So now, after a row last night (just heated talking, nothing abusive!), he says if I am not willing to go totally dry for a month or two, to test his theory, then I am potentially jeopardizing our marriage, and he's then extremely concerned about whether or not I'm a full on addict.
How much are we drinking? I'll have 3-4 glasses a night, he'll probably do the same. I'm never hungover, never out of control, never forget, never neglect children, or the house. I work out 3-5 days a week, am in the middle of losing the last of the baby weight. My life is functioning on a very high level, I LIKE my life, but that wine at the end of the day helps take the edge of all of it. "It" feeling very overwhelming at times, especially with our crazy (but adored) one year old...who's already behaving full on two years old.
Seriously? I know how it sounds to say he needs to get off my back. But I feel like he doesn't really GET what I go through at home all day, every day. And I look forward to that wine. It's like it's the only thing I CAN do. I can't get out by myself, I can't just go shopping (tight budget), I'm in charge of all the meals, laundry, whatever, it gets so mundane. I believe in what I'm doing, but it's hard.
The wine is like my reward at the end of the day. I don't WANT to give it up. It's not that I can't, I don't WANT to, and I think my husband is over reacting.
Now WHAT???!??