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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    HI ODAT'ers,

    Great to see so much positive energy on here today.

    Caseaday: Awesome on losing 40 lbs! You must feel so proud of yourself!
    Cindi: Thanks for welcoming us newbies...:h
    Patricia: Congrats on Day 2 AF! I know how hard it is and I'm with ya!
    Greeneyes: I was right there with you on the pang with the gin and tonic talk...OUCH! But lucky you on the pampering!
    Sounds like your dad is helping to keep you strong if you ask me
    Hearing about you enjoying running around with your kids hit home for me. I love doing that with my kids now when I'm sober. They love it even more than I do which is so special to me. I used to do it when I was drinking, but I don't remember it. :upset:
    No Ma'am:
    I'm with you today. I will not drink.
    Waiting to Exhale:
    Congrats on Day 2. Good luck with your therapist today. Come back and let us know how it goes for you.

    As for me, I had an appt with my doctor today to report to her how MWO was going. She was skeptical when I told her 4 weeks ago about it. She had never heard of it. But today I brought in my book, showed her my drinking tracker, my list of supplements, told her about you guys and that my drinking was down by 60% and she was really impressed. She was of course cautious (like she should be). She agreed to increase my topamax as directed in the book. So I will increase it to 100 mgs now and we'll see how I do.

    Happy Tuesday everyone and Wednesday for you there in the future!

    Thanks again everyone for your support. I won't drink today. I know this.

    Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


      ODAT - Tuesday

      OH, and....I sent too fast, but didn't forget you others:

      onetoomany: Hi and have a great day!
      MWO2: Congrats on Day 10, nice chatting with you last night!
      Glad you had a sweet morning, I'm starting to have a few of these myself!
      Sorry about your "wretched Sunday", I've had a couple of those on the topa, they are worse aren't they? Have a nice visit with your girl!

      Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hey- never thought of that. Do ya think that a hangover while on Topa is worse??? I never used to even get hangovers with wine at all!!!!!! Yuck!!!!! That really is an incentive to learn how to moderate!!!!!


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi guys,

          Checking in late today, busy morning at work. And I feel like crap because I UNsuccessfully moderated last night as well - had waaaaaaaaayy too many beers.

          So today it is back to AF - ODAT. I need to get some under my belt for this month - especially since this weekend is going to be hard - another baseball tournament.

          Hope you all meet your goals today, whatever they may be.

          Love and hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Peanut, I do think the hangovers are WAY worse. I used to be able to drink 2 bottles of wine with NO problem. Now, if I drink even one, I'm worthless the next day. I haven't had a hangover like that since I was in my 20s.

            It is certainly incentive for me, because hangover or not, the kids need breakfast!
            Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Therapy Fun

              Hi Guys,

              OK, keep me hanging in there guys! If I cry anymore I think I am going to look like a prune soon! And oh is the wine calling my name!

              Therapist appointment was NOT fun. Like I mentioned earlier, I originally went to start seeing him a few weeks ago when I got the shock of my life and my BF walked out the door.

              No fights, no conflicts, no discussions about drinking (or not) , just that I ?guess? he just wanted more of me and my time. Hell if I can figure it out. But needless to say, I was stunned and cried for days barely able to get up and feed the animals.

              Let me make a side note here that I DID snap at him the day before (after I had had a few glasses of wine!) when he offered to help me with an issue and I refused his help. Hence, MAJOR guilt and major regrets. While I?m not certain it was really meant to be forever, I still hate myself for how it ended.

              So have been rehashing it out with the therapist for weeks now, still without many answers or peace. Today was another round. I have never suffered from depression and am always the ?strong gal? in the group, and yet for weeks now I am walking around like a crying maniac.

              It?s one of the reasons I finally said to myself I have GOT TO stop drinking. I know it?s adding to the depression and I?m laying around crying daily and losing my life At least I got myself to work this afternoon .. but have that dangerous drive home to get past all of those stores.

              Now I can?t figure out if I am crying more because I am going through AL withdrawal. Or just more of the ?stuff? with trying to work through this breakup. My therapist was very pleased that I had not had anything to drink for 2 days and encouraged me to keep the path. EXCEPT, when I told him I had a friend coming into town tomorrow, who is not a heavy drinker but I am sure we would normally wine & dine, that I should try to keep it to 2 glasses. He told me ?I think in time you will be able to moderate. You?re a strong lady, and think things through and understands what is going on?.

              NO! Don?t tell me I can moderate! It has never worked for me before. I feel like he gave me the excuse. Damn!

              Have any of you had these emotional roller coaster rides the first few days of going AF? I am taking supps but no meds of any kind. I can?t stop crying. No other physical symptoms, just really serious heartache. :upset:

              PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE for anyone new here that has a relationship in jeopardy that may be in any way connected to your drinking ? please stop and think. Trust me, this is no fun.

              Love all of you.


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Dear Waiting, I am so so sympathetic to you and the pain you're feeling. Give yourself a break and realize that with 2 days AF you're detoxing and everything is out of balance for you. All those tears have screwed up your electrolyte balance!! You mentioned that you aren't taking any meds, I'm amazed that your therapist didn''t load you with a bunch of "happy" pills, and I'm distressed that he would allow you the possibliity of drinking now with what you're going through. I think he's wrong!
                It will probably take quite awhile before you can begin to figure out what went bad with your relationship. And you may never really understand... it could have been absolutely nothing to do with you...nothing you could have done or not done: it was HIM. xxx g.

                "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle."

