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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning all. Another bright and breezy one - I did mean the weather but thinking about it I mean my mood too! That's good.

    Really pleased that I sat out a last minute craving for a G&T last night. Just kept arguing with my Al brain about it. Stayed on here for a while. Filled in my drink tracker with zero and enjoyed how good it looked then realised it was bedtime and went straight off. Phew! I knew I wouldn't feel any craving once in bed and I knew I would be very pleased this morning if I beat the craving ... and I am! :H

    So, another day, another battle. ODAT. I am feeling strong so I'll make sure I've got some tactics for the witching hour and hopefully it shouldn't be a struggle.

    Sundaisy, you asked about the numbers on my siggy. Did pm you but wondered if anyone else might find it useful. It's a bit of a nerdy system to keep my eye on the bigger picture and give me a visual incentive. The first number is days since the start of the year - then AF days/Dog days/moderate days. The colour coding is just me being even more nerdy!! :H:H Dog days are over 6 units for me. Just what I chose. Could be different for anyone else but I figured that's 3 largeish glasses of wine which is acceptable to me for a moderation top limit. I'm not happy about the number of dog days but that is part of the incentive. I can see them, you can all see them and that makes me want to ensure that number doesn't go up any higher. Makes me sort of accountable to have them out there for everyone to see and it does make me think twice about drinking and how much. Also really makes me very pleased to see that I nearly have a total of 3 months AF this year which is WAAAAYY more than I have ever managed in the last 20 years!

    I know, I know - I sound like I should have thick spectacles and wear sandals over socks but really I don't!! Just need as many tools as possible!!

    Anyway, if anyone else wants to use it (ok, don't all rush at once :H) feel free!! It's not patented or anything!:H

    Have a great ODAT day all :l

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    I really like your tracking system, may I beg, borrow, or steal it from you? I'll trade you a chicken for it. That is, if I can find a chicken around here!

    I like counting overall sucess, not success in sequential days of AF.

    Have a great day everyone! It's only 12am here and just the start of my day, and haven't been to bed yet, so really it's tomorrow I'm looking at, but it will be AF. Got it? Good.

    Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Good Morning ODATers,

      It is a coolish morning here, which is nice because it is going to get hot, hot, hot today. I better enjoy it while I can.

      Lots of newbies on the boards today. Let's all try to welcome them and make sure they know about ODAT, or Monthly Abs or whatever. I remember what it was like to be a newbie.

      Hope all have a wonderful day and meet your goals, whatever they may be.

      I know I will be sober today!! Yay!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Bessie...first of all congratulations on controlling AL and meeting your goals. Secondly...I have to admit that I sometimes wear sandals over my socks in public. I know what you must be thinking of me as I even do it in public when I run into town for a quick trip to the local lumber yard to pick up supplies for a weekend project or to pick up groceries. Pathetic I must admit but oh so comfortable!

        Another busy day at work with a bad back. I finally went to the chiropractor last night and I think after a couple of more sessions that it should be straightened out. Lot's of muscle cramping and shooting pains. I really think that after losing nearly 40 pounds after quitting all of the boozing that my body is trying to re-adjust.

        Gotta go running and get workout in before the day gets to hectic...


          ODAT - Tuesday


          I, too, wear sandals over socks. My glasses are rimless but not took thick. :H

          The fashion police are coming!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Hi everybody

            Day 2 - and feeling positive after my weekend of 'moderation' . . . . . . .Px
            Short term goal 7 days AF


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Well, I am known to wear my sandals with socks. It's my earth-mother look. :H I draw the line at high-water pants though.

              I'm still so busy I'm hardly enjoying my time alone. But things must be done, so I'm plugging away. I managed to work through the night (at least I was at my desk at home), so it will be a slow pace today. I even turned the house upside down trying to find my purse but no luck. :upset: I'm getting a massage and going to the sauna later. If you hear loud snoring later this afternoon is the green bean snooooooozing! Even though I'm tired I'm AF. That talk of a gin & tonic gave me a twinge. Even gelgit talked of the fizz and the smell. I could even hear it right down to the top of the schweppes bottle cracking open over the sink and....... oh, sorry. :H Let me get back to work.

              Everybody seems to be sounding strong. Saying No to AL is so empowering. I love the way it spreads.

