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ending day 2, hardest part of day

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    ending day 2, hardest part of day

    4:14 here in Atlanta, GA. W(B)itching Hour coming close. I can feel that urge to pop a cork (ohmygosh! Isn't that a great sound/feeling). So, I've poured some water, over ice, with a shot of splenda and fresh lime. Boo on that lack of fun, BUT, it does seem to help, just to have something in hand to sip. Any other ideas? Remind me of the GOAL!

    ending day 2, hardest part of day

    How are you doing otherwise? Feeling good not to be hung over?
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      ending day 2, hardest part of day

      4tops good afternoon, When I first started this on of the things I did at my therapists request is make a list of 10 things I could do besides have a drink. Not that I always did one of them but it should pass the time to think about and make a list. One minute at a time, one hour at a time one day at a time and before you know it a week or more. Best to you.


        ending day 2, hardest part of day

        As always, thank you. Now, LTG, I've not been drinking enough (due to tolerance being raised) to usually feel really hungover, but I am a bit surprised at just being more clear headed, and not quite as down feeling today. A bit more energy, and got in a good workout. I'm just wondering when the "itch" will begin to subside...impatient, I know.


          ending day 2, hardest part of day

          And tomorrow will bring more clearity and energy! You already had the courage to make it through day one. Don't waste that day - you earned it! Do you have any hobbies?
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            ending day 2, hardest part of day

            good job keep it up and stay strong. and busy.good luck
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              ending day 2, hardest part of day

              I'm also on Day Two. Thought it would be easier than Day One but...sadly it's about the same. Except that I'm at home today and find myself watching the clock. About 4pm would be my time to pour a little (OK huge) cocktail and "start" cooking dinner. It would take me about three hours to cook dinner because once dinner was over, I was done with the cocktails so I drug it out as long as possible. What a sicko. I think I'll take my doggie for a walk...maybe that will help. And the beverage thing - I think anything tangy or tart and maybe a little fizz is good. GOOD LUCK to you 4tops!



                ending day 2, hardest part of day

                OK, it's 6:31...the baby has been SCREAMING, the 7 year old BEGGING to go on the computer, help cook dinner, the older 2 are griping about practicing guitar, dinner time just drives me nuts. Hubby just called, all, hey do we have some tea? Some interesting kind of teas? Tea is good. And I was all, yeah, tea is freaking great. But it's HOT and it's 98 degrees out, and it's NOT ALCOHOL, so shut up, and just get home. This is the time of day I feel I'm going to snap.


                  ending day 2, hardest part of day

                  :l to you. I understand a lot of what you are going through.

                  My 3 year old has the power to really try to push me over the edge. There are many days where I just want to have a couple, trust me. BUT it isn't worth it in the end.

                  You are damned if you do, and you are damned if you don't; I am afraid.

                  The repercussions of our health and life drinking are far worse tho.

                  It really does get better in time. Before long you will be feeling better, more rested, less anxious, and will start to see an overall better appearance of yourself on the outside. This will keep you motivated staying sober.

                  Hang in there. Can you slip out for a walk when your husband gets home? It really sounds like you need some peace and some breathing space. Clear the head so to speak.


                    ending day 2, hardest part of day

                    To AFM

                    I did it. It's 8:36 here, and the kids are nearly down. Hub walked in, I walked out, upstairs and to the bath with my fresca (gah). Stayed there at least 40 min while he finished up kids' dinner, got baby down, cleaned kitchen and directed older kids. Whew. Hard part's officially over. I'm now eating, with an iced OJ. Looking to tackle tomorrow. Thanks so much again for the support.


                      ending day 2, hardest part of day

                      Hi 4Tops,

                      The witching hour was always a difficult time for me when my girls were young. I so craved a calmer time, but life always seemed to come to a head just at that time. I think I felt justified in my drinking - who wouldn't? Unfortunately, it set me up to always feel entitled to more than a few at that time of day, and the trend (or disaster) snowballed from there. Best to acknowledge that this, too, shall pass, and it's probably best not to compound the anxiety by being in the bag. When you can, and I know this may be hard to pull off, the "witching" hour is a great time to visit this site. I like doing it with the headphones on and listening to the subliminal cd. Know that's probably a luxury at this stage, but perhaps you could make arrangements to indulge yourself once or twice a week. We're plugging for you. Keep at it.!


