From the first day I felt a little bit of lifting of the *urge*. You know - that taste that I just wanted to quench with just a little drink. When I went up to 50mg 2 days later the urge just went.....away. At 100mg I don't have any desire at all.
I've gone from drinking half (or more) of a 3 liter bottle of Merlot every day for 7 years to one glass. One. And last night I actually considered not drinking it at all and after I did I wished I hadn't because I actually got skunked on that one glass. I'm going to have to get a smaller glass or give it up! I can't believe how GOOD I feel! I don't mean to toot my own horn but I can't believe how good I feel! And how unfreakingbelieavable EASY it's been with the Topamax.
I've tried to quit before. I've tried to cut back. I just always had that TASTE that wouldn't go away.
I feel like I've lost 10 pounds since I've started. I really wanted to do this because I' was so very very tired of sneaking around and hiding and lying and gaining weight and looking like I was 8 months pregnant. I actually have lost most of my belly. Not all but I can see hope there

Thank God for this website. Thank God for all you kind people. There IS hope.