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Prozac and wine

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    Prozac and wine

    Is anyone taking Prozac currently, and still drinking alcohol?
    If so, can anyone share their experiences.. I've recently changed my anti-depressant from Dothiepin to Prozac and am wondering about the effects. I noticed Im shaking more on a morning, which lasts up until about 1pm.
    Im also waking up dripping in cold sweats.

    My Doctor has recommended that I go and see the AA, but Im uncomfortable in the company of people, so I dont think I'd be able do that.
    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

    Prozac and wine

    Try for more info. Most anti-depressants are a bad mix with alcohol.
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Prozac and wine

      Also no point in taking anti-d's of you are drinking significant amounts, may as well tip the lot down the sink.


        Prozac and wine

        Lookingtogrow - ok, thanks. Will check out that site.

        UKBlonde.. I know that I shouldnt, and I know that it's counter-acting the effects of anti-d, but it's just so HARD to get through a day with AL.
        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


          Prozac and wine

          Hi there,

          I was on prozac a couple of years ago and I found that due to the prozac I a) craved alcohol more (needed the sugar) so I drank a lot more; b) I would never feel the "buzz" I just went from stone cold sober to completely hammered - no in between and c) I blacked out after even just one glass of wine.

          It was horrible - I have since looked it up on websites and there is documented evidence that prozac makes some people crave alcohol - and it also shows all the symptoms that I had above.

          Not a good combo - highly DON'T reccomend drinking on prozac..............

          Hope that helps.....

          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            Prozac and wine

            Prozac made me crave alcohol as did all of the SSRI's that I tried. Now I take SAMe, & I'm thrilled with it.
            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
            - George Jackson


              Prozac and wine

              Yes, it's hard to get through without it, at first. Then it gets much easier. We are here to support you and you will feel much less depressed if you can quit.


                Prozac and wine

                From everything I have read, and I have been on Anti-Ds before, they do NOT mix with AL at all. It has a counter effect. AL is a depressant. Taken with an Anti-D, you are defeating the purpose and the prozac can't do it's job.
                Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.