              Good with whatever your goals are today. :l to everyone!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Hey, what's wrong with wearing socks with sandals???
                Keeps my toes warm!!
                Hello everyone! Hope you all had a happy 4th of July. I am getting ready to head home after a few days with my siblings. It has been nice, but now it's time to get back to the monster garden and DH!
                Greenie, is it possible someone stole your purse??? That would drive me nuts not being able to find it!
                Today it's been 3 years since my dad passed away. Being here in their house sure brings back memories. Sis and I went to their graves yesterday. Sure miss them.:h
                Anyway, I'm on day 38 AF I guess--still taking it ODAT for sure. No real cravings though--that is really nice!
                Gotta go pack--ta ta for now!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Well, I had two small glasses of wine yesterday - had to get rid of that box in the fridge ya know - couldn't just THROW IT AWAY . I just need the stuff OUT OF THE HOUSE. I am so not a moderator. If it is there, I will drink it - not all of it, but I will drink some of it. Sigh. Did not get buzzed or anything and had lots of seltzer water with lemon after. Had so much fun with my girls, playing and running around the house until bedtime. The baby is getting so animated and hilarious. The other two just feed off of her and we were laughing so was wonderful. It made me realize that when I over-drink I miss out on all those funny little nuances and changes. Today is day one AGAIN. The wine is gone and I am on my way. I need to be strong. Life is too damn good to waste. Hope everyone is well and thanks for always being so nice. This place is great.
                  "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Hello. I will not drink today.


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Good Day all ODATers!
                      Happy to report that I had an AF day and night yesterday and plan for the same today. ODAT and feeling pretty good. The best to all of you!
                      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Here we go with Day Two! Felt SOOOOOOOOOOO good to get up this morning without the fuzzy brain stuff!

                        Patricia, you and I have started at tghe same time .... let's rock!

                        I have therapy at 11:00 this morning and that can be a good or a bad thing. I started seeing him when I couldn't get off the sofa for 4 days in depression after losing my realtionship. Still workig through that pain and talking about it (him) brings up such emotions that in past weeks I just come home and drink and cry.

                        I finally came clean with my therapist 2 weeks ago about my drinking, so that is what I will need to focus on today.

                        As hard of a lesson it was to learn in losing that man, someone said "he did youa favor" and they were RIGHT! I think it's what finally got me to accept I can't moderate, at least for now.

                        KBCE - Like you, I just had to throw everthing away in the house. Ok, Ok, I actually drank most of it! LOL I just can't have the temptation there or I start believing I can moderate too. I can't for now.

                        So, just for this one day, I am going to make it AF. Hell, 40 straight hours without booze is MAJOR for me =)

                        Here's to a enthusiastic day towards our goals!


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          AF day for me working on day TEN TEN TEN

                          I wear socks with flipflops, mostly around the house and at the office. Heh my toes get cold >"

                          It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            It was one of those sweet mornings when you're just half awake, not feeling an ache or a pain anywhere in mind, body or heart, and with your whole being you just feel grateful for waking up to another day. I just came in from the morning watering chores. It's going to be over a 100 again today. The sky is still smokey but the fires are all under control.
                            P.S. about this g&t business....howabout the tonic with great ice and lots of lime!! xxxx g.


                              ODAT - Tuesday

                              I feel I must say hello to all you ODATers today. HELLO!!!!

                              I must be avoiding posting on the threads lately - hiding maybe?? - as I seem to be a very UNsuccessful moderator!!! I drank some wine on saturday night, but it was rather a "dog day", to use Bessie's terminology - I think it was a bottle and a half. I felt so god awful wretched on sunday - i forgot how horrible that makes a gal feel!!!! Maybe it was worse after going so long without thru June - I wasn't used to it??? So I am back going AF again, and am feeling much better, thankyou very much!!! I have actually upped my Topa to 150g, hoping that will put a stop to any desire to consume wine for the next couple of weeks. There is still a half bottle in my fridge, but I won't drink it - have no desire to drink it!!!! My 20yo daughter arrived last night from Victoria - I'm sure she will drink it for me with no objection - it is the only wine in the house for her anyhow, if she wants more, she will have to get it herself.

                              So it will be AF for me for a while, or at least ODAT! Nice to hear everybody is doing so well. Hope those fires in CA fizzle out soon!!!! They are finally dying out up north here, but I kinda wish the rain would go away too!!

                              Tonic and lime - sans the gin - sounds just about right!!!
                              xox Peanut

