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Fell off my wagon

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    Fell off my wagon

    I have been kind of embarassed to come back. I went AF until June 21st when i went to Vegas. I didn't get drunk had 4 beers a night but still I wanted to stay AF. Since then I have drank 4 more times and one time I was drunk. I need to get back on track and seem like I can't get it together. I'm going to order topa today and start taking it again.
    I hate this

    Fell off my wagon

    Hang in there Mya. Don't feel embarrassed to come back here! I have slipped a couple of times and when I come here and say I did, it makes me more determined to get back on the wagon.


      Fell off my wagon

      mya, you're O.K. Your head is in the right place: climb back on. Whatever is the answer for you, keep on it. This is the one place you NEVER have to feel embarassed. xxx g


        Fell off my wagon

        hi mya! It's good to see you, though of course I wish you were feeling better :l. But I think you sound better than you feel! You learned from the experience of drinking after your AF time, you're here talking about it and you obviously really mean you want to "get back on track". So that's what you're doing. When I got here last October it was after about a month of drinking after a long AF period. I REALLY wanted to "right myself" before the situation got out of hand and while I knew it was possible, I was scared.

        There are some awesome threads going now like the boozebusters where people are going strong. Once a few AF days pass, the old good AF feelings will come back. It's amazing, but they do. Try not to worry too much. Be gentle with yourself. And keep going!

        Glad you posted and sending big hugs :l:l-

        ww xox


          Fell off my wagon

          You can do it Mya. I think alot of us have taken a tumble off the wagon at some point. I know I have. Just keep trying and be good to yourself. You have plenty of support here.
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            Fell off my wagon

            You can absolutely do this! Everyone slips, we are all human. I just slipped a little but I am confident that with all this great support and having a goal, I can do this. We are here for you. DO NOT BE EMBARRASSED!!!
            "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


              Fell off my wagon

              You can definitely do this.
              We all can.
              Lots of hugs and support,
              ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                Fell off my wagon

                Mya just posted to somebody else my advice never give up giving up !!! don't be embarassed can't imagine that there is one member of this site who has not been where you are now, its not easy its ugly and we never asked to be like this though most of the non problem drinker think its a life choice !!!! that one will get a laugh who would choose to go through our hell.

                I have been in your shoes hundreds of times but been af for 7 weeks and loving it.

                So good luck and never be embarassed because at the end of the day we don't know what you look like and we don't know where you live ( sorry my attempt at a joke) so we won't be coming to get you !!

                DD x


                  Fell off my wagon

                  diaper change.

         did not fall..a black out is a FALL! a bit of toner is not the end. just don't do it for again for awhile. :H


                    Fell off my wagon

                    Don't ever feel like you can't come back here...this is the one place where you know people will understand what you are going through. Dust yourself off and have a do-over.


                      Fell off my wagon

                      GET BACK ON THE WAGON.......QUITTING IS NO OPTION ! IAD!
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        Fell off my wagon

                        Thanks you guys for the support and laughs!


                          Fell off my wagon

                          Hi Mya,

                          Welcome again -- heck, I've fallen off the wagon so many times by butt is sore. I'm encouraged that with the help of this site I'll finally get the control over booze that has been so elusive. I remember years ago joining Weight Watchers for about the umpteenth time and they would always ask is I'd ever been a member before. Embarassed that I couldn't keep to my "goal" weight, I insisted that this was my first time and played dumb when they reviewed the program. Of course this was in prehistoric times - before widespread use of pc's - so all the records were hand recorded. Who are we kidding? Of course 15 pounds is NOTHING compared to drinking too much, so I think you are especially brave to come back. Looking forward to following your threads. This is a wonderful site.



                            Fell off my wagon

                            yo mya youll be ok you came back i wish i had the guts to have drink ive been sober for 8 months been here b4 as long as you had fun and keep comin back and moderating youll be fine gyco


                              Fell off my wagon

                              Hi Mya: I'm sorry to hear you had a slip, but I appreciate you breaking the ice for me! Well.... I fell off the wagon YET AGAIN. By now most of you know I went AF for 8 months, then 2 months and now 1 month. I did myself in again yesterday afternoon, only to have my husband come home from work once again to find me drunk, slurring my words, and basically out of my mind. As soon as I woke up this morning I went to an AA meeting. I bursted out in tears and asked for help and asked for a sponsor. For a moment there I wasn't going to come back to this site, for I too felt ashamed for slipping. I knew I had to come clean because I really like this site and need the support I receive here. My new sobriety date is July 9th. I've said it time and time again, that I'm going to make it. I have spoken the truth and really believe that. This time I'm going to make it. I can't live this way anymore. Drinking isn't worth it. It's not worth the shakes, head ache and nausea I feel the following morning. It's not worth the guilt for saying or doing things that I've done while drunk. It's not worth the pain in my husband's eyes. It's not worth a DUI. Like a knucklehead, I drove my dog to the park late yesterday afternoon. I barely remember it. I shudder thinking that I could have killed someone, got a DUI or locked my dog in the car on a super hot day. On a given SOBER day, I'm a responsible person. When I drink, I turn into someone or something else. To those who looked up to me in the past, and who have PM'd me, please believe in me, as I do you. We are in this together and only we can understand what it feels like to live like this. Love, Reenie
                              September 23, 2011

