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New here for the third time

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    New here for the third time

    Never bothered to stick around the last two times and things have just gotten so much worse. I have been an out of control drinker for more years than I like to remember, but I drank with very rare exceptions only in the evening. Over the last year that has changed and has gotten so bad over the last few months that I am afraid my job is in jeopardy.

    I am able to stop drinking for several weeks at a time, but instead of helping the period of sobriety seems to make it worse when I start up again.

    I wish I could say I am ready to stop entirely, but I think I am going to give moderation a try.

    I know...

    New here for the third time

    Moderation works for some but not for me.Life did not truly start to get better until I accepted that.I just ordered Antabuse so I have a safe guard against giving into Temptation
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      New here for the third time

      Welcome modders!!!

      For inspiration and advise read the "Long Term Moderaters" Forum.

      Stick around we are here to help each other. I have only been here for 8 weeks, so far so good, give me a shout if you guys need a helping hand.

      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        New here for the third time

        Moderation is sometimes not possible for people; other people have great success, where othere it just leads to a constant drunk. It's very hard to find your path. I'm still working my way myself.


          New here for the third time

          :hello2::colorwelcome: back i guess the say goes like this three time a charm.. give it your best and if it doesnt work out try .. try try again
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            New here for the third time

            Thanks all for the welcome. Today was the decision day, tomorrow is the action day


              New here for the third time

              Day 2 carrying over into Day 3

              My husband has been hospitalized 4 times in recent months and the first 2 times I took it as an opportunity to feel sorry for myself and go on a multi-day binge. Time 3 I was a little bit better but I still felt sorry for myself and thought I deserved to excessively drown my sorrows if only for one night.

              he was admittted again to the hospital yesterday and it is a completely different situation this time. It feels very good not to grab at excuses that are not really excuses at all.


                New here for the third time


                I hope your husband is going to be o.k.
                I like the wording of how we use excuses. Good work on yourself.
                See you on the posts tomorrow.

                It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


                  New here for the third time

                  mwo2;361678 wrote: time2change,

                  I hope your husband is going to be o.k.
                  I like the wording of how we use excuses. Good work on yourself.
                  See you on the posts tomorrow.
                  Hi mwo2,

                  I didn't realize until after I had made a few posts that I chose a name so similar to a longer time member. I just want to make sure you are not thinking you are responding to time2change as i am not that person - I am TimeToChange.

                  Thanks for your good wishes. My husband will be fine this time I think, but he has a chronic illness and I can't just keep falling apart everytime something happens. I was completely out of control the first two times - I can't be any help to him or me like that. That is not to say I have everything under control, but I am learning at least

