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Day 2, My'd tough!

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    Day 2, My'd tough!

    I can't bear going back to AA, after 7 years of sobriety... it seems everywhere I went when i relapsed there was an AA member scolding me....even when I passed them in my car they would shake their finger at me. Now I have to stop again, and it's day 2.... I guess I'm detoxing...sweats, the runs, stomach screwed up....I know a drink will fix it all, but I can't let my addictive mind control God, it's tough!

    Day 2, My'd tough!

    nunewf, Hang in there! They tell me it gets better after the first few days. Stiick around here and post .. it really does help.


      Day 2, My'd tough!

      Day 5

      It does get better. My stomach is still a bit screwed up, but getting better everyday. I am still a bit anxious, hopefully, that will pass. The sweats and chills passed within a couple of days. Hang in there. You Can do This. You don't ever have to do it Again!!:goodjob:
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Day 2, My'd tough!

        I know what you mean..

        I know what you mean about AA. I don't like how new people are treated. I myself have gone to a meeting hopeful, then drove away as fast as I could and drank more than usual. I found
        mwo a couple weeks ago. I got the starter supp's. Wow what a difference! My energy has increased and the anxyitiy is gone! I would wake up in the middle of the night with my heart pounding in my chest. Also I read here, that taking baths with epson salt help's to detox the body. I seem to sweat alot a night, but that has stopped. It took about 3 to 4 day's. You are in the right place! keep checking here when ever you need to. I just read and learn a little bit each day. What wonderful support! Take it easy... you can do this.
        xxxxx Raineyjane


          Day 2, My'd tough!

          Hi Nunewf,

          Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you and come onto chat later when you are finished work - DO NOT OPEN THAT BEER!!!!!

          Be strong!

          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Day 2, My'd tough!

            We will never ever shake a finger at you or scold you....
            How rude. hmm

            Hope you check back in soon.

            Welcome and feel safe here

            It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


              Day 2, My'd tough!

              I'M HERE....I me if you are not alone!!!!!
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Day 2, My'd tough!

                Day 2 for me too. Never tried to not drink, just gotten to the point where it's a bottle a night, every night, after increases for the last few years. I can't believe how much I' thinking about my wine?!? Going to hang in there. Nothing I have is worth losing over alcohol. This place seems incredible.


                  Day 2, My'd tough!

                  Thanks everyone, and 4tops..I can tell you that once we get past this initial stage, and we stop worrying about how we will ever be able to actually live without the AL, it gets easier. I know this, but here I am struggling again with the same bizarre thoughts.... what absolute control the AL continues to have, in spite of my years of recovery!


                    Day 2, My'd tough!

                    4Tops and nunewf,
                    Congrats on day 2!! So pleased for you both. Wow... 48 hours al-free... I hope I can follow in your footsteps.

                    Some of the people on here have been AL free for months and years...! It really gives us all hope
                    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                      Day 2, My'd tough!

                      They do that in AA because they remember where they were are are frustrated for you. It works for some not for others. The other important thing is that AA is not there to get you sober but it can help KEEP you sober.

                      How about you get some yourself sober and go back with head held high? I know it helped me when I had it. I have stopped going since I slipped because as they say a "head full of AA and a belly full of beer don't mix". Hoping one day I will have the courage to return myself but it just won't work with me right now.

                      Hang in there.


                        Day 2, My'd tough!

                        nunewf;360487 wrote: Thanks everyone, and 4tops..I can tell you that once we get past this initial stage, and we stop worrying about how we will ever be able to actually live without the AL, it gets easier. I know this, but here I am struggling again with the same bizarre thoughts.... what absolute control the AL continues to have, in spite of my years of recovery!
                        :welcome: :new: too

                        Reading posts here really helped me develop a new mind set about AL. Part of whipping AL is mental & part is physical. You can do it.


                          Day 2, My'd tough!

                          Hi Nunewf,

                          I agree with Flloridaboy. Addiction is both physical and mental, and the fact that MWO approaches it from both angles with it's total arsenal is a particular strength of the program. As for judgement by others, I just don't think there's room for it in anybody's life. There may be a legitimate reason for this tact by AA, but I believe it is couterproductive. A few souls may be shamed into doing the "right" thing, but most of us are adults and do not appreciate being treated like children. We need real tools and the support of real people - people who sometimes fail but have the strength to get back up and keep trying. Congratulations for getting back on the horse -- keep at it!


