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It's Lonely Being a Wino

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    It's Lonely Being a Wino

    Way to go WTE, Larisa and the rest of you! This place has been a Godsend to me. I am really so happy for you guys. I am on day #2 again but feel really good about everything. The more I read all the posts, the better and more empowered and strong I feel. I thank each and every one of you for sharing your struggles. It is so nice to be able to "talk" with people who are fighting the same battles and have done the same ridiculous things all for AL as I.

    Good luck and postive thoughts being sent to all of you!

    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


      It's Lonely Being a Wino

      Way to go WTE! Keep it up! and I agree about this site. I am drawn to it and feel strength from everyone here.


        It's Lonely Being a Wino

        There is a saying in AA that says something to the effect that one reason we turn to AL is that we feel "unwanted, unloved, and alone". I have a husband, family and friends and yet I feel terribly alone with my fear, guilt and anxiety over my drinking. I hide the truth from myself and from them. From the moment I found MWO just last weekend I knew I was alone no more. I see myself in all of your stories, failures and successes. I can tell the truth here. WTE, I felt your pain this morning and gave you a huge hug in my heart. You are home dear, you're not alone any more. You will make it through to the light at the end of this dark tunnel. We all will with the help of each other. Be good to yourself tonight.
        "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
        Nelson Mandela


          It's Lonely Being a Wino

          Hi WTE,

          Wow! You really struck a nerve here -- 3 pages of postings on a thread less than 24 hours old! But, oh, so true - the heavy drinking puts us in a jail cell all our own doing. Are we nuts or what?!? As to your prior relationship - I honestly don't believe in coincidences, and his being out of your life will likely be one of those instances that you look back on and say THANK GOD! As to your (our, as in collective) mass drinking. We all seem "blessed" with a mind that doesn't have much better to do than to obsess about the next drink and how it will mentally help us run from the latest pain - or celebrate the latest joy - or soothe the latest anxiety - you get the picture.

          I found this site, ordered the book and cd's (was already on meds from my Dr. - wasn't enough) and for the first time in YEARS feel that control is a possibility if I work on it. I love visiting this site. I relax with the subliminal tape in, and read everyone's stories. I've never known a more supportive group. And we all thought we were the only one with the problem . . . go figure. Congrats on your upbeat tone - you inspire us all. Keep active on this site - want to hear all your news.



            It's Lonely Being a Wino

            WTE - p.s.

            My 20-year old daughter takes great pleasure in chiding me about being on line so much these days. I've told her it's my support group, and she said to say hello to all my ex-drinking buds!



              It's Lonely Being a Wino

              Thank you again everyone. Having one of those weepy afternoons, but then again it is my witching hour. Soon for a shower and get dressed for my buddy to arrive and kick me in the butt! LOL It will be greatto have some laughter in the house this evening.

              I KNOW as long as I hang here during the tough moments, it helps so much. I even had some great laughs with the thread "You Know Your an Alcoholic When" ... OMG the things we have done!

              Margoms, where in So Cal? I'm in North County San Diego.

              Love you all!!!


                It's Lonely Being a Wino

                I'm in Orange County (Laguna Beach). I'm so glad you'll be with a friend tonight. Have fun!
                "As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
                Nelson Mandela


                  It's Lonely Being a Wino

                  one2many LOL ! Hell, I could opne my own grocery store!

                  Congrats on bedtime and being AF! YOU GO GIRL!!!


                    It's Lonely Being a Wino

                    WaitingToExhale;360861 wrote:

                    -I stopped showing up at social functions I was supposed to be at.
                    - I stopped answering my phone often in the evenings because I was already buzzed.
                    Ah, if only I had been that smart! I showed up at the functions anyway, answered the phone, MADE phone calls to anyone who would talk to me, started playing an on-line game at night - drunk of course - so I embarrassed myself in front of "virtual friends" as well.

                    This is my major problem - and then the anger at myself and embarrassment I felt the next morning made me drink more to quiet the voice in my head that kept yelling at me for being an idiot. I think if I had avoided the social situations over the years I would never have become as much of a drinker as I am.

