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New and scared

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    New and scared

    I'm the water girl today :

    Remember to drink boatloads of water ( I like mine w/ lemon)

    It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


      New and scared

      louise;360272 wrote: Basilisk, Instead of thinking how "hard" it is going to be to get through the BBQ, keep focusing on how much better you feel about yourself and how much stronger you are. We often do ourselves in with our own negative thinking.
      Thanks for this, a wonderful message toremind me first thing in the morning.:h

      No alcohol last night, which is great, but now Day 3 so I am entering the really tough days. Add to that it's that time of the month, and a lot on my mind, I'm feeling very alone today. Your support has helped me get this far.
      "Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth." Rumi


        New and scared

        That message from louise was excellent ... I did always think about how hard it was going to be to get through an event and keep my drinking to a miniumum ..... I usually did it my telling myself, I'll reward by controlled drinking with a nightcap when I got home .... which usually turned into 4 nightcaps. That just isn't going to work anymore....... I need to also have a more positive attitude about saying no to AL. I'm a couple of days behind all of you .... just found this site yesterday, so and my first AF night last night. I'll be checking in here to help keep me on track. Good luck to all and stay strong!


          New and scared

          There is great love and caring,here for you !!!!!!
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            New and scared


            Hi Basilisk
            You sound very similar to me, only I drink way too much. I'm nearly 32 and have two beautiful daughters, 3 years old and one 8 months old. I too suffer from depression and anxiety. I too would hate my children to grow up with an alcoholic mother, my dad is one and I know what its like - NOT GOOD! I have tried so many times to give up, lasting 4 weeks in May 2008. I wasn't home at the time and seem to find being at home more testing. I managed 2 days (Sunday and Monday) so far then drank again for the past two nights. My goal is to not drink tonight and hopefully tomorrow - I am taking baby steps as its easier for me. Keep posting there is some great advice on here!!:l


              New and scared

              hang in there... i have been drinking for over 20years. I am now 41 and mom to a 7yr old and 4 yr old. I too don't want my kids to remember me as a drunk. I too struggle with anxiety... I admitted to my dr. that i was drinking 15-20 drinks a week, some weeks probably 20-30. He looked right at me and said alcohol feeds your anxiety. I am on zoloft and that helps me tremendously. I would go to your dr. and fess up that you are trying to get help. It hasn't been easy but I am on day 11... I made cookies with my kids tonight instead of drinking on the couch. My anxiety and depression were so aggravated with alcohol, so much better, if not gone without. It helps to get out at night especially the first few days. This website is a godsend, the live chat is especially helpful if you think you are going to slip or the craving is really bad. Hang in there, I know what you are going thru. Kendall


                New and scared

                Hi B, I'm going off to bed right now, but wanted to say hi. I'm finishing day 3, have 4 children, and understand needing to quiet the noise in my brain SO WELL. That's what I keep saying, the wine calms my brain, quietens the NOISE from the children, house, demands, etc. This place has been a lifeline for 3 days...really. And I couldn't believe I even really needed to cut back. HA! I obviously do, because the hours of 6 pm- 9pm have been ROUGH without my wine. Keep coming back. These people and this program can help. And it's anonymous. Going to bed now, but I'll look for you tomorrow.


                  New and scared

                  I related to you as well in regards to the certain day/s being the hardest. It is day 3 for me, usually and I am back in a flash throwing down my minimum 3 bottles of champagne/wine.
                  Definately the right chemicals make all the difference. Something has happened since getting and taking the GABBA and AMINO ACIDS, here.
                  Oh, know to well those horrible withdrawls Sea, I recall your moments and was feeling you through and through.

                  I wish to extend my hand to you New and scared.
                  Every moment we pass through is New and feels a little scary without AL. It is scarier with AL, because that just gets OLD and predictible.

                  Predict a beautiful outcome for your life, no matter how you manage for things to unfold for you. You are loved in this moment, and nothing can take away how much you matter.

                  Be Well,


                  " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                    New and scared

                    Didn't make it, I drank a beer. Just one but it's enough to feed the monkey. I'm almost overwelmed by my anxiety at the moment and I'm not eating well, no appetite. I'm trying to practise loving-kindness towards myself, and not beat myself up about it. But this is a real wake-up call - I can't go 3 days!!!! And now it's the weekend. I'm trying to stay positive, and not focus on how hard it's going to be, like Louise said. Why is this so hard?

                    "Let the beauty you love be what you do. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth." Rumi


                      New and scared

                      Is a beer really that bad???
                      I imagine it's a lot better than you are used to.
                      The weekends are the hardest for a lot of people; for others it's just another couple of days. When I was at my worst, the weekends were often a continuation of a whole week of drinking, only, being the weekend I could justify my drinking, telling myself "Hell, why not? it's the weekend". I am by no means the finished article, in fact I know that I could quite easily go back to the bad old days of 5/6/7 bottles of vodka a week.
                      We just have to stick at it; try and have different priorities than simply getting as drunk as possible as often as possible. Find other, more absorbing and beneficial passtimes, especially at the weekends.
                      I hope that makes sense.
                      Good luck to you Basilisk

