you pattern of habits around that time if at all possible. Go for a walk a swim the movies or whatever. Get a friend to help you out if you can. Eat something earlier than you might otherwise can also be helpful. Also a lot of people take on here suggest taking the L Glut around that time by breaking open the capsule and putting the powder directly under your tongue. Also the Kudzu helps. In the book roberta even suggested going to the supermarket at that time so you can see people going on with their normal lives etc.
          You just got to chuck everything you can at it to beat the bugger.
          BH no more


            That Witching Hour

            Also I found it helpful to go on chat - that can while away the time until the cravings pass.


              That Witching Hour

              Definitely with BH-no-more about doing something during that time. Plan ahead to what you are going to do with that time. Set it in stone as much as possible so you can't change it - so planning anything that involves someones else is good. And yes to the L-Glut and yes to coming on here and chat if needed. And yes to just battening down the mental hatches and accepting that you have to fight it one step at a time, even if that step is every second. Go to bed early. Get in the bath with any sort of drink other than Al and a good book. Maybe even look at some sort of home study course about something you really are interested in and putting aside the time to do it at the witching hour?? Dunno, just ideas but the main thing, certainly for me, is to keep busy and the brain occupied.

              Not sure about the supermarket though during the witching hour! I'd be straight down the wine aisle. Screech to a halt at the Pinot Noir and paid and out before you could say corkscrew!!

              Bessie xx


                That Witching Hour

                okay girls avoid the supermarket ..... not such a good idea....
                figure out your major triggers and then avoid them like the plague

