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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Good morning all
    A quick ODAT check in-thanks Bessie for always starting my day right. One light beer last night, and AF tonight (my goal)
    Be strong all


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Morning ODATers!

      Caseaday - WOW!!!! Congrats!!! You have done so spectacularly well - be very proud of yourself, for sure!!! 90 days is fantastic!!! Keep it up!

      I felt so bad about feeling so wretched on sunday from all that wine that I upped my Topa to 150mg on monday and tuesday, but felt really rotten - too tired, sleepy, heavy headed, teeth grinding, sore head, and just not right!!!! I react quite strongly to meds in general - things like antihistamines and muscle relaxants and things like that always wipe me right out, so I think I will go back to 100mg and just stay there, as I was comfortable at that level. Also, my daughter had 4-5 gal pals over and I watched them drink 5 bottles of wine, but I had none!!! Yes!!!! I think I will have to rely on my mind power, rather than a pill in my future, as "cravings" aren't really the issue here, rather than "situations"!! AF today for me, a holiday day, and strawberry picking with my girl, as the sun has finally decided to shine!

      KBCE - I can't believe that family of your ex's!!! Never ceases to amaze me!! Be strong - don't give in to the a**holes!!

      OK - I'm outta here!! Happy Hump Day and have a Wild Wednesday!!!
      xoxo Peanut


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Hi to Everyone,
        Not an AF day here today by any means, but have drunk less than yesterday.

        Woke up this morning and realised that Id decided to trim my fringe (that's "bangs" for the American members) last night... NOT a good idea if you've had too many wines. I look a wee bit silly, 'tis all lop-sided and looks weird...but it's my own fault!

        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


          ODAT - Wednesday


          :disco:Has anyone else noticed the synchronicity (sp?) here? I had already thought to write about the weather/climate and here is the topic in almost every post already. This happens daily. I think I'll start a chart:H Hey, let me hear if anyone feels the same connection?
          The bloody fires are raging again. Sunlight filtered by the smoke turns everything into an erie orange. Can't be outside and with so many projects already delayed the frustration are mounting. Left ol' AL alone last night. I'm stalling as long as I can before going back on the antabuse: it does make me feel sick and headachy after just 10 days at 1/2 dose.....too bad as it's "the easy way out" for me. Yes, Bessie, that's exactly what I mean about being ODATERs all the time! So, you all enjoy your busy, active and productive day at least, I have a good book! xxx g

